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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by photoman

  1. Hello! Since the contest deadline is past, I will now post the WIP for my entry, Back from the Dentist. The idea originated from a doodle of mine. Progression in chronological order. WIP This is from a frame of a quick animation I did. I will post later. Final I hope I am allowed to post this now, if not, feel free to delete! Photoman
  2. photoman

    Camaro SS

    Great model as usual Xtaz! I love the soft shadow and reflections!! Look forward to the tutorial!! Photoman
  3. I sent mine in! Photoman
  4. For those participating. DEADLINE is coming up soon!! Photoman
  5. @Robcat Thanks! I plan on doing a more elaborate title for the final render. I am thinking about including a few other shots as well. @thefreshestever Thanks! @HomeSlice I clipped the blacks and whites in AFX. I am trying (trying being the optimum word) to simulate a really shallow dynamic range like transparency film (around 7-10 stops). Also the blooming is from the specular highlights turning into bokeh with the DOF plugin. Been playing in After FX and made a quick breakdown reel of my post processing. Here it is: I am thinking about adding a few more cameras and including a few more shots to make a 30-45 second short movie... It would be a major render job though! Photoman
  6. @Spleen Thanks! @new guy Thank you for the comment. I only started 3D when I was 14, but got serious when I was 15. The best way to learn is by practice. For every project that I consider to be good there are at least 5 different ones that I consider bad. UPDATE! I know have half the footage rendered! Five whole seconds, took over thirty hours!! Frames rendered from 40 minutes to 10 minutes. Here is a little test I made: I know it goes by really fast, I am thinking of dropping the framerate from 24fps to 18~20, plus that would give it a more timelapsy effect. Photoman
  7. Whatabout holding shift, I believe this tweaks only the one bias handle. Or wait, adjust the in/out bias under the property panel.
  8. I started the rendering as of now! Based on my estimates, it should take around 56 hours to render the 240 frames. In AE, each frame will take about 2-20 seconds to render with all the post work applied to it. Ill keep updating as it renders. Photoman
  9. Here is another quick update. I am in the process of optimizing render times. I managed to get to down around 8 minutes a frame, but with the lights I added it jumps to 32 minutes a frame. Debating on whether to keep them or not. Anyway here is another post processed render: Photoman
  10. Well, the short movie project was a bust. Never got my head wrapped around such long render times. The AO plus the reflections plus the refractions and everything was just too much. After having that said, I want to render a 720p 10 second video of the timelapse of the sun. I plan on using a depth buffer to get a cheap SSAO pass in After FX. I will also DOF and film grain and whatever to make it more real. I managed to adjust the scene so that the only objects with reflections are the water and the tiles next to it. All the other reflections are just environment maps. This dropped render times for a 720p frame from 30 minutes to 8 minutes, which is reasonable. The water also has no transparency or refraction. The ambient light is actually a light probe of a mirrored sphere render of the scene at midday. There is no AO at all except in post. I hope to have this rendered by the beginning of January. Here is a quick 5 second DOF, SSAO, and grain test in AE: Photoman
  11. Hello! Seniors at my high school are required to complete a project for a final grade. It is supposed to occupy over 15 hours of time to create and blah blah blah... I am choosing analogue photography. I plan on doing a video and I need some titles for each section. Here is the first one, it is for small tank developing: FilmDev_720_A_0.mov I made an 8 light skydome for the cheap AO effect. I used the AA render for the DOF too. I know the 35mm is totally lame looking but it is meant for illustrative purposes only. Photoman
  12. Make sure the mesh with the clothe group isn't touching anything on the first frame of the simulation
  13. The body for my UltraThom model was a generic male muscle body which I modeled off a rotoscope. I believe a good source to use ishttp://www.the-blueprints.com/. Photoman
  14. So here is the final render. I added the vignette, edge blur, and some of the grain in post. The star was added in post as well. It took about 16 hours to render too. Photoman
  15. Update! I have been working off and on wit this project. Mostly distracted with school work and college applications... anyway my Dad wants the final render this weekend so he can get the cards (about 150 or so) printed in time. I haven't added much, just the MMX above the last arch. I adjusted the lighting slightly as well. For the MMX decal I used a bump map and then created an AO (Diffuse) map using Robcat's method on his latest tutorial. Thanks! For the final render I plan to do a 25pass render at 250 samples for radiosity at a resolution of 1500x2000. I don't really want any grain at all in the final render. I will post the final post-produced render when it is ready! Photoman
  16. Here is a bigger version of the previous render. Took about 7 hours. Photoman
