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Everything posted by kwhitaker

  1. Thank you all, for the birthday wishes, they're really appreciated.
  2. I really enjoyed your character style Looking foward to seeing ( Fred )
  3. Wonderful card design , I love the reindeer, and snow covered pine, the falling snow adds the right Christmas touch Merry Christmas
  4. She's cute, with a lot of personality. can't wait to see her in action.
  5. "I really like what you've done in this sequence and the dragon's voice is odd but compelling. It immediately captures me and draws me." The dragon's voice, So Dede created my web site leaffairies.com, and managed it. She also agreed to record the voice of Dracolleen the Draco. Her voice was perfect, but the recording quality was terrible. Along the way, we lost contact, with no way to re record the voice. So with the help of a Diamond Cut Productions, a voice restorer program, it was able to remove most of the static. which left a hollow sound to the voice, that to me, sounds different from a human voice. " A suggestion, if I may. I'd love to see a layer of (mostly transparent) cloud-like matter (noise/atmospherics?) overlaid on top of this sequence as that would really sell the effect of these characters moving through actual space/flying through the air. It would break the image out of a sense of being projected onto a 2D plane which you have nearly accomplished already. I don't think it would take much to achieve this as you could probably just overlay a scaled up version of the clouds you have elsewhere in the scene." Sorry about the distress call, but I'm glad it was the banshee and not a child. I had to read your instructions twice. What a good idea, i will see what i can come up with. Thank you Rodney
  6. "Nice modeling on all the characters. Good movement." Thank you Steve
  7. "nice balance" Thanks Spleen
  8. [nice wispy cloud effects! Thanks Nancy, I goota give thanks to Mark Skodacek, for a mist material he created, that works well for the wispy cloud effects .
  9. Happy Holiday's everyone. Well the companions are closing in on finding the witch, granted they're a fraction of their original size. Thanks for hanging in with me. Off_to_find_a_witch.mov
  10. Oh that's really nice Nancy, i love the back ground as well as the dancing.They look like stars, To bad about the entry time, you would have taken the show.
  11. kwhitaker


    nice work, looking good, and ready to rock.
  12. Hi Steve, i love the way your sword fight rocks back and forth. very cool. i was thinking if maybe you lifted the right foot a bit more, as he moves foward. just a though, he looks great and ready for the next move.
  13. kwhitaker


    Great hair and teeth, lots of possibility's
  14. I followed the link " Not found" the page you requested could not be found. If you were looking for a document or images, you might try our Links page or 3D Resources Page." This seems to be a great resource in forensic mapping, analysis & visualization. It would have been great to see that tutorial. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20876.html But after reading AM forum treads, they seem to be image based, or rendered in line, with glow turned on, I'm going to have to play around with that. But for now, I think using adobe premiere element, effects, is the easiest way for me. Thanks mouseman
  15. " (some combination of glow and maybe toon render and some other effect " That might be someting to explore Thanks mouseman
  16. "Concept art - thought I would post some. Some of these are very rough." Very nice concept art, very dear to my heart, mushrooms dragons witches,and such, it will be a fun project!
  17. Hi mouseman, Thanks. It has been a struggle to find a way to have energy coming from the witch, to create the spell. So using video effects, in Adobe elements has helped.
  18. Thanks for watching Vertexspline
  19. "looks like trouble for our hero!" Yes yes their in deep trouble. Now the trick is to make it so.
  20. Thanks for lightung suggestion. robcat
  21. Hi all, Onton the dark elf and William are still captured by the witch. It's still a work in progress, :)No music or sound effects yet. thanks for watching meow_are_you_hungry.mov
  22. A very grim tale, love the narration, very entertaining.
  23. Wow, that was so good, your a pro.
  24. We have to feed our creative souls, and hes a fun charterer Mark.
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