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Everything posted by trajcedrv

  1. Great news!!! I'll wait for the bone movement part 'till bone movement plugin is done... Maybe somone would come out with other applications for that plugin?!? Thanks Noel! drvarceto
  2. COOL! Very realistic and well done!
  3. Paul, I am sure that all of this bone - moving could be achieved with some sort of script that would copy - paste things around in the .mdl file. Unfortunately, this is way beyond my programming abilities... Now, Squetchy rig being 'official' TWO Rig... I am sure that there are some programming wizard around with few hours of their time that could be used for good purpose... nudge, nudge, wink, wink... drvarceto p.s. although it is confusing and tedious experience, it seems that it is not that easy to make mistake in moving the bones around...
  4. Live and learn, they say! Way too cool Xtaz! Thanks for sharing, I want more! This is one of the uses of A:M that I would never think of... drvarceto
  5. Yeah, I understand! I even use it! It just feels strange to see roll handle and not be able to use it... (I guess you could say that I am looking for a hair in an egg) Thanks Drvarceto
  6. David, you are going to spoil us... you will make animation so easy for everyone... even I might get to finish something! I am installing (again) your squetch rig into one of my characters right now... can't wait to see it finished... I've played a bit with Squetchy Thom: Why there are forearm FK controllers roll handles if they can't be used? forearms can be rotated using bicep's FK roll handles... it is a bit confusing... drvarceto
  7. I second wwoelbel! Mark, as for me, I can't say how thankful I am for the amazing work that you are putting into this... If I could chanel half of that energy into some of my personal projects I would have been veeeery happy! Thanks man! drvarceto
  8. john3d: veeeeeeeery cooooool!!!! Whatewer that may be! drvarceto
  9. WOW!!! just five months later and subway station grows around the character all by itself!!! ;oP... I'll have to check out my projects that I've been neglecting even longer... maybe something has grown there too... (a lot of weed, I'm sure) Cool developements, keep the good work and keep us posted drvarceto
  10. Controls taste like fruit!!! No, they are just the right size! Cool developements! Can't wait for the new installable rig! drvarceto
  11. Mark, can a person get his hands on this revised rig of yours? for those characters that don't need squetching... drvarceto
  12. Looks great Denis! Drvarceto
  13. Maybe It's too late, but I for example prefer control bones that stick out from the geometry for animating, I also like my nulls big so that I can find them (so please, do not reduce the bones if that is not absolutely necessary) Of course, 'tis is a question of the oppinion... drvarceto p.s. I haven't been around the forum for a few days and I like changes that happened to Thom (This rig is getting better and better) David, I can't thank you enough for all the effort that you are investing in this, you have one very devoted fan!
  14. GREAT IMAGE!!! That's it... I said it all dvarceto
  15. SHOW GEOMETRY BONES POSE?!? Arrrrrrgh!!!! ARrrrrrRRRRR!!! GRAURRRGG!!!! That was the sound of me eating my right arm!!! I've erased all of the relationships to avoid problems that I encontered previously, so there was no way for me to see those... Anyway, it's finished now, so... You thougt of everything, thank you man! drvarceto
  16. I am located in Europe, so I beg!!! I don't speak german ... yet ;oD Amazing work, as always! Congratulations!
  17. I did it! I now have my avatar (Mikke) rigged and ready! I tried to erase all of the relationships and copy them from squetchy model but I encontered some new problems (I obviosly made some wrong transfers of the INSTALL bones and character turned out very weird, so I did it again from the start, and this time it was much faster) I did encountered some problems however: Distal parts of 3-rd and 4-th finger are twisted and I lost all smartskin that was in place, but I managed to save and transfer facial rig from the old model. I'll try to solve this problem by rolling the bones... Also, I found it major pain to find all geometry bones as they seem to lurk around in the very unexpected places, but after using Thom model as a reference, I kinda find my way around... I have to say that without some sort of 'squetchy setup machine' this setup can hardly be replacement for the old (nonsquetchy) rig (for classical characters I still prefer Mike Skodacek's rig) as any beginner will find it very complex (and scarry) in the beginning... David, you have really made very cool, elegant and so advanced rig that I really cannot even think how did you managed too keep all little details in one head at one time ;oP Thing that puzzles me the most is absence of anything that actually resembles real skeletal hierarchy structure, but it works!!! (an' it works great!) Again, great work, thank you very much, you've made one really cool toy for all of A:M community (I hope that this toy will eventually became tool to make our collective (animation) dreams real) Drvarceto
  18. martin, there is deffinitely a reason for you to be Grand Poo-Baa!!! I often wondered last few weeks how a amazing thing like squetch rig could pass allmost unnoticed in the forums... well I was wrong, and I am veeeerrrry happy about it! Great news! Great Choice! Great Grand Poo-Baa!!! AMAZING David Simmons! Did I mentioned that I am happy? Congratulations to all involved! drvarceto well... khm... khm... maybe now somebody will write the script for moving bones around ;oD
  19. Relationship trouble: it keeps telling me that there is some circular... something... when I try to animate it (I cannot check exact message at the moment) I'll try to import only bones and geometry and then move relationships in the PWS... I think that it would solve the problem... Hm... I could erase all relationships and try to move them from the original models to this mutant model... maybe it will solve the problem... I'll try this evening... Thanks again Drvarceto
  20. Cool characters!!! There was just lovely wing - rig somewhere in the rigging forum... As for the bird character... instead of modeling individual feathers, I think that you culd use cookie - cut map... Drvarceto
  21. bobcroucher... thank you man! you live and learn every day... this is (The compensated force keyframe) something I've never heard of... David (itsjustme)... I've started installing your rig into one of my models, but I wanted to keep existing face bone hierarchy, so (somehow) it corruped existing relationships and I am going to do it again (live and learn again)... It took me about an hour to put all the bones in the right places, and abot half an hour to re-assign CP's, so your estimate have been too optimistic, but I guess I'll get faster with training... One more thing: your idea of moving bones around after putting them in the right places seemed complicated but is one of those great ideas that come only to great minds: ingenious!!! hm... this just occured to me: it seems that moving of those bones in the bone structure could be easily achieved with some simple script in one of the higher programmnig languages (hey! programming wizards! hear this!) Drvarceto
  22. LOL patrick, you mentioned it earlier in one of your posts ;oD I never miss that sort of detail... I do hovewer often miss main point of the message, but never things like this...
  23. AMAZING WORK!!! ... ... ... what can I say, except that I would really like to get there (to the reading place, that is) drvarceto p.s. it seems that those last few weeks are turning into "era of photorealism"
  24. patrick, thank you for sharing, this is goin' to be one cool movie! nancy, perhaps you should try mozilla firefox od opera 8... They are both free and much safer than slim browser (which is as far as I know only layer of cosmetics over good ol' IE) patrick, keep us informed, good work so far drvarceto p.s. did you notice the small d in Drvarceto ;oD
  25. Dan, you are making new level for the photorealistic rendering, and setting the standard too high for us simple mortals... shame on you... I thought that my renders looked good... sniff... sniff... ( Drvarceto
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