  17. Thanks for all the kind replies . @Robcat I looked into the "FAO" and it seems I need a current subscription (which I don't have, using disc and v14c) and a PC (Which I do have). If I do update to v16 (I may in December) I will definitely look into using. It looks like it can do a lot for a little render hit. @Gerry The magic light specs are from a low radiosity sample rate. Although I prefer a cleaner render I may find a way to include them in the final render for aesthetic reasons . @Homeslice I agree with your point about the reflections. I am still tuning the settings on the different materials. I tried a very low level of soft reflections but it came out unrealistic. The pillars had a very high specularity and radiosity does interesting things when it is too high. UPDATE: I have tweaked some more. I made a fresh marble material for the column, and updated the shading so it works with radiosity better. I have also modeled torches and a single present to add to the scene. I (well my Dad did at least ) decided that the festive element is going to big north star. I plan to add that in post, for now I just put up a dusk-star map to add interest. I have also been playing with the lighting, adding some here adjusting there sort of thing. Right now there is 9 lights overall. 8 bulb 1 kleig. Here is my latest test render: 1:43:35 9pass 100k photons @ 100samples And for fun here is a render without radiosity: 0:27:13 9pass No Radiosity I am still tweaking around with things. I am still open to adding and removing elements too. ... I will say that I do miss playing around with A:M. It is nice to have such control over a scene when making an image. It is also nice to put various paper sketches and ideas to life. Cheers Photoman
  18. Hello all! It has been (I feel like I have said this too much) a long time since I have posted. I have been really busy with school and polo and photography stuff. My Dad wants me to do another archviz sketch for his office card for Christmas. Last year I used my Residential Lap pool sketch. For this year I wanted to mix it up a bit. I first started by using a vertical composition (Final render is going to be 1200x1600px). I then chose to use a one-point perspective composition to emphasize scale and accentuate depth. After I had these in mind I sketched out a doodle involving pillars and arches. The idea was to have a hall lined with pillars lead to another chamber that had an arched door that lead either to a Christmas tree or some other festive element. I started the modeling and shading. The modeling is pretty much finished, I have just started the shading/texturing. As of right now all materials are procedural, either darktree's or images used with the BitmapPlus plugin. The lighting is supposed to be at night. I used a blue kleig pointing in as the main light in the large chamber, I also used several orange bulbs to simulate torch light in the large chamber. In the hallway there are 2 bulbs at low intensities to give shadow detail. The first image is just a test render, the second is where I am at right now. Both are using radiosity with 35k Photons. 50minutes 5pass 1:40:04 9pass I shall post more as I work on it more. Photoman
  19. Here is the final rendered title sequence: Photoman
  20. This is sure been a quick project, rendering as I speak, averaging 30seconds/frame @ 720p without multipass... I'll post when its done. ... I am glad this is bringing back memories , I will post my faux-documentary when I finish it as well Photoman
  21. Well I started the modeling/decaling. I modeled the box by first taking another box of 35mm film (Fomapan if your interested) and unwrapped it into a "T" shape. I then modeled that, took a screenshot of that. Then I pulled the K64 out of the freezer and setup my dSLR on my tripod like a copystand and photographed each side. Then using the screenshot in photoshop I cropped each photo of the sides of the K64 box into the "T" shaped model. THEN in A:M I made a pose and folded it into the box, and exported that decaled pose as a regular model... Here is a quick render, only used 3 z-buffered kleigs, took about 3 minutes to render at 720p. Photoman
  22. Hello! As always it has been a while since I've posted anything here but I have been lurking! I have a new project now that I figured I should post a WIP of. First a little background: As my forum handle suggests, I am a photographer. I shoot a lot of digital but have in the past year gotten into analog photography. I now shoot my own B/W film and develop myself. The very popular and famous film, Kodachrome, was discontinued last year by Kodak. This film which is truly unique will never be made again. Also the one lab in the world that can still process it will stop processing at the end of this year. I managed to get a hold of a single roll of Kodachrome 64 the other day and I thought it would be great to make a video/documentary about me shooting the roll, sending it off to be developed, and studying the slides, as well as including a brief history about that film. ANYWAY, the reason why I am posting this here is that I plan on doing the title sequence with A:M. The plan for that is to have a stack of the K64 boxes and then have the title text drop down on top of them. Pretty simple right? Well I want them to be ultra realistic and professional so I am going to take my time in decaling each box carefully and exactly. I will post more once I get the ball rolling a bit more! Photoman (Shot with my Digital Camera)
  23. I will attempt an entry ! Photoman
  24. I would try a velvet shader in combination with a bump/displacement map, and also place a few kleigs in the scene that just cast specular highlights and orient those to higlight the edges of the bumps to increase detail. Photoman
  25. That looks great! What image did you use for the environment map? Photoman
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