sprockets Learn to create your own tool bars! Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine!
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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. >This suggests there's some very specific interaction within the full locomotive. Maybe worth a check....
  2. Hi Rodger, You really are one terriffic modeller! When I watch your fantastic work I feel that strange feeling creeping in , that like with so many of us solobattlers here, we pass our time and years with modeling and don`t find the time for animating these fantastic beast for instance. It`s a pity, but well, may be some day....
  3. Hi Mark, You have developed a great unique economic modeling style matching that of the great Andrew Hickingbottom, I feel ! I wish you a similar economical succsess like he has sooner or later.
  4. Your model is definitly way too much splineheavy! That`s were all the bumps and creases derive from. I would suggest for an exercise to start anew just on the right half of the body with as few splines possible and add more splines later on, when you find you need them. Then at the end copy/flipp/attach to make a whole body.
  5. Great model so far. Only the neck I would move more to the back. But I guess, it`s just that style. Congratulations on achieving a freelancejob in the 3D field.
  6. Well Robcat thanks a lot! I always knew, when I would just wait long enough, one day with the help of this fabulous forum I also would get an understanding of this finally. Another related question I am still struggeling with is the alignment of a material with a certain object: Would I take the pivotvalues x,y,z of the group and insert these into the transform x,y,z values of the material to achieve this, for instance for a woodstructure to show up correctly? Or do you have to "apply" it in an action with object set to x,z= 0 as well? (Is this important for matcap-materials as well?) (Sorry to kidnap this thread now, but I guess it had ended anyhow...)
  7. >Please hw can i make the bones of the legs visible in my 2003 AM rig. I need it to animate in the chor. If the bones you want to move don`t show, could be you have to unhide them in the boneshierarchy of the model itself by clicking the eye-icon at the side of the bone.
  8. Hoorayh, thanks to this thread I managed to apply a sperical map correctly for the first time. Still I have some probably stupid questions. Robcat explained: >Your target shape needs to be centered on 0 on the X and Z axi when you do the apply. Then the y pivots value is also 0 right, so I do set it to 0 on all three axises, correct? - When I tried the same with cylindrial, it worked like a charm also. Do you best always apply from the frontview then?
  9. >It's always tempting to try to bend a basic primitive into shape.
  10. Thank you very much. Much appreciated!
  11. Very nice animation. What do you plan to do with this chara. Is he a kind of alien?
  12. >a not so fond look at old VW's Makes you wonder, how it was possible to sell it to so many people. Have they all just been stupid or may be fallen to some devilish propagandasheme from some left overs of the third Reich?
  13. It's good you translated that. I read it as "Earth Beer Corpse"
  14. (I will never, ever get another VW bug again. What a stupid car. The dumbest things go wrong, and cost an inordinate amount to fix) It was the only car left that held a 30ths car design for that long. I started out with a beetle like that, that belonged to my mother, which I did damage severly more then once due to his behavior as a "Heckschleuder" breaking out with its backend, but the tin used to be thicker then. Then I bought a 1971 VW Käfer 1302 convertible with broad Lemmertz wheels and Zenith twincarburettors. My best friend had one as well. It almost gave us the feeling of that yellow Ford Hot Rod from "American Graffiti", which we tried to mimic so dearly then. Well, the golden days of youth have past, but I do still drive VW, an old 1990 Golf I convertible, which is really longlasting compared to its ancestors but has not the same "charms" as a beetle and a quite new Golf for family use. Comparing the decades it always amazes me, with how "few" car you could get by then. (Maybe it will shrink back again, when the fuel gets less.) Coming back to the topic: Really, really nice models. How about building an "Erdbeerkörbchen" once. ( Golf I Convertible )
  15. Sounds a little bit impertinent to me! You should leave it to it`s owner, if it`s creator wants to donate hours and hours of his outstanding work to you, don`t you think?
  16. Rob, thanks a lot for reporting this. What amazes me a little bit, is that nobody has stumbeled over this before, so as if nobody really uses bumpmaps nowadays within AM, but may be the TWOers used an older version of AM...
  17. Exactly, I show you an example, when I come back from a shorttrip next Thursday. But you might as well try yourself: Just apply a bumpdecal then flip it horizontally stop positioning and compare the two stamps: one is concave one is convex!
  18. yes, but I just want to flip just that second stamp, that`s not correct and not the whole decal...
  19. While applying bumpmaps and flippinh them to cover the counterside I find them inverted. Is there a certain trick to avoid this?
  20. Fantastic! I will have to try to put that into my dragon myself as well....
  21. Let`s say you have applied a decal to some patches and lateron you have changed the patches and added some cps. Do you have to apply the decals a new always in any case or is there a possibility to include the cps into the existing stamp afterwards so that the whole decal is showing up again?
  22. > painting the decals to look like painted brushstrokes. Go watch the animation at AtomFilms to see where my shot is!
  23. Great smooth design and models! Would love to see some animation clips with them one day. I wish for you, that your constant presence will build the chance for that also in the future... May I ask, if you still manage to make a living aside of your pirates work or do you live on your "spare" ( probably don`t know the correct word here) money at the moment so that the chance might be, you will have to pick up regular work again sooner or later? all the best Jost
  24. >ETA: The third comic (Bd 03) is gives a file not found when trying to download it. I am happy, you could enjoy some even without english language. Maybe I will publish the whole thing chapterwise, when I find a suitable platform for this.
  25. Sorry, dies Wochende fahr ich raus auf`s Land... Viel Spaß Bis zum nächsten Mal! (this is nothing important)
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