sprockets Super Mega Fox and Draggula Grey Rabbit with floppy ears Newton Dynamics test with PRJ Animation by Bobby! The New Year is Here! TV Commercial by Matt Campbell Greeting of Christmas Past by Gerry Mooney and Holmes Bryant!
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I think it's time for at least a one-off contest and when there's another one later... it won't be a one-off anymore!
  2. Rodney, how about if I just go ahead declare a contest, provide some prizes and set the rules. Then we'll have a contest. Would that be do?
  3. Do it, since you already have a sample PRJ ready to go.
  4. I tried it. If you set the "Spot" light to have Q ray-traced shadows, both spheres will show appropriate shadows. It may be a bug that the patch-image version doesn't work with z-buffer lights?
  5. I gave this a quick test and, indeed, A:M behaves inconsistently when there is a key color used.
  6. How about "insect" ? Realistic, cartoony, stylized... anything as long as it's an insect.
  7. Wow! That hair got better!
  8. Fine work, Matt! We're proud of you!
  9. Hey, Matt, what ever happened in the fight over who would get that character?
  10. I also get a bit of visible edge when I use that decal, but only at certain zoom distances and only in Progressive Render. I haven't gotten it to happen with a Regular Render yet.
  11. can you post the image you are using?
  12. Q for standard, Shift-Q for Render lock I find that when there is some significant render item (like hair) it can take a while for the first pass to start and the UI will appear frozen while does its thinking and frequently during the remaining render until it reaches 100%. You can Escape out of a long render, but it may take a while for that keystroke to get processed also. When I know a complex render is likely I will test as small a portion of the screen as I can, with right-drag.
  13. Maker it do that again, Rodney, and send it in as a bug report!
  14. Now with both short and tall Rabbit...
  15. Update: It occurs to me that I left Rabbit at his default size, 1 meter tall, which might be appropriate for one of the sand people. However, if we scale him up to Chewbacca size, 2 meters, the divergence of the two shadows becomes more prominent.
  16. Gerry Mooney asked: If Tatooine has two suns, why doesn't everything have two shadows? To test this I set up a chor with two lights, each about 0.5° in width (similar to our own Sun) as seen from the center of the Chor, and about 1.5° apart (as suggested by images in Star Wars. PRJ: TatooineTest02.prj (Move the suns by rotating the nulls at the center of the Chor.) When the suns are low in the sky, 20° above the horizon and can cast long shadows, the two shadows are very close together but visibly distinct: When the two suns are high in the sky, just after local noon, the shadow difference is barely visible:
  17. Not nearly as dizzying as I expected.
  18. I would say that the reflection in that shot is "wrong". It's brighter than what it is reflecting.
  19. Looks great, but is there something there we can't do in A:M?
  20. It is interesting that you CAN keyframe values for X and Y for a decal, although it has no effect. It's not something that has ever been a known feature of A:M so I'm not calling it a bug yet. Svetlik... if you could describe your particular case more we could possibly ascertain a best solution.
  21. I have an example PRJ that moves a projection map across the surface of an object. Look in post # 8
  22. Press page up a few times to increase the real-time subdivision level.
  23. A brief interview where Brad Bird reveals he is writing and will direct Incredibles 2 as his next project https://youtu.be/uU4LMmBQp6U
  24. Hold on to your Hair Map! Episode 7 is now live. Check the link in the top post.
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