sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Fuchur

  1. TGAs are fine... PNGs have drawbacks (like not being able to reconstruct pixels which are transparent which can be done with tgas) but are widly supported. Both are fine, but TGAs are actually the better format for postprocessing because of that. See you *Fuchur*
  2. I've wondered about that too. Have you made a feature request out of that? I'm not sure how many user have Photoshop however, and how well the other paint apps conform to the proper PSD format. I don't know if it's a can of worms or not. The biggest drawback is: It is a propheritery format. Other than that: I can't see why you should not make a feature request for it. We will see what happens. Till then you may want to try this: http://games.greggman.com/game/tga_thumbnails_for_windows/ See you *Fuchur*
  3. Are you asked if you want to save 16bit, 24bit or 32bit-version? I am only familar with Photoshop CS (I think v8) and up where it worked always as it should for me. See you *Fuchur*
  4. - A gas "simulation"-like animation (some of the stuff other software can do with pyrocluster / cloud-generators. There have been quite nice things on the forum already like that... but not moving as far as I know.) - A light paint-animation (glowing growing spiral-like lines which will fly around. (have a few ideas how to do it... but I am not sure if it really will look well) - Do something like this: (this one is not too hard, but it looks cool) See you *Fuchur*
  5. You may want to use PNGs (I hope those will work). See you *Fuchur*
  6. Sorry about the following, but this is quite complex and I would need too much time to translate this to english properly... I may do it later... [offenglish] Ich interpretier es so: Sozialkritik am Massiv-Konsum der westlichen Gesellschaften (besonders Nordamerika und Europa). Damit "schlägt" man den Kindern auf 2 Arten ins Gesicht: 1.) Zukünftige Generationen müssen sich mit z. B. Müll, Verschmutzung, etc. herumschlagen. (deshalb die übertrieben schwarzen Rauchwolken beim Auto und die hiesigen Kinder denen man ins Gesicht schlägt) 2.) Kinder in Afrika und anderen Ländern ohne Konsumgesellschaft / hohen Lebensstandard zahlen im Endeffekt mehr Geld für Grundnahrungsmittel weil die Produktion davon z. B. vom Ölpreis, der Konkurrenzsituation und natürlich sowas wie der Bio-Treibstoff-Produktion abhängt > Bio-Treibstoff kann z.B. aus Getreide hergestellt werden oder (viel schlimmer) Bauern fangen an weniger Lebensmittel anzubauen weil mit Bio-Masse für Treibstoff mehr Gewinn zu machen ist. Das verknappt dann das Angebot an z. B. Weizen, wodurch der Preis steigt (denn wir kaufen dann aus anderen Ländern zu, in denen sonst z.B. afrikanische Anbieter eingekauft hätten was die Preise massiv erhöht, etc. > Im Endeffekt läuft alles darauf hinaus: Die Erde hat nicht genug Resourcen um alle Leute auf der Welt so leben zu lassen wie wir in Europa und Nord-Amerika das tun... und um so mehr wir im Überfluß leben, um so weniger haben andere noch übrig... (deshalb die Weltkarte mit den ganzen Kiddys und das "Mehr Konsum"-Zeugs, etc.) Und ums noch zu erwähnen: Nein, ich wähle nicht die auf Teufel komm raus die Grünen .[/offenglish] See you *Fuchur*
  7. Happy Birthday Marcos! Keep on rocking! See you *Fuchur*
  8. I doubt that is true anymore. The CPUs are quite different now and A:M is coded to take advantage of them now. On a straight comparison of equal CPU speeds the intels are doing better. Making a cost/benefit comparison is a bit more complicated. It would be interesting to see what AMD has with its new Trinity-APUs which seem to be quite fast (they were released today, so no good benchmarks are available for now) and it could be very interesting with the new huma-interface and stuff like that. Currently an AMD system cannot compete with the fastest Intel-Chips (which are much more expensive). The "AMD is faster than Intel for A:M" statement was true till about A:M v15/16 (keep in mind: if a Intel CPU is 15% faster than an AMD-CPU it was on par with AMDs performance). After that, Steffen used a new compiler which was specially optimised for Intel and the performance boost for AMD did go away, since the compiler is one from Intel. Still you can get a very good system for MULTICORE applications OR netrenderer with AMDs FX CPUs for a quite low price, but the intels are faster if you are not looking at the money. Currently it is more interesting to see what the APUs from AMD are doing. The APUs from AMD are much better (based on GPU-performance) than anything Intel has to offer at an equal or quite a bit more expensive level in the fake-APU-area, especially with the new APUs from AMD. CPU-based, AMDs APUs are not that good than Intel CPUs / GPUs-combinations (real APUs are a little different, but it is more or less the same for the customer) but the combined performance is better. AMD's APUs are especially well suited for low- and mid-level-gaming-systems and are for instance used in the PS4 or Xbox One. For rendering we will see how they will do. If A:M would someday in future receive a huMA optimation (enabling the computer to use GPU and CPU at the same time for any task needed), they very likely will outperform classical CPUs by far, but we will see what will happen there. See you *Fuchur*
  9. try xnview or irvan view or try using png files. See you *Fuchur*
  10. Hi Developers, now the A:M v18 SDK is available at the FTP server of Hash. It can be found here: ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/Sdk/ or AM180SDK.zip and of course on the website going to "Support & Contact" > "FTP-Server". You will need MS Visual Studio 2010 (or up) to use the SDK. Hope you'll enjoy it and come up with some cool stuff . See you *Fuchur*
  11. Hm... tried it yesterday with a model and I've got the option in v18. See you *Fuchur*
