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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Hutch

  1. I think probably the best is some hybrid like Matt suggests. I don't have much experience with hair and what I have done so far has been tedious experimentation. I don't see any good way to put a hair beard into a pose like your drawing shows. But if you keep what you have, add some bones and dynamic constraints you should be able to control it pretty well. Then you could add hair just to get it to look more like a beard.
  2. I found that it is best to attach the cloth cp's to the bone that would move them. In your case the head I assume but I haven't looked at your project.
  3. That was it! Thanks so much.
  4. Very nice modelling and textures!
  5. Thanks everyone for the encouraging comments. I cleaned up a few joints on my valkyrie then started making the raven she will turn into/from in the little short I have planned. I thought I was just about done with the bird but when I put it in a choreography it wont let me go into skeletal or muscle mode. If I put another character in the scene, then I can use skeletal or muscle mode on either character. But if I delete the other character the raven goes back to not working. Any ideas what might be causing this? Here is a render of the raven. I am not happy with the colors and such yet. I am trying to avoid decals for this project to get something in between cartoony and 3D. I almost gave myself a migraine rigging the wings.
  6. So, I took a while off from animation:master and just recently started spending some serious time with it again. Here is a short clip of a character I have been working on for a couple weeks. She still needs a lot of minor work plus a face rig. She has a cloth skirt and cape plus dynamic braids. A huge thank you to Homeslice for the LiteRig and tutorials on cloth and dynamics, all of which made my re-learning curve much shorter and less frustrating. speartest2.mov
  7. Hi Holmes. I really like your rig. I especially like the relative simplicity of it. I would like to ask about modifying the rig so that the modified version can be installed in several models without having to modify them all afterward. What i would like is a simple modification I think. Since none of my characters really need any sort of stretching in the spine or neck (and I would rather avoid inadvertant distortions), I would like to replace the current spine with a simple fk spine. I would get rid of the torso and head translator nulls and make the spine, including the head, a chain of children attached to parent. I think then I would need a duplicate of the spine in the controls model except all of them with attached to parent off. What I am not sure of is how I would then go about constraining the geometry spine to the control spine as you have done with the other control bones. It seems you are using expressions to do this? Also, would the install action be used to position the control spine bones the same as the geometry bones? Any help or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Are the textures procedural or decal or both? It looks nice.
  9. I think that last one looks more like flames than any other sprites I have seen. It just looks like a huge inferno seen from a distance to me. What kind of fire are you going for? Like a camp fire or fireplace? If so, maybe making the sprites bigger in relation to the overall size of the fire might help.
  10. Hutch


    The model looks great in the stills. Either way I try the .mov it pops up with this.[attachmentid=10525]
  11. OB Beer!? Is this a Korean dive bar? Boy that brings back some memories.
  12. Here are the wires. It took me a while because as I started to rig him I had to rework alot of the mesh. Rigging is still in progress because I suck at it.
  13. I guess it depends what you plan to do with the hall way. Do characters breifly just pass through? If so then it is probably fine. If you need it to hold up to more scrutiny then here are just a few things I notice. The walls look very pixelated. The pipes look too perfect. Baseboards as Dagoos suggested would help. The bracket or whatever the pipes pass through is pretty simple and could probably use some more detail. As I said it depends on what you want to do with it so some or all of these things may not matter. It already looks pretty good.
  14. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I have him much closer to what I was looking for now. The beard is temporary until I see if hair will look ok by itself.
  15. Thanks everyone. I think Ken is right about the legs being too long, especially the top part. He does look like a doberman too lol. If I can get him looking right I am thinking of making a short animation of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. This goat would probably be the mid size goat with a smaller and larger one based on him.
  16. I am trying to make this goat sort of cartoony, more of a charicature. There is something off about it but I can't put my finger on it. He looks more like an impala or something. What is about him that looks un-goatlike? How can I make him more goatish?
  17. I like the one with specularity. I have never seen the spectrality setting but I don't think you want to make him look like a ghost anyway
  18. I think the first thing I would have done if I were him would be to unfasten the seatbelt and try to open the door. Of course, I can't really say for sure because I have never been in a similar situation. Just something to consider. I agree with Pixar that he does look pretty relaxed.
  19. He has been put on hold while I work on the Scarecrow
  20. That is pretty stinkin awesome. The grass looked less artifacted in the previous render. Is it just the lighting difference or maybe fewer passes? I think the mountains look nice but so did the stars. Maybe if the mountains were lower in the composition you could still have some starry sky above and reduce the sort of plain area below the mountains.
  21. Maybe make his irises bigger and make the bottom curve of the top part of his beak a little smoother, less angular. I also agrre with Rodney about the legs. The drawing is more penguin like with no legs at all really. He is a pretty cool character
  22. Don't stop! I think you can learn something valuable from almost every model you make. The models look good.
  23. Hutch

    C-130 Hercules

    Wow, that is great. That is very well done. Love the detail in the cockpit and all over! I agree with Ken about the color. Any particular reason it is red? Arent they usually gray?
  24. This is really cool. It has a very surreal feel to it. Almost like futuristic Salvador Dali.
  25. Hey thanks selahpoetic. It is pretty cool to hear that my work is inspiring. As for references I just used rotoscopes that I drew. The rotoscopes just came from my head, inspired by old kung fu movies and especially by a great Jet Li movie called Lord of Wutang (also called Kung Fu Colt Master in some translations but I think they meant to say Cult instead of Colt lol).
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