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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. I think the issue with: Is that the CP number is assigned based on the spline that it belongs to. If the importer doesn't create the same splines in the exact same order with every import then the CP#s will be a different number. Because the importer has to make decisions (some of which may be random?) this will assign different CP#s throughout. Edit: I would say that it is possible to 'break' an importer to where it always makes the exact same decisions (i.e when it encounters Problem A always perform Solution A no matter what the other variables are) but surely that would result in a less than optimal import. We'd have to get a look at the importer code itself to understand what variables it considers in making the decisions on what process to execute at each decision point. It does seem to me that some optimization could be gained by reducing variation (i.e. limit any random decisionmaking to the absolute minimum possible... or leave those variable to the user to decide) but I have no idea what thresholds exists that constrain the decision making of the import code. Added: The SDK has information on the makeup of CPs: spline := "CPs=" %cpCount = int eoln [cp]%cpCount /* cp flags are interpreted as follows: enum ECPFlags { kSmooth = 1, kClosed = 4 }; The different flags are or'd together. */ cp := %flags = int %weld = int %number = int eoln if (%weld == 0) { float float float eoln // cp's x y z coordinates } else { int eoln // this cp has no x y z, rather it is welded here } %alpha1 = float if (not end of line) { float float eoln // read gamma1 and magnitude1 } else { skip to next line } %alpha2 = float if (not end of line) { float float eoln // read gamma2 and magnitude2 } else { skip to next line } int := [0...9]+ This is really old stuff and only posted here as representational of what is going on. I believe it's from circa v8 file format.
  2. I'll guess that there is a way to do this by creating a plugin (SDK type programming) but you might also be able to do a brute force method (for instance I could see a basic proof of concept being created via MS Excel). The following is the area of interest in any particular Model file: <SPLINE> 262273 0 1 0 0 0 . . 393217 0 3 -5 0 0 . . </SPLINE> <PATCHES> </PATCHES> <NORMALS> </NORMALS> <ATTRS> </ATTRS> </MESH> <BONES> <SEGMENT> Name=Bone1 <NONSKINNEDCPS> 3 </NONSKINNEDCPS> BoneColor=255 0 0 255 Start=-5 0 0 End=-5 0.5 -5 Rotate=-0.497406 0.502581 0.497406 0.50258 Length=0.483963 </SEGMENT> <SEGMENT> Name=Bone3 <NONSKINNEDCPS> 1 </NONSKINNEDCPS> BoneColor=255 0 0 255 End=0.00740465 0.408511 -4.87063e-008 Rotate=-0.495449 0.50451 0.495448 0.50451 Length=0.408578 </SEGMENT> </BONES> Basically, for every instance between the tag inside a tag: <SPLINE> 262273 0 1 0 0 0 . . 393217 0 3 -5 3.72529e-009 0 . . </SPLINE> You would have to create an equivalent Bone in a tag: and <SEGMENT> Name=BonedCP3 <NONSKINNEDCPS> 3 </NONSKINNEDCPS> BoneColor=255 0 0 255 Start=-5 0 0 End=-5 0.5 -5 Rotate=-0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Length=0.5 </SEGMENT> Note1: In this case I manually deleted a CP (CP#2) and therefore because it doesn't exist... no Bone would need to be created for it. Note2: Apparently a Bone at location 0,0,0 doesn't need a Start point indicated, so if all your Bones are stacked at 0,0,0 then that's one less thing you'd have to code. You can initially assign a set number to those areas that aren't of particular interest to you such as: BoneColor End Rotate Length I can see where the End value might be problematic if you leave that one alone but you could just take the Start value and add a specific number (say 5?) to that. Incrementing the BoneColor slightly upward with each Bone created would let you know at a glance which Bones were created first by their assigned color. The Line Item of specific interest then is the designated Start location of the Bone Segment: At any rate... For Spline3 we'd get (roughly): 393217 0 3 -5 0 0 . . ...you would generate a Bone (We'll call it BonedCP3 so that we know who it belongs to): <SEGMENT> Name=BonedCP3 <NONSKINNEDCPS> 3 <<Most Important </NONSKINNEDCPS> BoneColor=255 0 0 255 Start=-5 0 0 <<Most Important End=-5 0.5 -5 Rotate=-0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Length=0.5 </SEGMENT> There are some things I'm not quite accounting for here (I'm rounding numbers for instance) but that is the general direction you'd have to go if you were brute forcing the creation of one Bone per each Control Point. Something that could be tested: How does A:M deal with incomplete Bone information? If for instance you just created the framework for the Bone and Assigned it to the CP would A:M fill in the rest of the information automagically? I'll wager it would. DISCLAIMER/WARNING: Manually coding an A:M File is one of the surest ways to crash A:M. Make sure you save your files before testing any model or project file you've manipulated manually in a text editor.
