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Everything posted by photoman

  1. Very nice, atmosphere settings really work in that scene. I once did a tut on this subject (My first tut) unfortunetly its a video tut though For a static scene For animating Photoman
  2. Try rendering to multipass if you arent. I heard there are some issues with the AA render and bumps. Photoman
  3. Thanks for the Feedback! As for the clothing, I am kinda at a loss. I dont know if I should decal them or make actually mesh for cloth simulation. As for the rigging my friend is going to do that (probably 2008 rig, Ill be sure to let him know about dynamic bones). This is my first true character I modeled ( I dont count UltraThom since Thom was already a original character). I am going to render a walk cycle out for him at several different angles to use as sprites in the game. Photoman
  4. Hello! Yet another project. My friend has asked me to do some graphic art and character animation for a game he is creator. Here is a character I have finished modeling: (Just needs a rig and textures) Cheers Photoman
  5. That looks good! Ive always wondered what if you use several volumetric bulb lights with a fractal sum material on them would make good clouds? Ill have to test that. Photoman
  6. I once made a procedural mountain texture a while back here: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...untain+photoman Photoman
  7. If you dont want to use displacement for terrain you can use the Terrain Wizard plugin the model view, or download A:M TerraForm. Or better yet, do a mix of both. Photoman
  8. Ok I see what you mean now. Though it looks like that would be easier to do in post. I find it a pain to keep going btween photoshop and A:M trying to get exact spots correct.
  9. I can adjust the diffuse settings higher (at about 80% in the render above) but the problem with that is that it gets closer to black the higher the value.
  10. Yes. I plan to do a video breakdown when Im done and Ill explain all about that. Photoman
  11. Ok here is another attempt at the shoreline. Better? Photoman
  12. Ahh you caught me, I place a kleig to give fill because the angle of the sun makes all the detail in shadow. Odd though I dont have specularity on in the kleigs property's. Just diffuse... Ill tweak that in next render. I still need to work on that, probably reopen in PS and spend some more time working on that, I am still having trouble though with realism there. If i had A:M Paint Im sure it would be a lost easier to add that shore in hmmm If I had the money. Photoman P.S. same render as above with particles:
  13. I believe that is a reflection not a specular highlight. Photoman
  14. Here is a quick render of some recent progress, I turned particles off as well: About a hour to render Still working on the water line. Photoman
  15. Thanks for the advice!! I did something similar to that to get my lame shoreline now... I screencaped the top view and in photoshop just used the paintbrush to add black to the shore line, then I blurred it quite a bit and saved as a tga w/alpha. Then in A:M applied it as a diffuse and reflection maps. Though I does give a better transition I need to adjust it WAY more. Thanks photoman
  16. No, just some badly groomed hair that needs to be adjusted Photoman
  17. Thanks for the C&C!! I did add a relfection and diffuse map to the edge of the terrain. I noticed if I increased the reflections too much it created a almost mirror finish even with the displacement mapping and bump mapping of the terrain. I am going to update it once again today and rerender it. The final has to be 4500x2400px (15"x8" @ 300dpi), so I render about 2000x1067 (The max my computer can handle without crashing ), and I uprez it in photoshop. Photoman
  18. I hate to bump my own thread.... but I do need a little C&C .... Sorry if I come off looking pushy or anything.... Photoman
  19. Ok. So i did a lot more little things to it! Check here: (W/ post work too) I may once again rerender to get rid of those stray hairs sticking up and make less pointy and more dense underwater. Photoman
  20. Certain shaders from some other programs have ways of doing physically accurate aberation from refraction. I wonder if it would be possible to have a shader in A:M do that without a multipass setup? Photoman
  21. John I believe you are thinking of this thread: (Where I got virtually scolded (and maybe slapped ) at for my (at the time) inferior/poor knowledge of resolution and DPI. Starts at post #2 Photoman
  22. Ive rendered up to 6000x3200px once. It depends on the complexity of your scene and how much memory you hafve on your computer. For my current project, anything above 2000px will stop at 1% and crash! BUT in that project I have heavy displament, particles, and AO! In short, memory is where it is at. Photoman
  23. So I have come back to "rerender" and pupdate this project. Reasons: 1. Photo contest at school (WITH a judge from Pixar!) 2. Wanted to see if gained knowledge and skill would help/enhance 3. Bored with current projects So I added my Sun + AO indirect setup of the lighting. I updates some of the textures and other misc things. So here is the update version: (With post work) I also managed to render a succesful depth map. Though I didnt like the look of DOF in the shot so I didnt use it. Maybe I will make a video sweeping the focus through. Photoman
  24. Hot off the CPU: Res_Pool_Cam_03_A_.mov Took 6 hours on the dot! Photoman
  25. 10 minutes is fine, im just making an observation. Also I have 2 more pc's to add to my render farm, to total it up to 4! Though I can only use them at night. On another note, I may try to add a skylight rig in and see if thats better than AO for the ambience/indirect light. Photoman
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