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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Leo73

  1. You will need Winzip, Winrar, or StuffIt(if your on a Mac) in order to compress the files.
  2. I would highly recommend the Anzovin products. I have most of them and still watch them when I get stuck, for reference, or just for inspiration. Watching them actually allows me to unplug and just let my mind wander and not worry about the technical side. They are definitely worth a buy.
  3. I am going to be a new member to you group, but my daughter is due to be born on the 1st, so I am going to have to vote no on the 13th as well. My wife and I will be dealing with our newborn and I dont think it would be wise for me to take off for the day, that soon after the birth. I would say the 20th would probably be best because the weekend after that, you are running into Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people go away for that. Just my .02 though
  4. Richard and Elizabeth, Welcome to the community. I think you will find that the more you use this program, the more you will like it. It is quite addicting.
  5. Sorry I forgot to add the link. Luckily cfree68f posted the one I was talking about. The big thing is to not get discouraged. It does take time. I have found when I would model in other packages, I would always start simple and then work my way up. Sometimes the simple characters turn out to be the most fun.
  6. If you aren't used to modeling then I would suggest doing the modeling tutorials in the manual so you can get a better understanding. Here's a link to some tutorials on human modeling that you can probably adapt to your character depending on what you are modeling. Also pull one of the characters out of the library and study how they are put together.
  7. Its looking good. Keep going.
  8. When you click on a CP a yellow handle appears(you have to have show Bias handles on) and then you can adjust the curvature using the handles. I attached a pic just in case you dont know where the button is. Hope it helps. [attachmentid=15652]
  9. You could use the bias handles to adjust the curves til you get the result that you are looking for.
  10. I would try sending them an email with the copied text in it. I personally haven't tried to upload anything but that does seem werid.
  11. Boy John, that is some tangent. Cool tut though.
  12. Christian, Welcome or welcome back. It's always nice to see people come back. Looking forward to seeing your animation that you are working on. Good luck with it, Leo
  13. I second that. That's one less thing that I have to figure out how to do now for my animation that I am planning. Thanks John
  14. After Effects is a compositer and motion graphics program made by Adobe. You can do all kinds of great things in there. Check out Adobe After Effects for a description of it. Also here's a link for some lightsaber compositing movies. The glows were done in After Effects. Lightsaber Effects. You could also check out EffectsLab DV. Its alot cheaper than AE and is quite good at doing lightsabers and a variety of other effects. Hope this helps you out
  15. Viper, Nice start. I would work on intergrating the wings and the vents on top of the wings into the hull. Is there glass in the canopy? Over all good start, keep going.
  16. That's one AWESOME model you have there. Can't wait to see him animated ripping somethings head off. Good luck with the rest of it.
  17. If he's dong Obi-wan's fighter than the colors on the droid are right. Obi-wan had R4 in the movie and Anakin had R2. Dark Jedi, I think he meant the colors were wrong if you were using R2 as your droid.
  18. I helped with a fanfilm while in college and when it came time to do the saber effect, we composited it in After Effects. You could model and do a basic saber in A:M and then control the glows and contact hits and everything else in AE. Hope that helps
  19. Very Cool, Can't wait to see more of this model.
  20. Don't forget the Chinese drinking game just like in Shanghai Noon.
  21. Welcome Michael. AM is a great product. I had the same trouble that you are having when I first started using AM. I was trained in Maya and 3D Max and I found that I kept trying to do things in Hash that I would in those programs. I found that I had to stay patient and though the steps and terminology might be different, in the end I was and am getting the same results without all the hassle of using complex menus and such. Again welcome and have fun Leo
  22. Cool character design. Can't wait to see more of him.
  23. Good job on both of them Cory. In the first one it looks like after the monster snatched the prey they both dip through the floor a various points. What animal are you using for reference for the snatch cycle? The slobbering looks great, I think maybe the ends hanging out of the mouth would be shaken off with the movement of the head. Great job, Leo
  24. Awesome. Looking at that makes me what to play around with effects.
  25. Cory, I voted for you on the MMC. I must have watched your film like 15 times and couldn't stop laughing. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. Great Job, Leo
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