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Everything posted by Iham Wrong
Hello and welcome to the forum. On your 2004 CD load the model called HER. She has some very skimpy armor, but she is a very pretty model too. There are more models on the Hash FTP site that you can study.
I don't know, but you have seen these close up. The uniformity on the small details appear convincing to me. With the right environmental lighting such as radiosity offers, you could make it hyper-real. Throw in some office stand-in personnel; (decaled on simple geometry); and it would fool the best eyes out there.
Hehe! Dat purdy dern good. I suppose eyes are not optional for the poor old hand. That run cycle give me a nice chuckle too.
Here's the link to the models. I'm not sure if a direct link will work to the FTP. The mirror site has problems, but the main FTP has the data. ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/Data/HASH2001/Data...anche%20Models/
What kind of fun can you have with an old tire. A really big old tractor tire perhaps. Add a big hill, a busy intersection or freeway and you have the makings of a disaster destined to occur. P.S. There are lots of Avalanche vehical models in the A:M 2001 data library you can download if you dont have the CD. Just an idea.
A rocket powered pogo stick with a hyperdrive button.
Like Randy said. If you want to use the repeat action feature you will need to go back into the action and turn the stride length off. When you come back to the chor you can set or drag the action to repeat however you like. When you do this the feet will slide and the character will appear to be walking or running on ice. Are you working on an ice skating theme?
Add a path constraint from your character to the path. The ease is under the constraints properties.
I forget that we are all not in the USA. Sorry John. Maaco is a quickey body repair shop that advertises nationwide. Having a monkeywench thrown into the works causes it to bog down or stop; thus the car link.
Gosh, you made a lot of progress since that head shot.
Uh Oh, better get Maaco for that door. :) Overall it's looking pretty good. Perhaps just make the drivers side door open and fake the passenger's door with a bump map. I'll toss you a wrench for your monkey. :o Look at this slick little classy number. [url="http://www.cars.com/go/features/autoshows/vehicle.jsp?vehicletype=concept&autoshowyear=2004&vehicle=concept_chrysler_me_fourtwelve&aff=national"]http://www.cars.com/go/features/autoshows/...ve&aff=national[/url]
Hehe! The little robot got carpet burns on his new ride. Maybe he hit the cats litterbox. I like the contrast of the flat gray to your shiney robot. I'd consider keeping it that way thoughout the production. A:M problems: Did the alpha8 expire? Someone posted a registry fixer to remove the bad keys. You'll have to do a forum search to find it though. If you are comfortable working with the registry, uninstall A:M and do a search for animation master and delete them. Reinstall A:M.
I'm impressed with the scaling and detail on your models. Everything seems perfectly identical to it's real-world examples. Thats's a lot of texturing work ahead of you. Are you going to use procedurals or just decal or efficiency in rendering?
Wow, your modeling is awesom; simple and effective. The feet, though I think the big toenail is a bit long at this point, are near perfect. Are you using a custom rig or a pre-fashioned one like TSM?
Very neat. I get the impression that your robot is on the toy scale. I like that '50s ERECTOR set look on some of your models. As you know from the average age of the list here that that old toy look carries great appeal. There are lots of construction type toys your robot could use as props. What can a smart little robot do with Tinker Toys, Legos and such?
Added a few facial controls. Mostly weighted bones and trying to avoid muscle driven poses that can cause problems in some instances.
Looking good. The theeth seem to suit the style of your character well. I didn't see the little movie because of some codec problem on my end, but the eyebrows in the static shots look good. Did you use a bone with weighted CPs?
Nice style. I like the twisty mouth rig. Rolling the upper teeth adds a lot into the expression.
He's turning out very good. You have made some really great progress for the short time you've been using A:M. Your texturing on his clothing looks top knotch. Can't wait till you get the head and hands textured and add some facial controls.
Here's a little quicky first pass model of a blueberry. I'm not exactly sure how to add arms and legs to something that is basically oblong.
It was just a brain fart. The eyes that you crafted created the story. Without them the little fable wouldn't have manifested itself in my screwed up mind. So, use the little scrip as you will - since you inspired it. The story is designed with simple characters with simplistic but interesting roles. This approach reduces the number of character iterations or in this case character models. There is still a need to find some unexpected gags and stunts for the characters. Storyboarding: I can do the storyboards, but it would be more inetersting to see how you interpreted the characters by doing the main character modelsheets. I already have an idea of what all the characters and the settings look like. Pre-production: Overall it would take quiet a bit of effort to build the sets, props and textures for such a story. Not to put you off any, but the effort may be more than you want to invest your time in.
Very cool looking wheel job. Turn the headlights on and the emergency flashers please. That thing looks dangerous.