  3. That Gingerbread Man is quite a showman! Looking forward to seeing him in the final presentation.
  4. Creating an organic spaceship that can swim in water and fly in the air... nice! Most things worth pursuing are. I like where you are heading with this.
  5. Interesting. I haven't seen this error except when trying to open a file. Is this with v17b?
  6. So, end the show on a cliffhanger, "To Be Continued..." (That'd grant the benefit in the next episode of any issues being magically fixed aready' 60 seconds he says... sheesh... and here I was beginning to think you were talented. hehe
  7. I hope that doesn't mean we won't get to see more of this thing in action. From here it looks like that would make for a fun educational lesson. More please!
  8. Now that is impressive. Looking forward to your tutorial!
  9. Somewhat related to my last post, this is a fascinating set of images. It uses Snap Group to Surface but that in and of itself is not what is of interest to me. What is interesting is how the surface of an object can be captured but not only the surface butthe outline/contour as well. This (very!) roughly equates to some of the things they've got going on over at Disney with 'Paperman'. This is way beyond the scope of Snap Group to Surface but I find it interesting never-the-less.
  10. If you haven't logged in to the A:M Community in awhile you should drop in and check it out. This is a place where new users visit often so meet with them and welcome them to the A:M Community. Online See who else is online. Initiate a private chat with anyone listed by double clicking on their name. Note: You can have both a public and a private chat ongoing simultaneously if you want to do that. This is especially useful during scheduled chats, interviews and discussions where you and others don't want to interrupt the public chat. Chat Drop in and chat! Post your questions. Share resources and experience. Let everyone know what you are working on in A:M. Customizable Support Tab A default page has been provided that highlights some of the great work that has been produced with Animation:Master but studios, schools and individuals can customize this page to display pretty much anything they choose. Forum There is a view to the front page of the forum where all the latest and greatest happenings. Browse the forum for information. Download and explore resources. Ask questions/receive feedback. TWO Wiki/FAQ The wiki tab is currently offline but look for it to return soon. In the meantime here is a direct link to the wiki/FAQ: http://www.hash.com/faq/ Other information you may not know about the A:M Community: - Set your community status at the top of the Community window to: online, busy, away or appear away or use it to Sign Out - Change the font you are using in the Chat window via the Font icon Don't get too artistic though or people won't be able to read your chat. - Turn off the Chat bell by Clicking on the Bell icon Each time someone adds to the chat the bell sounds to advise you that someone is chatting. As this can be distracting (and even annoying), the bell can be turned off and then turned back on when you wish to have the bell signal you that someone is chatting. Other features are just a moment away but a good place to start is to log in and review the community tabs. See you in A:M Community!
  11. While not officially confirmed by Steffen he has posted a file that fixes this problem on the Mac for EXR files and Mark has already downloaded the fix. Yet another reason to submit to A:M Reports... where they can be quickly resolved! [bug]6267[/bug] EXR.iio Plugin Not Loading On Mac If you are having this problem, downloading the attached file should get you up to speed and operational again. Disclaimer: Only download this file if you are experiencing problems with EXR IIO on the Mac. Thanks Steffen! EXR.zip
  12. Hope you have a happy one Mr. Sappington! For those newbies that might be wondering, if you've watched the TaoA:M video tutorials he was your instructor for the majority of them. (It's also my sister's birthday)
  13. Thanks Jason!
  14. Same site... but different information. Here they break down the Principles of Animation: http://www.animationbrain.com/category/animation-principles Here's a random sampling of information from that section regarding how the number of frames effects timing: There is a similar writeup in the TaoA:M manual.
