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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. project for tree including tga best I could do in 15 minutes palm.zip
  2. did a quick palm tree in v11.1 palm.mov
  3. playing with v11.1 hair and notice that gravity can be varied in chor ...interesting...anyway leaves minor stem and fruit are one strand of hair will post project later htree.mov
  4. I usually like to respond to questions on the forum/list especially if it looks like fun so yes I did that on purpose ..and wasn't going to redo with sprites but if I have time I might to see the reflection ..that I forgot look here http://johnl.inform.net/pages/9particle17.htm
  5. here's the project V11 right click save target as land.prj
  6. Tried to bounce some streaks...forgot they didn't reflect also...sprites would bounce better land.mov
  7. Project file not including sprite from cd (right click save target as) fontsline.prj
  8. v11.1 fonts all one model all "letters" have a bone translate to constraint with lag based on position then model constrained to path fontline.mov
  9. Boolean cutters don't like sprites..that was my first idea..but early terminate of the render ended that chain of thought. The sprites are wrong just grabbed one off the cd for testing and the action was also done in haste as it wa getting late and I wanted to test the overall effect idea. Will clean it up and post as time allows. I often get these ideas right before I should be shutting down so they are often rough tests . the boolean without sprites was going to expose a crumbled version simliar to this post..use imagination... http://johnl.inform.net/pages/boolmorph.htm
  10. Yes I know the sprites are wromg and some of the action is too but this was the first quick render done in about 45 minutes before I turn in close or way off crumbled.mov
  11. Don't stay a newbie post more often!!!
  12. added a couple of images to v11 hair and renderd for awhile also added some sprites..one of the same tgas as the hair alien life form ? f11_2.mov
  13. a John with some talent...great modeling
  14. to be honest i think the movement...again i "think" is caused by the collisions when the hair "turns on" and just continues at least for the period I rendered. I was just playing with the hair in general and so i posted what you see because it looked interesting. Project below f11_1.prj
  15. got to hand it to yah nice job
  16. setting color thickness kinkiness over time really great idea f11_.mov
  17. project file multimat.prj
  18. v111.1 combiner material v11.1 hair and streaks all on top patches multimat.mov
  19. I did this before shutting down for the night just roughing out an idea so its far from perfect. I used a material that is animated on the z and y axis on two faiirly close planes to add depth. It needs a lot of tweaking and maybe it won't work as I thought it might but will post on it later if I get it to look better and I guess I did 'try" instead of do or maybe in this case dew Tinkering
  20. material on two planes animated looks okay for first try ? h20.mov
  21. I overdid the elevation just threw in a number and rendered and thus we have the crash at the end as i didn't take too much time for the path. I try to do these samples in 30 minutes or less Here's the project less the deathstar decal it made the file too big Jeff any question just emai me dem.zip
  22. grabbed a dem type gray scale off the web at tried this ...another quick example ....can post project if interested found something to fly over too sorry about the crash...no time to fix dem.mov
  23. There is no do AM does it all You make the material real easy (set scale) you apply and select colors you set a few values in chor move x units over x time you render AM does the displacement the movement the color you tweak A lot less work then the displacment map or use darktree it animates itself http://johnl.inform.net/pages/105sim.htm
  24. and here is the project file version 11t ocean.prj
  25. As it was pointed out displacement materials were not available earlier this is a $1.98 ocean i created using a material as a displacement map and changing colors to also make it a color map then animating both in the chor its a bit too quick but a only gave myself a few minutes so only 1 render I'll post the project file the next post Tinkering Gnome ocean.mov
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