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Everything posted by photoman

  1. Hit yet another render wall. Im using the AA render, ok, so after 36 hours it hasn't finished rendering the grass! It took it about 3 hours to render patches and anti-alias but now it just doesn't move at all. AND it displays weird numbers. For multipass it took about an average of 50min per pass so 50minx16pass (Equivalent of AA)= 13+1/3 hours and Im at 36 hours now. I'm render at 4500x2400px, I got a succesfull render at 750x400 the other day (That took about 30min). Ideas? Photoman
  2. I always try to do that, It also gives me an guestimate on the final render time. There was that one time I did a 28 hour radiosity render and it just showed white ..... Thanks though for reminding me!
  3. Hmm.... now I guess I shouldn't render that high My only reason is that I like zooming in and seeing as much detail as I can. As for the megapixel argument. SLR's usually (should) have an as[ect of 3:2 b/c their sensors are just smaller version of the 35mm (24x36mm) slide. I once heard someone say that a proper exposed 35mm color SLIDE film slide has about 25 megapixels of detail. In the end I should (will) stop using the megapixel term in CG and save it for photography. Photoman PS 9hours into render about 1-3 more
  4. Im going by megapixels. I figured that the average digital SLR is now has around an average of 15 Megapixels (Medium format has as high as 40 and large format has a sensor that shoots at 61!!!!!) so 6000x3200=19.2 megapixels vs 3000x1600 is 4.8 megapixels. Though I guess I should just go for something in the 10 megapixel range and call it a day ... So that would be (finding calculator.....) 4500x2400. What DPI does A:M render at? Photoman
  5. Hi! I decided to move this over here so that it would actually be in the right subforum. Here is the link to the original: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34739 So continuing, I finished everything for the most part. The render problem I had had fixed itself* so I double checked everything and did the final touches, tree here rock there. *NOW, my rendering problem is that every 4th pass won't render. What I mean is that everyother pass is about 47minutes (3000x1600) and the 4th (4 out a 5pass) just keeps on chuggin for about nine hours. Stuck on rendering hair..... SO... I guess I'll just setup a AA render and call it a day. Here are some more shots etc. Screenshot of scene No grass/hair/leaves Here is the scene with the hair problem fixed. But is not up to date on layout. Im going to set the final render tonight. The settings I plan to use are: Size: 6000x3200px File Type: Targa w/ Alpha (To composite sky later) Render Type: AA (Anti-Alias) Fog: Yes Reflections: No Particles/Hair: Duh!** Shadows: Yes Ambience Occlusion: No ** Total Hair Count (w/ leaves): 24648 Hairs (Over 40k before I optimized scene ) Total Textures Maps: 7 I will post the materials and grass when I finish the render. Thanks For The Help!! -Photoman
  6. Set multipass on and to 1 pass. That should render faster. OR use the raytrace preview render. Press shift-q and click the screen or right-click-shift-q and drag a box over the portion you want to render. Photoman
  7. The only use 10k+ patch models have are for terrains. (I've made some models that have 30k patches, near crashed my system to render shaded ) You can use 2-3k patch models for pretty much anything else. If you are looking for details use bump and displacement maps. Photomans
  8. Or if you need the scene to be complex use proxy models, or low patch models which can be later switched with the high detailed ones. Are you running on a mac or windows? I know from experiance that the windows version of A:M is a bit more stable then the Mac version but that shouldn't make too much of a difference. Photoman
  9. Thanks! The song is called: "The Contradanza" by The Planets. I got it from a 100 track TRANCE album which my friend lent me (CD's). It's not on itunes though, I checked. Photoman
  10. When I make landscapes I find that the most realistic textures are those created from jpegs or maps. (Checkout cgtextures.com for some) I also use a lot of displacement maps to create more complex looking geometry. Check the tutorial section I made one on making a desert landscape. Photoman
  11. What type of landscape, (Desert, mountains, fields, etc) I would recommend getting familiar with the terrain wizard and A:M's material editors. Photoman
  12. That looks very sharp and I loved the dancing! As for a egg joke.... Why do the french only eat 1 egg for breakfast? Because 1 egg is un oeuf! Photoman
  13. Here is the final version (as of yet): Thanks for all the help! C&C Welcome Photoman
  14. Finally finsihed rendering editing and all that fun. About 100 hours of rendering on my laptop and pc node. I uploading to Youtube as I am writing this and will post link when it finishes. Photoman
  15. They can but mostly 2d cad data is in the DWG format. Photoman
  16. It takes a while (Some models can take hours) and you usually have to do a lot of spline cleaning. I once took me a night for a DXF from Vectorworks. Photoman
  17. Decided to try the tutorial. Got so far as #3 and got stuck because my particles are a image map and are invisible from the top view, but look great from my other camera. I've tried changing the angle and rotation but it doesn't change anything. Ideas? Photoman
  18. Good find havent seen that one before. I'll mess around with and see what I get. If I find out how to do it right I'll create a video tutorial for it. Photoman
  19. Here is the link to the tutorial on animating water: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34417 Photoman
  20. Easy, in your choreography click the unarchive thingy and change the translation points over a period of time. I will make a tutorial and post it later today. If you are advanced you can try displacement mapping to make waves. Those (if you can get them to work and look good) take massive amounts of rendertime though/ Photoman Edit: Answered wrong question
  21. Check the tutorials section of the forum. I made a open ocean tut a few months back.
  22. Thanks! Hit a speedbump... A 16 hour render of the flythrough camera has some "black" patches I need to fix so I have to rerender that.... Also been thinking... This would also be a great idea for a tutorial. I used the sweeper plugin, newton dynamics plugin, several custom materials, etc! Photoman
  23. Ok production has slowed a bit b/c of finals this week YAY! I am now rendering everything! About 60hours into it so Im guessing it will be done by the end of the week. Hold tight! Peaks: The light is visible at the end of the tunnel. Photoman
  24. Set the transparency to 100% in the surface tab of the objects property's. Photoman
  25. Are you talking about cell turbulence? Photoman
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