I'm starting to do some experimentation into the dream sequence for my short film project (storyboard link in my signature). Before I start building I was wondering the best way to acheive certain looks.
If you look at this video on YouTube which explains how spacetime curvature effects gravity, there are some parts that represent spacetime graphically as a grid or lines in a matrix. Here's a screen grab:
If you want to see the whole clip that includes animation, here it is:
I know that Animation Master has an option to render geometry as lines. I had a few questions about this. First of all, I tried a quick test to see if it would work. I selected all the CPs of a sphere and turned on Render as Lines in the properties panel for the group. Then I tried a quick render in the choreography (not a render to file) and it rendered solid (no lines). I am planning on fiddling with it more to see what I am doing wrong, but if anyone has a quick tip on getting it to work, I would appreciate it.
Also, if you look at the picture above, you may notice that the lines kind of fade out as they recede in z space. I kind of like that. I think that one way to do this could be with black fog. Does anyone know if fog effects render as lines? Otherwise, I am open to other ways of acheiving this effect.
Also, When you render as lines, is there motion blur on the lines when you move the camera? I would like to achieve a smooth and fluid motion and motion blur will help it. If the lines do not render with motion blur, it maybe added as a effect in compositing so I guess I'm not that concerned about it. By the way I saw a demo of After Effects CS5. It has a new effect called "Scene Motion Blur" which behaves a lot better than simple directional motion blur and almost looks like the scene was rendered with motion blur to begin with.
P.S. Thanks for the comments about the Boards in the Main A:M Forum and rest assured that the narration track will be cut down and edited to permit the film to rely more on its visuals to tell the story.