Try dragging the dialog action to the bottom of all the actions in the will take priority over the others then....and set it back to REPLACE. See if that does it.
Or, is the actual sound file only in the action.....maybe it's also in the chor? At what frame does the "red bar" for the dialog action start?
It's a spline lite version of the real model that can be swapped for the real model later. It's purpose is to make animation faster.....if the model is too spline heavy then realtime speed reduces.
What TWO model are you using?
If you've used the same controls in the chor action as you used in the dialog actions, then they should really keep them separate. It's neater. But you can make it work by setting your chor action to "ADD" in it's the moment it's set to "REPLACE".....and it's over-riding your dialog controls.
You need to narrow it it the model or the image or maybe the project. Try exporting the object into another project and see if it acts the same. If it does, try decalling a simple patch with the same image and see if you get the same. If yes, try changing the tga to a jpg.
I don't think just changing the images back will make the model "dirty" (is it marked with an asterix?) when you save it. You'll need to do something move a cp with the arrow key and undo......then all changes in the model (including the images) will be saved.
If that doesn't solve it, then there's something else......perhaps the type of image file you're using. Or something.
If you have multiple actions in a chor, you can only move the same bone in one of the actions. So, if you've moved it in one of the other actions, it restricts you.....unless you change it to ADD mode.
Looks good! If I'm not mistaken, there was another AM user experimenting with Facial mocap too.....I can picture his avatar, but his UN escapes me at the moment.
I'm not sure....maybe increase the life/emitter speed? But maybe you could fake it by adding in a dummy object along the bullet path and have that go slower and then put the sprites on that.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean.....but if you mean you can't see the rotoscope outside of the camera view, I believe it's by design. Maybe you could fake it with a layer?
No guarantee. Most likely it will have too many polys/patches to animate well and they probably won't flow well due to the import plugin having to guess that information. Then you'll have to fix them in AM and that will mean redoing the textures.
Exporting objs is much less problematic.
Very nice. It also helps if.....once you have half the mesh selected for hold down shift and select part of the spline you want to flip on. Then AM knows which way you want it to go better.
I've seen this feature in another spline program....can't remember which. It's probably similar to the "Cap" tool in poly programs. Having a multi-cp flat patch wouldn't aid animation, but it would be good for something like this.
Excellent again! Some observations:
The pin stripe decals down by his ankles get abit squished together.
Maybe he could use a dark border color round his irises to define them better.
Since you ask.
Something has changed with Scarecrows hat.....the end of it. Load him into an action and don't move him. Press play and watch his hat take on a life of its own. Or perhaps it's a local/AM problem. v14b.