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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Eric2575

  1. Have you looked at the male and female models that come with AM? Open your library, they are under models, actors, realistic. Dex and Jane would do nicely.
  2. What talent we've got here. These are great Geez, three side projects, one mascot project, and the Santa project. Oh, I almost forgot, then there's my "real" job. No wonder I'm not getting any sleep
  3. Isn't the contest over? Why be as unsavory as the competition by stacking the vote? Stand back, take a deep breath and let it all go.....There, there, don't we feel better now???
  4. Sorry, can't help you with the first one, never heard of using a hot key for a plugin. Your second question - that feature has been discontinued - don't know the reason.
  5. Eric2575


    Ok, that will be $275 payable to me. Just email me your credit card number and I'll fill in the blanks. . . . . . . . Just kidding, any time. Now go and finish that great model you've got going there
  6. Nice model. Can we assume that pimp ass means good? We try not to use too much street slang around here since we have a lot of younger members. Would you post a larger view and maybe a wireframe? How long have you been using AM? How many models have you created? Was this your idea? What did you use for a reference? Keep it up. Eric
  7. Eric2575


    There are two reasons why you sometimes get only one bias handle - 1. You have a discontinuous spline (two splines meet but do not join as one) 2. You have a peaked spline. A quick check would be to select one of these cps and hit "O". If it's a peaked spline, then it will smooth out. If it does nothing, then you have two splines meeting there. To make a discontinuous spline merge into a continuous spline, select one of the cps by clicking on the spline right next to it, hold down "shift" and at the same time hit "k". This action will release one spline from the other. Without moving anything, hit the same spot on the spline as you did before, only this time hold down the left mouse button while at the same time clicking the right mouse button once. This will join the two splines and make them one. Kinda long winded, but it's hard to put into words.
  8. Eric2575


    Here is the unlocked copied to both sides model creaes.mdl
  9. Eric2575


    Maddle: You are very good with spline layout and keeping it simple - do not give up modeling. There were several discontinuous splines and other odds and ends. I only fiddled with the left side of your really nice looking model so you can compare with the unchanged right side. If you want to have both sides the same, just do a copy/flip/attach. I'll check back to see if you have any questions about what I did. Sorry, misspelled the mdl file. As Xtaz mentioned, porcelain will help out, but you should have your model really smooth to get the best results. creaes.mdl
  10. Here's the problem - You did not cover the whole model with the decal as you applied it. Scale the decal up in the front view to cover the whole model, select cylindrical as application method and apply. Then go into the decal image properties and set the repeats as you want. I got these results using 20 and 2.
  11. Not a problem on my computer in V.13t. Did you try to save, close AM, open again and see? Not quite clear if you are trying to cover the whole object with the pattern or just trying to put a belt around like in my pic? Also make sure your decal is working right by applying it to other stuff. I could not test it since you did not post it.
  12. Eric2575


    I would venture to guess that you have the bias manipulator button turned on during modeling? You might not want to do that at first since you can inadvertently tweak biases while modeling without really being aware of it. This can happen when you are in wireframe/shaded mode, you select a cp, nudge it, but see nothing happening. So you go on and don't worry about it. What could have happened is that you actually grabbed a bias handle, maybe on the other side of the mesh, and tweaked the heck out of it with that little nudge. You don't see the damage until you turn the model or inspect it as you are doing now. Just a thought.
  13. I third that Wow! Beautiful!
  14. I cleared some cobwebs, grabbed the trusty torch on the wall and went deep into the darkest recesses of my vault of resources called the internet. Once I was at the bottom of that dark and gloomy pit, I found these beauties in my quest to find a likeness of the EVA. It would take some work to get the exact website since I looked at so many of them and just grabbed what I thought might be interesting. If I stumble on it again, you will be the first to know Oh, you are most certainly welcome, I'll see if I can dig up any more resources for your fine creation.
  15. Thought I'd pass these along. The pic of the front is one of the studio models.
  16. Beautiful work in more ways than one
  17. I was going to do a basic tutorial on beveling stuff. Do you want me to take your main ship hull and use it as my guinea pig for the tutorial?
  18. That's what we're here for, to help each other out. Glad you could make sense of my tut. I saw some pics of the actual Discovery studio model, and your model looks 10x better than what was originally used - no kidding. Round out the bay doors better? How much rounder can they get, they look spot on - well, you are now officially AMOCD Eric
  19. Thanks for the feedback guys
  20. Here is the link to my latest tutorial: As always, your input to make better tutorials is always welcome. Thanks Eric Camden 3DDink Tutorials
  21. Question to ponder: When doing an AO render, the look is really cool, but can a model be rendered using AO and not come out gray? Specifically, I want the Falcon and something else I am concurrently working on to look bright white, like the pic below.
  22. Al: You've really captured a sense of scale with that last shot you posted. That's hard to do considering the model doesn't even have any decals or textures. Consider it a tribute to your modeling skills I love it! Eric
  23. Hi Gerry: This is the first time I checked in on this thread, and I should have done so earlier - Great Job! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished clip. Keep up the good work. Eric
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