Ace.Co Entertainment
25 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Way back in 2000, Casio released the first MP3 player that you could wear on your wrist. It had a staggering 32 MB of storage and could hold about 1 hour of 60kbps audio or half an hour of 120kbps. It looked like this I got one in about 2001 and it eventually died, but I loved that watch. Fast-forward to 2021 and out of nostalgia I bought another one. I still love it, but 32MB of storage is a bit useless for modern sensibilities. Sadly, even though the internal card reader will read and format a larger card, for unknown software/hardware reasons the watch refuses to allow anything more than 32MB of data to be sent to it. 😔 In 2022 I bought a Kospet Op…
Last reply by Roger, -
- 18 replies
Hi, everybody. I've not posted much recently, I've been busy with my YouTube stuff for most of the past year, but I've kept tabs on the forums. Hope everyone is doing well. Anyway, I've been working on a bit of something in my downtime so I thought I'd share the work in progress. Still a lot of work to do.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 52 replies
Decided to start remaking my buddy, Tech. Unwrapping him is not going to be any fun.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 114 replies
Hey guys, I mentioned in my diary topic that I was working on a new audiobook project called Breckridge. It's a ghost story for anyone who's interested and takes place in and around Breckridge Secondary School in the fictional town of Southedge in the North of England. I also mentioned I was working on making Breckridge School to use as a visual aspect to the audiobook. Below is what I've got done so far. This part of the building is a geography classroom in the schools' south block, flanked by a girls bathroom on the left and a boys bathroom on the right. I know this because I'm basing the overall layout of the school on my old high school. The major differen…
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 4 replies
A long long time ago (2013), I bought an Xbox 360 kinect with the intention of using it to make Motion capture files for A:M (seriously I've never even owned an Xbox 360). It did not go well and the kinect ended up being stored in my wire monster (The big tote where I keep all my miscellaneous wires and tech doo-dads). Shamed into action by the Mocap contest, I started looking into the process again and discovered that there was free software capable of simultaneously capturing data from 2 kinect's, combining the info and then spit out a .BVH file. So naturally I went to my local second hand game store and bought a second kinect. This afternoon, brimming with un…
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 186 replies
Just finished this bit of fan animation for one of my favourite Youtube channels and as it's done in A:M I figured I'd share it here. Also Rodney mentioned that it would be nice if my next project wasn't as scary as Breckridge so as the title of this topic suggests, this one is a bit nicer.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 0 replies
My medal from the Planes, Trains & Automobiles contest came in the post today. Thank you very much. It's The only physical medal/trophy I've ever won.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 16 replies
Now the book is out I need to promote it and for Christmas I wanted to make some festive artwork to post on social media. Naturally the first thing that comes to mind is Santa Claus, but then it dawned on me that Santa and for that matter Christmas, wouldn't exist in Bernie's world. So I needed to create a holiday and its mascot to fill the roll. Anyway long story that you're probably not interested in short. I created a Santa-esque character called Ursa Magika. He isn't textured yet and the colours aren't final but I figured I'd post what I've got done so far.
Last reply by Wildsided, -
I don't know if anybody would want to use these, but I whipped up some higher res AM shortcut icons because the ones that come with the software go a bit blurry and misshapen on my desktop. AM_icon.icoAM_icon_64.ico
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 4 replies
I don't know if anyone else has experienced this problem but I noticed that when I deleted the relationship of a pose from a model, it would remove the pose from the PWS but not remove it from the 'Poses' window for the model. If your text editor isn't in the list select choose another app and navigate to Word Pad. Step 4 - Select Word Pad and you should see something like this Step 5 - Press Ctrl + F and a find box will pop up, search for the pose entry you want to remove. In this example I'll search for 'Head grow shrink' When you press Find next (or enter) the document will auto navigate to the entry for the pose you're looking for. To …
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 3 replies
Attached is a picture of how the hair preview looks on my computer across 3 iterations of A:M. In version 17 it looks fine, then in version 18 you can't see the models face because hair at the back of the model layers itself to the front of the image (the only way to prevent this is to have shaded wireframe mode on). The hair has also turned white with a coloured outline. Then in version 19 it looks much the same except significantly thinner. Just to clarify it's the exact same model with no alterations. Just loaded up and then hair switched on. Everything looks fine if you render the image, but it's like whatever changes were made to the hair preview c…
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Not a complaint or a bug report, but does anyone else here know what I mean when I say the 5-second lock? It doesn't matter what version of A:M I've ever used across at least 4 systems or varying specs. 32bit or 64bit. 1 light, 6 lights, no effects or a whole whack. There doesn't seem to be a particular cause. But whenever I tell A:M to render a scene with (Q) render mode one of 2 things will happen: 1) The scene will render over the course of however long it takes depending on the complexity of the scene or.. 2) The counter in the bottom left of the screen will count up to 0.00.05 (occasionally 04 or 06 but mostly 05) and lock up. The program…
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 5 replies
Guess who's back. I thought I was done, I thought if I ever wanted to do some more 3D stuff that I'd just prat about with Blender, but no. I tried going 2D, convinced myself that's where my future was, but no. The siren song of A:M has pulled me back in and I've signed on for another year. What can I say? I missed the ease of use. Missed the simplicity of converting ideas into something that I could make do complex moves and not have to redraw it every frame or worry about layer orders or foreshortening. So I'm back, motivated and ready to get A:M back into my workflow. Ready to make promo art for my next book, (sorry Rodney it's the sequel to Breckridge, An…
