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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by fae_alba

  1. Are you saying each person is going to put the camera inside the room after the transition? That's not "Rear Window" Look at that trailer, every one of the views of the rooms is from Jimmy Stewart's perch across the street, the camera never goes inside. that's the Rear Window concept i thought we were doing. You're right, I hadn't realized that until watching the trailer. So the camera can zoom in a bit, but it will remain outside of the room (I had imagined it zooming into the room, but I like the Hitchcock parady even better (who's going to do the Hitchcock cameo piece?)
  2. the set looks good. Perhaps we could put together a package of room props so contributors can put together their own rooms without scrambling to furnish it. Again, to allow more effort on the animations. for consistency, animate your room scene, the transition to/from your window will be edited in, I'll leave the lighting in each of your sets to you. Are there any other camera/rendering settings that should be set and used through out so it all ties together better? basic parameters (taken from Bus Stop) 1) you can use your characters or any stock A:M characters 2) shorter is probably better. 2b) Use your good judgment on content. I reserve the grand power to not use something if it's unsuitable for mass viewing but I'm sure that will not be a problem. 3) you can add sound or leave your scene silent The camera is set to render to a JPG series. An image series was chosen instead of Quicktime so you wouldn't have to render your animation all in one stretch. Resolution: 854x480 when you go to render.
  3. I have a claymore sword much the same size as that, and I can tell you it takes a lot of work moving that thing around like you have there. When a sword that size is swung it takes the whole upper body with it, and it takes a lot of strength to follow through with the swing and recover. Plus, and this may not be relevant to the character and story, but a sword this size is a two-handed sword, you wouldn't see someone fighting with it with a single hand and a shield. Too much weight. Just my thoughts. But for your fight scene, there needs to a a lot more weight to the swing, the whole upper body needs to be used to recover from the swing
  4. As robcat said, do a first pass first. Guaranteed that you will be asked to change some things. The Bus Stop set went thru all kinds of changes before being released to contributors. Also. for those considering jumping in, I think we want to keep this as PG as possible..no gratuitous skin...bummer I know, but we want to give as little offense as possible.
  5. hwo about this...one person animates the beginning and close, thom opens his window, camera zooms thru window, to building across the alley, each contributor animates the next bit of simply what he sees. Since the camera zooms into a window until it is full frame, each contributor doesn't have to worry about the building set, just render off their bit. the rest is done in editing
  6. So by my count rear window wins by a landslide. 4 for rear window, 1 for monster audition, 1 for either or and 1 I'll do anything So ready set start animating rear windows!
  7. I'm recapping Robcats ideas here to freshen folks' memories 1) Next Room. A character walks in to a room, does something and then either he or some other character exits to the other side. Then the camera shifts to pick up what happens in the next room. (I'm not real keen on this one anymore) 2) Rear Window. Peering into rooms in a hi-rise office or apartment complex. 3) Ani-Jam. We had some limited success with where you pick up exactly with whatever the last animator did, but many people found this difficult. 4) Pass the ball. I think we've done this twice before. 5) Commercial block. Everyone makes a 10 second commercial. ( or 5? Or 15?) 6) Who dunnit? I've been watching mysteries lately and they're all basically a bunch of seemingly unconnected events until they get wrapped up at the end. Is there a way to make a collaborative pot-luck project out of that without prescripting it too much? 7) Previously... on "Dynasty". Everyone does a scene that is like a recap of what happened last week on a soap opera. 8) Olympic event. Everyone's character does the same event, like the shotput, or high dive or... (my favorite!) 9) Waiting room. Camera watches various people waiting for the doctor(?) to see them 10) Airport security check. 11) Coach class. Camera peers into each row of seats in a jetliner. 12) Bees and Flower 13 Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! 14) One big continuous Rube Goldberg machine. (Similar to pass the ball but more than a ball is passed) 15) How about using the farmerstractor , that I posted in the wip section and let everybody do something with it?(with enter and exit points) 16) Egg Hatches 17) Thing. Everyone animates a hand of their own design poking out of the box, doing something , going back into the box. 18) Walking to an instruments only music track. 19) everyone makes a character then one by one they join on stage to sing we are the world the world on AM finish with a group shot on the group 20) "Monster Audition" (not for Halloween!) EDIT: in entering all of these I'd say no new ideas, pick one from this list.
