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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Iham Wrong

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Iham Wrong

  1. That's pretty amazing for a one man project. I too admit that the flow was maintained near perfectly and the viewers attention kept on the Jeep Treo. Very well done with some nicely added effects. Congratulations on the successful production.
  2. This took a few minutes, but might give you another approach to modeling and rigging this thing. The way I look at feet is as if the were a hand. I suppose a birds foot is like a hand also. Here's project file that is rigged with TSM to work like a hand. It uses FK-IK controls that would allow it to be used like a leg-foot system as well. Check the action out. It has the claw animated to show how the controls work. bird_foot.zip
  3. You can use the <PrtScn> button on the PC's to take a snapshot of the screen. Once you do that go into your paint program and paste it as a new image. Crop and save as a JPG file. There are multiple ways to select groups. There are toolbar selectors and keyboard commands for just about everything. You can even assign your own custom keyboard commands for these functions. If this is still too confussing then you may want to watch some of the downloadable tutor videos available fromt he Hash site. There is a lot of good info there. http://www.hash.com/VM
  4. The overall look of the model is great, but it does show that there is more geometry being used than is needed to define the shape. Naming the isolation groups while build the model is the way to go here, but there are always things overlooked. So, here's a trick you can use. Main model task: Switch to bones mode. Position a bone in approximately the correct location for the jaw bone. Click the bone, click the lasso group tool and assign the lower jaw and lip control points as best you can. Action: Start a new action window editing the hippo model. Change over to muscle mode and select any errant CP's that are not correctly assigned by using <shift>click to create a group. Freeze (lock out) the remaining CP's. Go back to the main model window and select the jawbone and drag select to update the assignment. Go back to model edit mode. Back in the action window, unfreeze everything. Select the areas you wish to edit and freeze it back. Bones are non destructive and can be used to move, stretch or rotate any part of the model you need to isolate. Very handy for mouth, eye and nose areas where the density can get extremely high. Good luck.
  5. Wow! An animated army duplicator made out of hair. Just think what it would be with 10 movie hair systems. Gosh! This opens up a lot of possibilities. You could make hundreds or thousands of marathon runners, cars, huge crowds and surely a field of spring flowers gently swaying in the breeze. What will you thing of next!
  6. Looking good. Nice womanly proportions too. When you get your upgrade you will have to render out a higher rez version with toonrender to see how all of the elements work on your heroine
  7. Ever see some of those bizarre carnivorous plants discovered in the isolated mountain areas of South America? These are a type of stinky human/reptillian/ pitcher plant with eyes. Ramblings: The basis is a holocaust scenario where man unravels and alters the genetic code to his demise. Soon the food supply dwindled away and the last remaining survivors would eventually fall victim to overwhelming hords of intelligent insects. In the struggle to combat the infestation of mutant insects. Scientist develope a new genetically crossed plant species using human and reptillian DNA. The great thinkers of the day thought they had created a successful defense, because the hybrid plants proved to be very effective at countering any mutations/adaptions that occurred in the insect domain. As the sentiant plant life continued to multiply, drastic changes were soon to follow. The ingestation of these toxic mutant insects triggered overlooked or unknown genetic codes that would forever change the world dynamics. Compounded by the consumption of altered genetic material lead to marked changes the plant DNA itself and the new spesies gains mobility. Desperate humans invite these freindly creatures into their lives, sharing all of the collective knowledge, wisdom and technlogies they posessed. The results were remarkable as the humans dicovered the vast capacities of these creatures. Centuries pass and the human element fades away, leaving all of it's secrets behind. Granting the plants inheiretors of a doomed world. They too are in a delima. With the insect population almost non-existent, the intellectual plants are forced to develop methods to expand nutrient resources. This is where Gully discovers his important role in the root networked plant life society. Bla, bla, bla. I doubt anything will come from this, but it's a nice launching point for many mishaps and adventures. <grins>
  8. It's working now. First off I'll confirm that the model so far looks wonderful, but you already knew that. <grins> Have you put it through any animation test. The system may have changed since v11 alpha, but the last time I tried hair locks they wouldn't animate correctly. The locks do made nice eyelashes, but also exhibited unwanted behavior when the eyes closed or the head turned.
  9. Vern you crack me up! <ROFL> To add some further detail each character has a name. (left) Wenne, (middle) Gully, (right) Wicky Beware of the plant lice. They have evolved as well and pose a great threat to life in this galaxy.
  10. Since things are so slow due to the various events taking place around the world, maybe a test shot or something might help with the boredom. Ever see intelligent plant life? Too bad the creator lacks this attribute, but non-the-less, see's a future for this expressive flora. Okydoky! From this snapshot can you tell who's who and what roles they play?
  11. Congratulations on completing something so ambitious and seemingly impossible. More amazing is the completeness of the story. Hat's off to the team coordinator, script writers, sound engineers and editors. Now I have a questions. How did the team learn to work remotely from an FTP in such a short time? P.S. The title and role credits are great.
  12. Very nice eye candy, relaxing even. The camera work, rendering, editing and sound track are all top notch.
  13. Looks good, but it appears somewhat lonely. Needs whiskey neat. <grins>
  14. Hmm.. Doesn't look like a WIP to me, but it's nice. From what I see, you appear to be finished and won't get much feedback. Give us a few hints please. I'll start with a few questions. What are some of the things that you are not satisfied with? and How realistically animated do you want the band members to be?
  15. Congratulations on being able to express yourself. <grins>
  16. Looks like it's going to turn out pretty good when it all comes together.
  17. Looks really cool. You nailed the spiderly aspects of repelling on a web. Any desires to try climbing back up? That would be a fairly challenging bit of animation to do. Think like a spider...
  18. Gosh! That is cool looking. If the chrome had something to reflect it would near photoreal. Good job getting the material effect.
  19. Gosh! You better build yourself a refrigerator before all of that milk spoils. <grins> BTW.. nice model.
  20. Hehe! Small understatement, but still very cool. SO, what is the thing with the fish?
  21. Very interesting. Skip walking on all fours and let him hop around on it's hind legs. Add some nice wings to it. Then make the sucker fly around and spit some dynamic fire balls;.. like the ones John3d's made for one of his downloadable projects.
  22. The way the final render looks is that you are viewing the model from the opposite side. Try using the 'T' key to turn the viewing angle in shaded mode. This will help you to visualize the objects positions and orientations. Working in shaded wireframe mode also helps a lot. Help 2: Got to the [TOOLS]>[Customize] and set the object color dark.
  23. Amazing what a great decal can do. I wish I had the patients to make the realistic looking ones like this.
  24. Hehe! Some ants or maybe a few roaches would clean that mess up in a hurry. Could toss in a few knats and a fly. Dern! That would be "Bug's Life".
  25. Excellent well fed looking bug. You're just too good for your own good.
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