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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. I have a rather complex landscape with a road and want the middlespline of the road become a path for my car. So now when I create a new path constraint I am not able to pick this specific spline as a path . I know, that it is possible, because I have achieved it before, but lost the constraint, when I switched my car model. So my question is: Is there a special trick or workaround to make that spline pickable again or make it selectable in the pull downmenue?
  2. all AM files should be postable. I always found it quite strange, that you couldn`t post tga files. Compressed or not, only the filesize matters.
  3. Hi Stian, Great so far as always! (But I hope you don`t mind, if I mention the things, that I feel still are kind of not quite there: -somehow strange how the wheels contact with the tracks but maybe that`s how it is in reality. -the smoke could be a bit more puffy like from a steamengine. -the trees look kind of small like great bushes, maybe its a scalething.) Did you use AO or Fake AO? What`s the rendertime?
  4. Nice looking chara but me seems the tophalf of the head is much too small. I think it would look even cuter, if you would make it the same size as the lower half (I think most japanese charas even have a way bigger tophead due to the hair) But that`just my personal taste.
  5. Hi Kamome, Outstanding work!!! (Just the music I find a little to monotone for the length, maybe add some soundFX explosions and such) The look is very similary to what I tried to achieve with my own project here in this forum: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...=37801&st=0 I always thought, that Hash AM is the perfect tool for realizing japanese Anime. There must be a whole lot of people in Japan working with it, that we don`t know of because of the language barrier. So what is your goal with this excellent work: - is it a trailer to get a contract for a televisionseries, OVA, movie or game or is this already payd work? (By the way: what is a soil day?)
  6. Maybe you could put it on you tube or here in this forum, so that we all could see it easily?
  7. I liked it a lot and felt very amused! What would make it even better (though shorter) in my opinion, when you cut the shots a lot faster together, like its more what customers expect nowadays. I know, and I tend to fall into that trap mself, that its quite hard to let loose of part of the footage, we so laboriusly have created. You are one of the few here, that regularly get some of their creations finished and out. That really counts a lot.
  8. Or just look here: RheingoldRing161110.mov
  9. >The zip URL is missing something, i couldn't get that. I will check again tomorrow...
  10. I reworked it: http://www.jostkeller.de/dreid/testing/Rhe...dRing151110.zip
  11. >I think the needle would need to be on top or the wearer would be sticking himself, no? Or maybe it should stick directly down out of the bottom. But anyway,I leave it that way for the time being, because it looks sharp and Alberich uses it in my scene,when the ring is off the hand anyway. -Are those wings on the top? I think those need some thickness. These are stylized (mermaids)fins ( as they are the watch(wo)men of the Rheingold. They have some small thickness, but probably need some bumpstructure...
  12. Hi folks, In order to distract me from my lightingtests, I did this version of the Nibelung Ring, that Alberich forged out of the Rheingold which he had stolen from the Rheintöchter (mermaids). This Ring grants him the greatest powers (worldreign and so on ), but at the same time curses him to live without love forever. The curse is symbolized by the dragon Fafnir devouring himself out of greed. Besides of its incredible magical power, this ring holds some additonal close combat weaponery: a poisonous sting and some extractable razorsharp (mermaids) fins. http://www.jostkeller.de/dreid/testing/Rhe...dRing111011.zip Crits welcome
  13. Hi Rodger, Thank you for looking into it. Yes the rubble on the track are normalmapstamp that somehow messed up I guess. I will have to check. The mats I will check also. The matcapshader on the tunnelentrance doesn`t show up like I would expect. So I guess I would have to set an extra light for that? Also is a skydome ? I have none so far. The steering rig for the sun I got established with both of you constraints.
  14. For further testing I exactly copied Rodger Reynolds sun setup into my scene and that`s what I get now. A little too bright in the Santas face and the locomotive strangely enough doesn`t seem to cast a shadow on the track. Also Rodger in your setup it seems to be quite difficult to adjust the sunlights direction, right?
  15. Thatt`s the way he does it (See his Tramtrain-thread): First, here is a basic AO with one sun setup. Kind of grey and boring Reduced 17% 320 x 240 (18.7k) On a sunny day, take a look outside, the shadows are actually not grey/black, but blueish So to accomplish this, here is a trick that I learned from rodger_r: First, In addition to your main slightly yellow sun, add a second sun with the same settings at the same position, but with a blue color and Cast Shadows to OFF. This will give you an overall blue tint to your image including blue shadows. But since the sun should give you a yellow tint to your image you add a third sun with exact same settings and position as your second sun, but with negative intensity and Cast Shadows to ON. The third sun will override the blue tint from the second sun but keep its blue shadow. Reduced 17% 320 x 240 (20.6k) Just for fun. This is how the render looks like if you turn off the main sun Reduced 17% 320 x 240 (28.68k)
  16. Still fiddeling around with things here. I rendered the scene with AO and see no big difference though (suns set back to defaultsize 10) Also in this scene: bluecolor on train and the rocks at tunnel =matcap shaders, grass = colormap : 50 % and displacementmap : 1000%, gravel on track= normalmap, landscape as a whole= with fakerimlight mat, especially the lighting is not what I want yet. I also don`t understand, where Stian gets the huge rendertimes from. This picture renders 16 min with AO on and 5 passes on a fairly old computer.
  17. Well, I will test both this with the fakeAO as soon as can. Do Kliegs suns also work with fakeAO or am I limited to raytrace suns?
  18. I altered the defaultsize from 10 to 1000 and to 500 with 5 passes, but am still very far away from the nice shadow Stian does achieve with his Tramtrainpicture... Any ideas?
  19. After achieving a bluish shadow I am trying to reach softer shadows here. went from default sampling of the sunshadow to 3 and bias to 10 but no big difference...
  20. Hi Stian, Thanks to your help I got that blue shadows but very hard. What would be the right parameters to soften them. Just increaing the ray casts? I want to test this with fakeAO not real AO later...
  21. Excellent job Mark! Some questions on the professional economic part, if I am allowed? >I told them it wasn't for public consumption. Didn`t you make some written contract? What did you base your pricecalculation on? timewise, days/ hours or finished seconds of the spot maybe? Or did you make an all inclusive total price? Did you split the parts of charcterdesign, storyboard, layout and finishing. And also important (see above): did you set up an extra amount for the using rights specifically? for instance for presantation purposes, comercial tv, internet, chara for print, for one year, limitless? Just want to sharpen the awareness hear in this forum, that for pro work a whole lot of aspects should be watched.
  22. Thanks a lot for the info
  23. >Thanks. I am using AO at 75% intensity with a yellow sun and a blue negative sun (to get the blue shadows). This setup is very render intensive at 1 to 6hr a frame And maybe you could get similar results with the fakeAO plugin for faster animation frames? Have you had a look into this? Are you planning to do train animations as well?
  24. Great tree and traintrack! ;>) And the tram is superb! Is this payd work? I am quite sure, you already explained it, but what is your lighting setup again? Is it usable for animation timewise?
  25. Happy about your progress. One thing that helps me a lot is to keep my pws organized: So name your groups for instance your blue ones: windows, then after cfp (copyflipattach) you will get a group named window2, so by rightclicking on your modelsname >Plugin > wizards > merge and purge groups you get one group for the windows again, saves a lot of stupid work ( that`s what the computers are for , right?) The same goes for >merge and purge decals. Organized groups make your model much better to handle lateron.
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