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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. Awesome news John. Many thanks to Hash Inc for making these tutorials available! 8Gb... whoa!
  2. Zack, I've got to say I love it. When I clicked on "Electric Guitar" I was expecting to see just another update to your previous work. It isn't. Seeing the picture appear on the screen I immediately said "Wow!" Definitely Showcase material. Proof postitive that attention to detail makes a difference, Congrats on completing your Strat! - Rodney
  3. Ernesto, I thought I had already responded but I must have imagined that I did. For 'not really original' bouncing balls you've really made a fun little animation I really like it! Tweak to your hearts content but... I'm looking forward to the next episode! A fan, Rodney
  4. That's some amazing work you've done there Jeff. Simple in concept (as you've explained) but awesomely implemented. The dialation of the pupil makes that really work as well! -Rodney
  5. I'm definitely being misunderstood here. I'm still a devoted fan regardless and have done as instructed. Best, Rodney
  6. [Delete me Please]
  7. [Delete me Please]
  8. [Delete me Please]
  9. I think he's gonna need teeth Gary. Walk in his shoes for a moment... you'd want em right. Seriously though, I think he would look better with teeth. Best, Rodney
  10. Looks like you followed the tutorial pretty closely. Nice. We're gonna have a squadron of these flighting machines build in the community in no time!
  11. Alli, You scare me. You do. The only words that spring to mind are... Nice fluid animation. Although my PG13 mind is railing against using the term 'nice' you are a talent to be reconded with. The one thing you make very apparent in all of your work is that... Artists are such interesing people.
  12. Now here is a real departure. Great fun drawing what sells rather than what you may actually like to draw. Great fun for the kids too! If you can draw these the kids will flock to you. How to design/draw those cute little creatures! For the writer (and reader) in all of us there are online stories as well: Online stories: Neopet Adventures of many types and varieties
  13. I like it because it gives me some insight into how other people (successful other people mind you) work in Animation:Master. That alone is worth every penny.... err...that's not right... Wait a minute...this is free!?? Holy animated user Batam. His stuff is free! And fun too! For those who would perfer realistic (that's alright I like realistic too) have you seen John's superheroes? They would look perfect flying one of those things. John please! Put one of those characters in the air with one of your Ospreys. Please. I'm begging! ;o) *John-If you want my critique (other than the one you got via #hash3d) it would be that I thought it ran a little slow in places. Most likely because I know my way around the user interface a little. New users will probably find the pace to be just about right. Thanks.
  14. I think that last link has some bad code in it. This link should take you there: Railroad Paint Shop *Looks like a nice train Ken... but as in a few other posts recently hard to see as the model is so black. Maybe you could post some textureless images as you go along and finish with black later. Hoping all you train fanatics (fans and freaks included of course) join forces someday and create a Virtual Railland. Maybe you can port it out to Artic Pigs and let them engines run! - Rodney Added: I may have to hang out in the Lineside area for awhile! They have some cool images of the building you'd find along the railways that might satisfy my need to build a building. I've been wanting to do that lately after I saw some doll houses that were simply but elegantly built.
  15. I really like the directors cut. I need to go back and compare the two to really understand what was changed though. As it stands, your project seems to have been a great success. I can only guess that you might convince yourself to do it again next year after the memory of those sleepless days fade. Very nice work and efforts from all! - Rodney
  16. Wow! Very nice. With the speed of that movement and change out of the proxy background I'm not to sure that I care that it's a flat rendered character!!! Looks 3D to me! Most impressive.
  17. Dale, I've gotta bump this up as I don't remember seeing any other updates or reports on your further experience with v11 hair and your pooch. I know you are busy but curious minds what to know! Best. Rodney
  18. Nice! Like I'm witnessing history.
  19. Oh dear... Oh dear... Oh dear...
  20. Dale, I'm not sure how I managed to miss your post! That is awesome! Funny Funny Funny too! Great use of music and repeating words too. How long until you say the sequel will be released? Rodney
  21. Is it too early to upgrade my subscription?
  22. Very very nice! I love the design of the characters and the simplicity of the expressions. I know it wasn't so simple to get it animated! Really looking forward to seeing more of these two and their adventures. Interesting storyline you've got there as well. You are quite adept at linking your story elements with the elements of the character animation and designs. For example, the explanation for Misty's outfit. Nice touches throughout your description and animation. Rodney
  23. Have you tested how weather maps look on your models. I think even if you decide to add other means to add texturing weathering will help. Weathering Effect (Online Tech Ref Info) Good Luck! Rodney
  24. John! That is the scariest thing I've seen since.... well.... Its scary!
  25. Nice one Doug! I think it most fitting also that the image displayed when I went into AnimWatch was of Delgo (The Movie). Brian Prince of Animation:Master fame is working on that one unless I'm mistaken!
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