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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Ursa Magika


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Now the book is out I need to promote it and for Christmas I wanted to make some festive artwork to post on social media. Naturally the first thing that comes to mind is Santa Claus, but then it dawned on me that Santa and for that matter Christmas, wouldn't exist in Bernie's world. So I needed to create a holiday and its mascot to fill the roll. Anyway long story that you're probably not interested in short. I created a Santa-esque character called Ursa Magika. He isn't textured yet and the colours aren't final but I figured I'd post what I've got done so far.Ursa Magika.png



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  • 2 weeks later...

Done some more work on Ursa. Finished rigging his cloak (except the hood) and added his staff (The staff of the north). I set the star fragments in the end of the staff to glow and tried to do a render. But for some reason, even though the star is the only thing in the scene set to glow, A:M is making the fur trim of the cloak glow as well. I even went into the surface settings of the fur and set glow to off, and the group that the fur material is assigned to and set it's glow property to off and the fur is still glowing. Think it might be a bug.


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Just for the sake of argument, I pulled in the bernie model that also uses hair (separate materials to Ursa's hair) and they glow too, even though the star in the staff is the only thing that is set to glow. I also tried removing the staff and inserting a generic cube which was set to glow and got the same result. If I remove the objects with the glow property then the fur doesn't glow. It seems that if anything is set to glow then any hair particles are made to glow as well.


magica no glow object0.png

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  • Hash Fellow

Steffen has pounced on that bug and lists it as "Resolved"... in v19.5

There is no timeline for a release of v19.5, it is still in alpha, so for now the work-around will need to work.

I tested back to v15, the problem seems to be new in v19.

Thanks for spotting that problem!


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Glad to be of service.

So, the whole point of making the Ursa model was because I wanted to release a free short story on Kindle for Christmas. Sadly it turns out that you can't release a free ebook on Kindle (There is a way that involves releasing through another website for free, then releasing it on kindle for 0.99 cents and telling Amazon that it's free elsewhere so they price match but it takes weeks and isn't guaranteed). So instead I converted the finished ebook into images and released it as a series of pictures on my Facebook Author Page.

If you fancy giving it a read (and maybe a cheeky follow) the page is https://www.facebook.com/DanielFSkeltonauthor/ 

If not the cover looks like this.

Ursa Magika Cover low res.png


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