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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by fae_alba

  1. What happens if that flower resists being pulled up? What self respecting daisy gives up that easily i ask?
  2. Tell ta what..I will put something more visual together. I have to fly to LA Monday and need something to entertain myself during the flight
  3. Robert..it's good to be back. Our product is best described as a data integrity platform. One application that designs a data lake, defines cleansing and mastering, profiles and discovers a source system, utilizes Ai models to map source to target..then automates the etl process. Think Informatica but one application instead of half a dozen which the competition needs. It's a mouthful, which why it is challenging to describe in digestible chunks. VCs give us 3 minutes to pitch an idea...
  4. The past year has been right out of the pages of "Mr. Toads wild ride". Got laid off August of 23. Trying to find a like position in the tech industry has been impossible. By this march it really looked like I was going to lose the house and everything else. But I took the painful step of cashing out my 401k to cover expenses and then managed to parlay I prior contact into an hourly consulting project that put myself and another gent to work full time. Now I am a co founder of a software company building a product and on the investor hunt. Which brings me to here. Since we spun up our corporation my linkedin feed has been flooded with cold queries from salespeople. Normally I ignore them. But this morning one came thru that got my interest. For some context one of my challenges with my business is putting together demo, training, and pitch videos for our software. I have been experimenting with a whiteboard video but in the back of my mind I always think of how AM would be a better way. The sales message I got this morning was for this company (inovitagency.com) . So my question is this: what.are your thoughts on AM fitting into this market. This company isn't the only one out there doing this. They are the 3rd that have pitched to me in the last 6 months. There is an obvious need (I for one need it!) So can am be used efficiently to fulfill and build a pipeline of short contracts?
  5. you would think that after dealing with this sort of stuff for 38+ years i would know better... but alas that''s not the case. Cloud storage is the best solution now a days
  6. Thanks David! I've got six other people in this too, in many ways I'm more concerned for their futures. But it is what it is. The worst part of the year has been a catastophic disk crash that lost all of my current A:M work. Yup, that's right. The age old story of backing up and data loss. I shot myself in the foot on that one!
  7. I at least was given 2 months of insurance and severance pay until end of December. But who ever says the job market is good and companies are hiring, I want what they are smoking.. because it has got to be some good Sh!t. Since August I have had only two interviews, tomorrow being a third for on position. And I'd like to think I am in a "senior" level IT level. Doesn't matter now a days.
  8. So, here I am. Thought I'd give an update since it has been nearly a year since I posted anything. Work truly got the better of me this year. The software company I worked for (Tibco) was part of a merger with Citrix, which in turn gave rise to Cloud Software Group (CSG). The new CEO of CSG, the hired hatchet man from the venture capital owners then decided that he didn't like consultants so started a quiet layoff in January under the guise of restructering bonus and payscales. Before we were eligible for quarterly bonuses, he changesd them to anual, tied to division performance and not individual performance. Basically encouraging managers to do more with less. Then in June he decided to sell of the consulting group entirely which led to layoffs in August. Me and my team, even though I had just got a quarter mill contract signed days before, were laid off on august 10th. I have been looking for a new gig since then without much luck. The folks I work with and I decided in September to form our own LLC, and from that Seamless Integration Group LLC was formed. We are now in the the beginning stages of developing a SaaS data quality and AI platform for the healthcare industry. To say I have been a bit stressed over paying the mortgage is an understatement. But I am still among the living, just not feeling as creative as I'd like to be.
  9. Looks like you are anticipating many contest winners to come!
  10. No worries sir! I was just bragging about this contest to a few folks and tickled my aging brain cells!
  11. was there anything sent out for this contest. Rob you do an amazing job on these contest, and while I haven't been able to participate recently I do feel a bit of pride in achieving even an honorable mention! My wall is papered in certificates... with a special spot for this contest.
  12. Dude, we hear you. You are holding am on your shoulders and there is no need for "sorries".
  13. My granddaughter loves those shorts. We watch all the time.
  14. Roger..if there were a better option I would take it. Shelton....I am working on a bit just to get back into the workflow... I do think I need a better rig...and perhaps the mo cap challenge from this summer is a good place for me to play around....
  15. Well, I can only speak for myself, but I am currently working on an AI engine that classifies diseases for a "major" metropolitan area in the states..and I aint getting rich!
  16. not sneaky...overworked. Means I am billing over 40 hours a week to clients. In other words overworked and underpaid!
  17. Slowly, oh so slowly I am getting my head above water with work. The company has been through one acquisition and now a merger with another software company, and the past 18 months have been very insane. During the initial acquisition my title went from senior solution architect to consultant (a demotion) then I was moved to a management position, then to a higher management position, all without a bump in pay. On top of that I manage three multi-million dollar projects in three states, and have to maintain a billable rate of 75% or better (I'm at 105% and work 60+ hours a week). Now the acquisition is in the final stages, with a round of layoffs about to happen in the next five weeks for those roles that are deemed redundant. BUT, in spite all that, I have been missing AM, and this forum. So here I am, getting ready to renew my subscription and looking forward to reviving Papa Bear.
  18. Not going to lie....that movie clip is mildly disturbing!😀
  19. I use a:m almost exclusively for 3d printing. Granted I do not print mechanical pieces out of am. My models are all organic and honestly I find a;m much better than other tools for that purpose. Now 3d printer objects from a:m comes with challenges, but it is what I use. The only part of my workflow that I don't use am for is breaking the model up into pieces in order for it to fit on my printer. I've never been able to do that in a:m reliably, so I do it after exporting in another slicing tool.
  20. If the amount of space between the walls is less than the nozzle, then you will wind up with a very weak print. You would need to adjust the model in those areas. Also, investigate increase the fill percentage. In a small print theres no shame in 100% fill.
  21. You do need to build volume or space in the outer walls of your model. So if say you want to use am to make a hollow ball, you need to model two spheres and stitch them together to form one sphere with an inner and outer wall.
  22. I suppose, but there have been times where in the STL model during slicing I see weird dimples that aren't there in am. I normally just accept them, and putty fill them after printing.
  23. That's an interesting point. I've seen such issues in cura when slicing STL files from am. Never made the connection to the STL file itself...makes me want to try an obj file now!
  24. Why export to obj ? Why not export to STL then slice the model to get it in gcode. I have found that the measurement system in hash is off by an order of 100 percent, so when slicing you may need to increase the size of the model. Another thing to watch out for is positioning of that model on the print bed. There are going to be a whole lot of supports, and if the model is delicate it will be next to impossible to clean it up.
  25. I wish I had more time to get out to this forum, but lately work has had me flat out. So I'm late to the party. But yes, Robert does a bunch or work to keep us all living the a:m dream, and I for one while not expressing that enough, appreciates his efforts.
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