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Everything posted by kwhitaker

  1. I'm wondering if anybody is in support? i guess you can't call them anymore, still waiting to hear from them, going on 3 weeks now, I'm running windows 07 64 color, I have v15 on the cd, i bought the 79.00 upgrade to v16. But the activation key is not working, I'm getting error messages like, server status(-134 no such file or directory (error 2) bad parameter passed to RLMfunction (-123) bad return data from webserver (no status) (-134) no such file or directory appereicate any help
  2. well that got my attention at " Everything changed when i died." what a great line . what possibilitiess. i like his voice. I'm a big kindlel reader,paranormall, fantasy, the whole ball of wax. i like what i saw!
  3. Welcome aboard.
  4. Now that was excellent !
  5. Draws one right in. Love i blinking stars,
  6. "Oh Oh! that cat is trouble!" You guys are cool thanks... This past fall my husband and i adopted MoonShadow, a feral cat from the Maine woods, our back yard. He is now some what tame, he's fun, loving, & inspiration. i used a few of his moves in the clips that i'll post later. moe___MoonShadow_QT.mov
  7. Hi This picks up after the witch has turned William into a mouse. He's falling from his cage, and Grim, the witch's familiar is hot on his trail. just a short update, no sound. Thanks for hanging with me falling_mouse_3.mov
  8. kwhitaker


    That looks so great!
  9. Hi John, I used the search feature, i had forgotten about that, thanks, i went back to ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/v15/ but this time ii made sure all other programs wre not running. and it worked, so i now have v15.oj+ back again. I'm'm not sure on v16 Thanks again John
  10. Hello, I'm running windows 07 64 color, I have v15 on the cd, this weekend i upgraded to v16. and the activation key is not working, I'm getting error messages like, server status(-134 no such file or directory (error 2) bad parameter passed to RLMfunction (-123) bad return data from webserver (no status) (-134) no such file or directory (error:2) I have sent a email to support, but while i'm waiting, i know they have thier hands ful. So in the mean time i lost the v15.oj+ upgrade. i went to FTP directory /pub/updates//windows/ at ftp.hash.com ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/v15/ i located the v5cd- but as i'm running installation, i get errors with dll files, and all the rest of them, they ask if i would like to abort try again or ignore Ah, gee, just want v15.oj+ back, cause it was working great. is there a updated link that will work for windows v15 thanks for any help kat
  11. Happy Easter.
  12. still progressing, thanks mouseman, things got a bit busy working in two different places in the movie.
  13. i keep trying to figure ways to use all the cool things you create, so, i save all the zip files, just in case.
  14. Wow, i missed that yesterday, you have been busy, looking really good, Spleen
  15. Thank you Spleen, right back at you.
  16. Thank you always robcat, I did enter one, but i guess didn't get it in the right place. I'll try again.
  17. Thank you Vertexspline, nice to hear from you.
  18. Hi, Rodney had suggested, that i might have the dragon with her crew aboard flying through the mist. so i added a clip of just mist, as a layer over my original video. no sound. thanks guys flying_through_mist.mov
  19. great test John, i have always wanted to try the flocking option.
  20. that is cool, with all kinds of possibility's
  21. Just voted, The very best of luck.
  22. You have been busy, Mark, wonderful things going on. Start Track has always been a favorite, and so have the Muppet's . your models are wonderful, lots of great color with their outfits, IT all looks, and their ready to blast off.
  23. I thought that was beautiful.
  24. Happy Birthday Mark, have a fun day.
  25. Hi everyone, first this is a replacementt clip,from the clip (Grim are you hungry) as robcat Suggestion..." the characters with dark forms like the witch and cat need something not so dark behind them so we can see what they are doing. They are fading into the background too much here." Thank you again robcat, for your very helpful suggestion. i have shown both clips, one to be fixed, and one where I attemptedd to fix it. I"m still working on Rodney suggestion of " a layer of (mostly transparent) cloud-like matter (noise/atmospherics?) overlaid on top of this sequence as that would really sell the effect of these characters moving through actual space/flying through the air. It would break the image out of a sense of being projected onto a 2D plane which you have nearly accomplished already. I don't think it would take much to achieve this as you could probably just overlay a scaled up version of the clouds you have elsewhere in the scene. To Find a witch clip. And here are the mice William and the Dark elf Onton, wow, who'ed thought mice could have been so touch to do. as always thanks for being there w_lena_to_be_fixed.mov w_lena__fixed.mov Enter_the_mice.mov
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