  15. I haven't played with the project file yet (but hope to soon!) but I was under the impression that newton physics wasn't even used in this project.
  16. Rodney


    I ran across this site and couldn't help but take the survey: I don't mean to skew the results for anyone that wants to take the suvey but here is what they say regarding global views on color: http://www.colormatters.com/color-symbolism/global-color-survey Remember what you select because you won't get the chance to see it again. Don't read the following if you plan to take the survey! No real surprises there. Although I didn't answer a lot of them the same. I post this as a furtherance to assigning colors but not as a suggestion that they have to adhere to anything preconceived ideas.
  17. Oh, that's good Macros. You are making great progress!
  18. You are quick! I'm not sure how best to approach the beard but I'm sure others will know. Aside: There is something about the color scheme on Gravedigger that doesn't quite seem to work. At a glance I'll guess that it's the bright green color but not sure. A quick look at real world fabrics might help to refine his clothing's color toward the perfect form.
  19. If you visit the Adobe site or attempt to update to the recently released Adobe Reader XI you'll currently get an update to Adobe Reader X instead and if attempting to update via the Reader itself a message that says you are currently up to date. This despite the fact that the Adobe site showing the XI version available for download. Since the XI release has been out since late Sep I can only assume the current buglist is large enough to keep Adobe from promoting/releasing it fully. For those interested the XI release is available at the following location: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatet.../11/11.0.0.html DISCLAIMER: YOU SHOULD READ THROUGH THE BUG LIST FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING. I installed and haven't had any problems thus far. Some of the updates from the previous version are fairly trivial but of primary interest is the new annotation options. Of particlar interest is that as the new release attachments can be added right there in the Acrobat Reader. So what does this mean to you? Scenario: You are reading a tutorial or watching a presentation when you see that some resources are available to use in Animation:Master. You note the attachment and click on it and the resource opens in A:M. You explore the resource and then go back to the PDF files to learn more. This is nothing new to folks that have purchased the full version of Adobe Acrobat but what is new here is that everyone now has the ability to add these resources as attachments inside a PDF document. That is significant. There will be more to come regarding this... with the goal of getting more resources into the hands of A:M Users... but I want to get this info flowing because it is going to be very good for us here in the A:M Forum and for those that want to add these resources now... you can now do that. More testing required to see what other capabilities are included in Acrobat XI. For those with time to kill here are some links to explore: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/known-is...-xi-reader.html Acrobat User information and (apparently) the chance to win stuff over the next 30days: https://www.facebook.com/adobeacrobat?sk=app_316874691719824
  20. Nicely tinkered John!
  21. Bumping this up as not only the Star Sphere is cool but so is the coding (javascript) behind it. We were previously talking about how much we love the A:M file formats here.
  22. Ooooo. I like it. If we can pull that off to the degree I think we can that'll be a great transition. That seems to lend itself well to thoughts of Latimer's parents social status and hints at their family history. I like!
  23. How in the heck??? I assume you are animating the solid block's scale or size while simultaneously overlaying the sprite particle effect? Very impressive Marcos!
  24. This second project downloads (and operates fine) the first one (as was mentioned) did not. You may want to edit your first post and delete that attachment. I'm looking at the project file now but so far don't see anything amiss... If you don't embed the project files then they will be missing. When you try to share them the project will point to the files that weren't downloaded. Occasionally this might work when using characters like Thom because they are in the same relative locations on everyone's computer systems. I'd say that when in doubt for sharing you should embed and/or use the consolidation feature to zip everything up into a single file that can be shared. The benefit of consolidation beyond embedding is that any images used in the project (decals etc.) will also be shared.
  25. I'm not seeing the same issue on the PC side so perhaps it is only a Mac related issue. I haven't tried 64bit yet but 32bit I see no problem.
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