  8. I had that gut feeling as well, which is why I suggested the team effort to streamline it a bit. But, that being said, what idea will we do? How about Rube Goldberg? Every one creates their own device, just need a common element to tie it all together. Ten days seems reasonable. My offer still stands of managing this. My first official task is to set the deadline of this Friday to settle on a theme....so from now until Friday 5pm, all ideas are on the table, list them here starting ..... now.
  9. so in your experience when you did the last few community projects, what was the time spent on editing, marshaling, hand-holding, etc.? I'm thinking if we go with the Monsters idea, then we need to shoot for a release of at latest one week prior to all hallows eve, which would mean a release date of the 24th. We would have to set some pretty hard and fast deadlines to make it happen (all properties in by x date, post starts on y date, done on 10/24). I'd be willing to tackle it under the auspices of Pappa Bear Studios donating time to the community, released to the community, property of the community. So folks have roughly 2.5 months to write, storyboard, model, rig, light, choreograph, and render. My suggestion is really make this a community effort, have forum members team up in say groups of 2 or 3, split up the tasks, and put together perhaps 4 or 5 team pieces, instead of 20 individual ones. I'll volunteer to handle the post-production. But we gotta get rolling. All in favor, say aye!
  10. I actually like this one...sort of a Monster's Inc feel to it. I vote for this one..make it official...get the ball, um Monster's rolling, strolling, scaring
  11. The IT field sees this quite a bit. As a consultant, I regularly work un-godly hours a week. At least I can take it home with me, so the late nights are a little bit easier. And you are salaried, then your employer is not obligated to pay you one cent for the overtime. They can, however bill their clients for your free time. For me, I expect the remainder of my summer will see me doing in access of 20 hours ot per week. I won't see a dime for it (I doubt a pat on the back will come my way), but our client (the state) will get billed $100/hr. That's the "glory" of IT consulting.
  12. I did that for 9 years...decided it was time for a new job when I began to bad mouth the boss, showed up for work late, dress code went down the drain...
  13. I received a "Platinum" award, $500 bonus, then an "unfavorable" annual review. Sadly, I'm still there. Any paycheck in a storm I suppose.
  14. A brand new bottle of Cardhu came my way last night....enjoyed it under the stars in the hot tube with my bride of 26 years... ah what a life! Thanks for all the B'day wishes, this forum never gets old! As a side note.. Pappa Bear Studios is about to come back online....this asp.net project is nearing delivery, so that big ol monkey, while not gone, will at least be off my back and sitting quietly in the arm chair next to me.. (Of course I've got to renew my subscription....and dust off the projects I dropped...and...and....have a wee dram o Scotch!)
  15. I noticed it...thought it was something I was just missing on setting up lights (a weak point of mine). Good to know I wasn't being a loon about it though!
  16. the good news is, the other parks, especially in the middle of the week, will be fairly light!
  17. I'd stay away from Hollywood Studios if I were you! With the Star Wars weekends starting, the re-opening of the Star Tours ride, rumors of G Lucus being there, the place is going to be wall to wall bodies. My daughter works in Toy Story mania, they have her on 75 hour work weeks form the next month...Not the time to be on vacation in Disney.
  18. no....the narration should be written by the animator/story teller as part of the creation of the story...they go hand in hand. Think of writing a script to drive the animation process....the script would then become the narration to be read. Good practice for us all.
  19. This theme would also need someone with a good voice to provide a consistent narration in my mind, that would be what ties active animation together. The animator provides the script with his submission, the narrator records it. I'm liking this one..got a couple of ideas already!
  20. Aye, I'd definitely be interested in a bouncing ball boot camp.
  21. Thought I'd put my laptop to the test. Render Time 6 minutes 2 seconds A:M 16.0RC 64 bit Dell Inspiron 7010 Intel Core i3CPU M370 2.40 ghz 6 gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium
  22. I'm partial to the Olympic events theme, something along the line of the "Goofy plays baseball" theme. Exaggerated, over the top animation.
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