  12. Do not forget the "Average Normals" feature which may help alot too. See you *Fuchur*
  13. Very strange, but maybe a version "problem"? I have the latest (testing-)version installed and you do too, if I am not wrong. It may have to do with that. It can not be OS language settings since I've got a German Windows here and that should toggle that too if it would be that way... See you *Fuchur*
  14. Very likely... is it in your A:M version too? See you *Fuchur*
  15. More or less . The void = Die Leere. See you *Fuchur*
  16. LEER (called "Leertaste") translates "blank space key" more or less, not "Space". "leer" itself means "empty" or "blank". SPACE: - Space (the one where the small green aliens live in ) is called "Weltraum". - Space (in terms of vacancy) means "Zimmer" or maybe "Raum" (-> room). STRG (short for "Steuerung") is CMD. See you *Fuchur*
  17. Had a little fun with it . And it shows the possibilities of the new OpenGL3-driver in combination with the higher subdivision levels... to get those high resolutions in realtimeviews you need to deactive the "Limit realtime subdivisions" on the Globaltab of the Options. See you *Fuchur*
  18. If it does it is too well hidden. Back in the v11 timeframe it had quite a few other options (and it was easier to save custom colors) but the color picker hasn't been the same since. That was the new version of the color-picker from Windows, but it was not possible to simply implement that on the Mac and because of that it has gone again. See you *Fuchur*
  19. I think this is very handy if you use it with a layer-based paintsoftware, since you can easily see at which part of the model you are painting. In general I would suggest to use a wireframe-mode and after that do a shaded one if you want to. Like that you can easily see in the paintsoftware (using multiply or some other layer-method in Photoshop) how the image will look like later on while the wireframe image / layer can be put above the color-layers to help you painting. See you *Fuchur* PS: Looks fun what you are doing there Well done.
  20. That is quite easy... 1.) Go to a modelling-window. 2.) Create a sphere (or whatever you want). 3.) Right-Click in the modelling-window and click on "Apply Snapshot". 4.) You will be asked where to save it and what size it should be. 5.) Hit "Ok". The taken snapshot will be applied as a decal and you can change the saved image like you wish in a 2d paint software. The difference to taking a simple print screen / screenshot is, that the resolution of the snapshot can be higher (as high as your graphic card can go). This resulted from a step when using the UV-editor in A:M where, after you created a UV layout you would take a screenshot and use that in your paint software. The problem with that is, that you can only get the size of the screen in pixels and since it is often limited by menus and stuff like that, this should give you a better (and easier) way to get this going. See you *Fuchur*
  21. ...or you just go with poses... hit play in A:M and move the poses as you wish. A:M will record your movement and the animation will work as well... Anyway, I am not totally sure that the result in that way will be much better than the one you get when animating without playing back at the same time... it is just harder to get everything right in the right time like that. You very likely need to polish the animation afterwards again and it can be (depending on your workstyle) that animating with classical keyframing is just faster in the end. But you have to try it out. For you it may be the other way round, who knows... See you *Fuchur*
  22. Hi, in general you should be able to use OpenGL (I assume 1) again. Can you start A:M or does it fail before starting? If you can, go to "Tools > Options > Global" and change "Realtime Driver" from "OpenGL3" to "OpenGL". If can't, you need to change it in the Registery of Windows (I assume you are using Windows... there is something equal on the Mac, but I do not own one and can't have a look at that. Maybe someone else can help there...) 1.) Go to start and type in "Run" (or search it, if you are not using Windows Vista or above). Klick on the entry you will get. 2.) Type in "regedit". (IMPORTANT: BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE! THIS IS THE WINDOWS REGISTERY AND IT MAY RESULT IN PROBLEMS IF YOU DO!) 3.) To set the different Driver, you need to create a new value in the following Registery-Folder: > "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hash, Inc.\Animation Master V18.0\Realtime Render" Create an entry called "Driver Name" with the value "OpenGL" (needs to be a String-Value / REG_SZ). See you *Fuchur*
  23. Wow. That really is very impressive! See you *Fuchur*
  24. These are the default windows color picker options available in paint and stuff like that. However I do not know where these are stored. See u *Fuchur*
  25. That is a known bug with a workaround... something like CMD + Q or CMD + C if I am not wrong. Anyway: Since Apple has changed much with the Maverik-Update, it is a little bit unknown what will happen in the future. If they leave many libraries behind (like they did with Maverick) it may become very hard to get A:M to work on the Mac any longer on OS 11.0 and above. The Windows-version is however working much better. See you *Fuchur* I just got a 1/yr subscription to A:M for Mac. I hope I will be allow to run it on windows instead. Yes you will be. Ask Jason (support[-a-t-]hash[-d-o-t-]com) if A:M will stop working (it is not said till now that it will happen), but again: Maverick has just recently been released, so you may have a year of the mac version too. See you *Fuchur* So I can just ask to change to over to PC version now? Is there a way to deactivate it from my Mac? If you want to do it now, ask Jason. He will guide you through. See you *Fuchur*
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