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Everything posted by photoman

  1. Another object you could model would be the monolith, that will be a true challenge of your skills! Photoman
  2. Hmmm I spy a radiosity render coming up.... Ill give one a try when u post it up! Photoman
  3. Also for the glass you could set a IOR to about 1.3-1.5 for super accurate results but that would create gigantic render times. Photoman
  4. The lens has 3 materials. The metallic lens base, black plastic, and the gold stripe. The lens base is just a 2 fractal sum combiners combined by another fractal sum. I had to adjust the specularity a bit to get that look. Maybe I could get a optical diagram and create the actuall lens elements, of course that would take forever to render.... Photoman
  5. I noticed the wide-angle wide format view when watching the movie (again) the other day. I *believe* it was filmed in super panavision and he used a 15mm-ish lens for the podbay. How do you plan on lighting the scene? Photoman
  6. OK here is my try. Ringlight_EXAMPLE.mov 16pass for 30 frames. The light rig is just a ring with a bulb light moving around it. I set the cycle length of the action to .1 and to repeat 300 times (1:00 long). I rendered with 100 % motion blur though... didnt work without that on... Project: Light_Rig_EX.prj.zip Photoman
  7. Can you post the project and complete render settings? Sure Ill post and example. Ill post one once I render it real fast, (dont expect High Quality) Photoman
  8. Update: Did a little work on the camera (redid back), got bored and modeled the lens. VERY EASY took me about 1 hour total, though I havent added the decals yet. Photoman
  9. Wow never thought of doing lighting setups like this too much. Here is a quickie ring fluorescent light I created: 36pass Photoman
  10. Ok I is this what you meant by 15-45-90 degrees? It needs a few tweaks but it took me about 1min to model. Photoman
  11. Easy, at least I think, the sweeper plugin does that quite well. EX: A few tweaks is all that are needed. Hope it helps Photoman
  12. @Tralfaz You got some nice photos on that photobucket . Ive gotten a lot out of HDR, I usually use it to combine exposures for a perfect balance of shadows/highlights but its also useful for making background plate to be used in A:M. Here is where I am at now, just about got the rough shape of the body, I redid the back panel. I decided that instead of modeling the hole for the buttons I will just model the buttons and layer it on top of the patch, that will also keep the patch count down too. There are some creases and wrinkles in which Im still smoothing out. Turntable_11_8_09.mov The hard part I *think* is going to be the popup flash and viewfinder/eyepiece. I dont know if I am going to model the flash to actually popup or not. Photoman
  13. For my shiny car paint materials, I just create a couple of Fractal Sum combiners (To get the metallic look) and I put an environment map attribute under it to give it some nice reflections. Here is a quickie example I put together: Paintdemo.zip Contains a quick project with the material and environment HDR. Hope it helps Photoman
  14. @Robcat Yes those holes are soo much fun to add, then you got the bevel them and then... @Tralfaz I am into mostly Landscape/Macro photography but I usually have my camera with me wherever I go. I do enjoy astrophotography too, I have this sweet 50mm f/1.8 lens thats super sharp and works great for astrophotography. How is the IS on the 55-200? I want to get a IS lens but I dont have enough money... Here is a minor update: Still modeling the main parts, everything is mostly just splines right now, havent connected them to patches yet. Photoman
  15. Hi! Been a while since Ive done anything major in A:M. So I wanted to once again expand my modeling skills. So to do that I decided I want to model my camera (At least my digital one ). My camera is a Canon Rebel XT. The lens I will model with it will probably be my Sigma 15-30mm F/3.5-5.6, which is a big lens. Eventually I want to model all my camera gear (Film cameras, all my lens, flashes, tripod, etc). I just started the process, the model is in its very rough stages right now: I will post an AO render when there is enough to look good Photoman
  16. Looks sleek. I love the character style. What are you going to do for the A:M guy? Have it as Thom? Photoman
  17. The HDR supported formats that A:M can import are .hdr (Radiance file) and .exr (OpenEXR). I use both and they work fine A:M v13. Photoman
  18. This project of your has made me go out and pick up and read the original Arthur C. Clark novel again! Superb modeling!! Photoman
  19. Ooops.... Ok just pretend that this thread never existed Photoman
  20. ambient occlusion? why on earth call it that when the rest of the world calls it noise? Its a technical name.... it calculates rays shooting off the object (model) and every time they hit another object (Another model or the same model) it calculates it as darker. The noise comes from a low sampling rate... I think thats right.... Been enjoying this WIP, Stargate is my favorite Scifi show. Photoman
  21. Im assuming by noise filter you mean AO (Amibient Occlusion) that white grainy render look. Try this Thread on how to do that. Photoman
  22. Hmm I dont know if this willhelp but here is a video tut on how to make a greeble like effect in photoshop. Geekatplay.com Scroll down to #11 Hope its useful Photoman PS INSANE MODELING!
  23. You dont need the actual Darktree program to use them in A:M. You can download premade ones from the DarkTree Repository. I use a lot of those in my work. Photoman
  24. Update! Did some more minor things. Added stones and the moon etc. Photoman
  25. Update! I did some adjustments here and there. Added the background which is a very low res render of hills, I will render a higher res one for the final render. Tweaked the tree, added the pumpkin and created a displacement map for both. I feel like the foreground is empty, I want to add something but I dont know what to add. Ideas? Photoman
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