Last reply by Roger, -
- 7 replies
This goes out to all the smarty's in the audience. I found a piece of software that'll allow me to make realistic looking faces. The software's exporter will export a neutral face model and then a bunch of morph targets based on that model. So when it's done you end up with Neutral.obj and Angry.obj for example I can obviously import both .obj's into A:M as 2 separate models. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to make a new %pose in model 1 and import or copy over the CP positions from model 2 in order to make a pose slider that shifts from neutral at 0% to Angry at 100%. The two models have the exact same spline allocations as far as I can tell but t…
Last reply by detbear, -
- 3 replies
Sorry to post about this, but I searched for the last time I asked about it and came up empty. On new years day I broke my Laptop and so now I have a new one. I'd like to move my sub over to the new system but I can't remember what to do in order to have it done. I had to download a piece of software and email the report it spat out to someone and then I got a new Master.lic but I can't remember exactly. cheers for any help Dan
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone, it's been a while. Ever heard of Five Nights at Freddy's? For those of you who haven't it's an Indie videogame developed by a guy called Scott Cawthon. In the game you play as the night security guard of a run down chucky cheese style establishment called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The animatronics in said establishment are set to free roam over night to prevent their servos locking up. The problem is they can't differentiate between a human and an endoskeleton without it's suit. That's against the rules at Freddy's so if they find you.... The game is loaded with atmosphere and some incredibly creepy lore. It and its sequel come highly recommende…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Hi everyone, As you may have noticed Ace.Co Entertainment has been given its own special topic section. To even be considered for one of these would have been a great honor in itself, so to actually be given one is amazing. So I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who was involved with the decision and promise that I'll work my ass off to keep this area maintained and interesting. Thanks again Dan
Last reply by zandoriastudios, -
To clarify I'm not talking about 3D as in a 3D model. I mean 3D like stuff coming in and out of the screen. I had this idea a little while ago and finally got around to trying it out. (Not claiming to be the first person to ever think of this.) Essentially I made a black window that tricks the brain into thinking you're watching a smaller sized video than you actually are. So when the object comes through the window and is in the black area 'outside' the video. You get a sense of 3D without actually having a 3d video. Works best when you full screen the video. Also sorry about the video quality, not a big fan of this new 10mb upload limit, might end up making a ne…
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 1 follower
- 88 replies
Saw Frozen the other day. Loved every minute of it (particularly the 'Let it go' sequence). So I decided to play with making something in the Disney style. This is no princess in particular but here's what I have so far.
Last reply by Rodney, -
Hi guys, Didn't know exactly where to post this but as it's stuff I'm working on I guess this'll be as good a place as any First up is a squadron of Arwing's from the game series Starfox that will be used in the opening skit of episode 14. You can also check out Gwen our soon to be new co-host by visiting Epic Gamin say hi to Gwen
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 24 replies
Hi everyone, I've decided that it's time that I did something nice and as I don't own the copyright to any of these characters It only seems fair that I share them with the community to do with as they please. So kicking off with Sonic sonic.mdl
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 49 replies
Hello! Being as though I've put Epic Gamin' on hiatus, not cancelled, it's just a copyright mine field that I don't have the time, money or inclination to wade through. I've decided to make a whole new topic for my shiny new project and when I say shiny and new I mean for you guys, for me this project has been on going since 1999. I won't bore you with the details (unless someone asks), but needless to say the plot and characters of the story I intend to tell have been around for a long time. I mentioned over on Dan's Epic Gamin' stuff that I'm moving into motion comics and as I've been flirting with the Anime art style for years I decided to go with that style …
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 4 replies
I recently finished work on a new character called Reiko Isn't she cute? She'll be starring in my new video game project. I haven't made any firm decisions other than it'll be a heavily story driven adventure/puzzle game with 8 directional movement. Over the last couple of days I've been working on getting some basic things organised. Such as Reiko herself being controllable and her being able to walk around objects. Below is a quick video of what I've got done so far.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
In the first season of Epic Gaming something happened that had ramifications beyond our world. A story began but was ultimately left unfinished. In November the rest of that story will be told as we pay tribute to a legend. Think you might know what I'm talking about? Let me know below!
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys A couple of years back (before I lost my job as bakery manager) I made a comic starring anthropomorphic animals in a grocery store environment and based loosely on life at the shop I worked at. Being promoted to manager seriously limited my time and the comic ended up sidelined, recently though I've been thinking about the characters and situations I'd planned and I'm thinking about adapting it to be a web show. The format will be a fly on the wall documentary/reality style with staff interviews. Characters include a produce manager mole who is practically blind, a womanizing panther, the store owner who is a ram, the store manager who is a white…
Last reply by Wildsided,