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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Dhar

  1. I don't think you need to worry about that smudge, it won't show up in final render. I say this because Barry's model "Will" has the same issues in quick render, but it is OK in final.
  2. Thanks Dave, I had to make sure that the "FACE Interface - Master" bone constraints were at 100% Thank you Mark; those head CPs weren't assigned, and assigned the thigh CPs to the wrong bones, it is all good now. A couple of problems I can't seem to wrap my head around ; 1- Only the right knee, it does not rotate the leg, it only rolls the thigh, but the left knee works as expected. 2- As the head tilts back the eye lids get thicker and begins to close. Any quick pointers before I have to reset everything again from the beginning?
  3. Great looking model. Nice work.
  4. David; the Face cam didn't move with the head either - yet another step missed. Phil; thanks man. I have watched Barry's rigging, which I think I should have done that first before embarking on this daunting task. But Barry's doesn't have the squetch capabilities that this one has. The squetch rig is what is needed if one is trying to animate with professional looking results. We haven't utilized it enough in TWO, but most of us who are animating TWO are beginners. Squash and stretch is the last thing that comes to our minds when animating. If I had a project that didn't require a squetch rig, I would've definitely rigged it Barry's way. It all depends on what you need. I am doing this to explore A:M as well as to have a character that I can practice with
  5. I guess I may have missed a couple of steps - ya think?
  6. That helps. I'm done with all the compemsates YAY! Any advice before CP weighting?
  7. Is there a model in the modeling window??? Try opening any ole model and then try it.
  8. OK, Arm constraints question: 4.15 If the elbows were modeled and rigged bent, set the negative side of the euler limits on the "right_forearm" and "left_forearm" in the Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/arm_constraints pose to the degree of bend so that the arm will be able to straighten without jumping away from the controller. In v11.1 and v12, model your character without bent arms and legs...there is a problem with euler constraints in those versions that was corrected in v13. I do not see a negative value, therefore, should I be concerned with it?
  9. Thank you for the behind-the-scene peek. To me, that is the most critical part of the aimation. If the recording isn't good, it will be noticed in the end product. Those voices sound great, especialy Mr. Ralph (Wolf), he has a great voice.
  10. No thinking required - only buy. The reason I bought 3DPainter is to avoid the flattening process. I could paint directly on the 3D model. But if you must flatten, I believe you have to do it in A:M then open the flattened model via the 3DPainter plug-in.
  11. Yeah. I'd go apply for ILM if I were you Nice design.
  12. That is really awesome. So simple yet so effective. Thanks again John. We owe you big time.
  13. Add the rotoscope to the camera.
  14. OK, I'm done with step 3. Next will be 4. Reset arm compensates. Stay tuned
  15. Yes, I'm a pest, I admit it. Ignorant people usually are, and I am ignorant about rigging. But hey! I'm learning, and I hope whoever else is following this is learning as well. The only wrong names (not wrong actually, incomplete maybe) were in step 3.08 where the word "bow" has been added in the rig - I sure hope to God that I was in the correct folder - scary.
  16. This has been a tremendous help, and what an experience! Wow Now, the next thing; when you say "set all", I see 4 actually 6 Enforcements altogether, and I'm supposed to reset them all, or does that exclude "Auto_hips_IK_LEGS_ONLY" ???
  17. 3.11 In the Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/Auto_hips (IK_LEGS_ONLY) pose, set all constraints to 0% enforcement, then reset compensates. When I open it it is already at 0% Am I supposed to set it to 0 anyway, hit compensate, and then 0 again? 0X0=0, right? So what am I supposed to do in this case? Just leave it alone?
  18. Thanks David - I think I'm loosing it. Now what am I supposed to do again? "Translate To" and "Orient Like" are both at 0% Enforcement.
  19. I hope you had a good sleep, Rusty. I do not see "a. right_foot_control_IK"
  20. I see what you're getting at. Yeah, the mirror seems to work only on some child bones. Well, since it is a cycle, all you need is a couple of poses which you can do manually. The cycle action will take care of the rest. Sorry I couldn't solve your problem.
  21. Beautiful work. Although, this must be a nightmare to rig for animation
  22. One stem, and one wheel? So, what is there to mirror?
  23. Alright - time to get away from this - I can't see things that are right in front of me anymore
  24. Rusty, would you please show me where I can find "a. right_foot_control_IK ("translate to right_foot_FK_control" and "orient like right_foot_FK_control") " ???? Here is a screen cap Never MIND .... AAAAARRRRRGHGHGHGHGH
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