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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Hash Fellow

The new A:M Forum Image Contest starts here, starts now!



New Deadline:


Watch the Contest Announcement:




Summer Memories!


Summer is here... Show us the fun you're having (or wish you were having)!


Entries can be realistic or cartoony, classic or corny... just make sure it's about "Summer!"


Contest Rules:

1) All images must be original work, modeled, posed and rendered in Animation:Master. Third-party paint programs may be used for texturing purposes.


1b) WIP threads where you solicit feedback or reveal any or all of your image are allowed.


2) Images may be in any vertical or horizontal format and any aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3, 16:9...), however the shortest side must be at least 1080 pixels


2a) Image content should be of a "G" to "PG" nature.


3) Images should be submitted in uncompressed TGA or PNG format as an attachment in a Hash Forum personal message to @robcat2075 (Robert Holmén)


3a) So we may all observe and learn from the modeling efforts of the entrants a Shaded Wireframe render of the image is also required with the submission.

4) Although the contest topic is "Summer Memories" and images should somehow portray or evoke the topic, they do NOT need to include the text "Summer" or "Memories".


5) Revised Entry Deadline: September 18, 2017. But Summer lasts until the 22nd... get your entry in by then? ;)


5a) Before voting starts, there will be a brief exhibition of all the images. Each entrant should check this gallery to make sure their image is present.

6) Winners of the contest will be chosen by a public internet vote.

7) Contest results will be announced in a YouTube video by someone in a dark suit. Winners may be asked to participate in a Skype audio interview about their creation.

8) Hash Inc. may use any of the images for promotional purposes.


9) All rules come from the fertile imagination of the contest coordinator, Robert Holmén, the final authority on any doubtful meanings and changes necessary to conduct a fair and felicitous contest.






10) Hash Inc. is graciously contributing three Hash Store gift certificates: 1st place $150, 2nd place $100, 3rd place $75!


11) The acclaimed Animation:Master Forum Image Contest Medal will be awarded to the top three entries.


12) Handsome certificates, so suitable for framing that you get $1 to buy a frame, will be awarded to 4th through 10 place finishers.


13) Every entrant will be assigned and receive the winnings from a Texas Lottery scratch-off ticket, to be scratched-off semi-live in the contest result video.  Prizes (potentially zero to hundreds of dollars) will depend on the specific the Lottery game card available at the conclusion of the contest. Winnings will be paid via PayPal.


13a) Although multiple entries are allowed in the Image Contest, scratch-off lottery tickets are limited to one per person up to a limit of 30 persons total for the contest.

14) Additional prizes may be announced in the future!


14a) Two $25 Hash gift certificates and three Caricatures by Largent ($25 value) will be randomly awarded among the 4th and lower finishers.

14b) Mark Largent is not eligible to win a caricature by Largent.

  • Admin
So it needs to have actual text saying "summer" somewhere on the image?


I can anticipate the answer (although not in any way officially).


Nope. The imagery should be sufficient to convey the idea of 'summer'.

If it doesn't... voting...at least my vote... will reflect.

Conversely, if the image includes the word 'summer' and in no perceivable way has a connection to summer... well then... ;)

  • Hash Fellow

Contest Update:

- Announcement video added to top post. Let me know if it doesn't show or play.


- Rules are now numbered for easy identification.


- Note rule #4 clarifying the "Summer" aspect of hte contest.


- Rule 13a added to guard against someone submitting 10,000 entries




So it needs to have actual text saying "summer" somewhere on the image?


Rodney is correct, you do not need the word "Summer" in your image. I have added Rule 4 to clarify that.

  • Admin
- Rule 13a added to guard against someone submitting 10,000 entries




Grrr... I was just working on my 10,000th entry and... all for naught!



5) Entry Deadline: September 4, 2017


Yikes. That's coming up quick.

I'd better polish off at least one of those other entries.


How fun, and easy topic everyone can relate to. I will shoot to get at least 1 entry, I hope many others do too. The prizes are great- and EVERY ENTRANT is a WINNER??? That's new! Imagine your excitement as Rob scratches-off your $1 ticket from the Texas lottery... everything in Texas is BIGGER!

  • Hash Fellow

Contest update:

Rule 1b permitting WIP threads has been added.

There are nine weeks left in the "Summer Memories" Image Contest.


I think I have a few of ideas. Now i need to pick one.

  • Admin

I'm exploring an idea for the contest with initial doodling starting to form.

Not entirely sure I'll stick with this one but it's a basic idea that can be expanded upon if I find myself with more time to add additional aspects.

I think I'll forgo posting a WiP because I'm not entirely sure where this will go.

Although, come to think of it that aspect of refinement might be a good reason to post a WIP.

(I still owe the forum a behind-the-scenes for the last contest)




I think I have a few of ideas. Now i need to pick one.


I've got three, just depends if I can execute on any of them. I've always approached these contests as a reason to learn a new technique in AM. This time around I have the potential of learning all kinds of nifty things!

  • Hash Fellow

Shaded Wireframe rule added (3a)


There are seven weeks left in the Image contest!



I need to get cracking!

  • Hash Fellow

Until today you had three more weeks to get your entry in, but not anymore.


Now you have five weeks!


New Entry Deadline: September 18, 2017



Also added... Rule 5a Pre-voting Exhibition Gallery

  • Admin

That new deadline is appreciated.

I started strong on my entry... or so I think... but then faded fast.

The concept and initial setup was easy.

Then the details started getting in the way.

  • Hash Fellow

Additional prizes announced in Rule 14a! ( see top)


You have three weeks and 5 days left to finish your image contest entry!

  • Hash Fellow

Three weeks!





That's how long it takes to hatch an egg and that's how long we have to get our Summer Memories Image Contest entries done.


I hope you all are farther along than I am!

  • Hash Fellow

Like Jerry Lewis at his Labor Day telethon, my goal is always to have at least one more entry than last time.


Last contest we had 13 entries, I'm hoping we get 14... or more!

  • Admin

It's not looking good for my entry... but there's still a little hope.

A lot will depend on if I can make a energetic sprint toward the finish line during the... very... last 24 hours.

I thought I was off to a pretty good start, then procrastinated entirely too much over the past month.


I'm reading that deadline as midnight on the 18th of September... so hope that is right.

I seem to take that old saying 'a task will expand to fill the allotted time' a bit too literal. ;)


A slow week for work, plus some boring nights in hotel rooms Got me over the finish line. I even learned a few things along the way, so i am already a winner!

  • Hash Fellow

It occurs to me that, scientifically speaking, Summer doesn't actually end until the 22nd. clever.gif


We don't want to exclude any valid Summer Memories!


So, if your entry is done, it would be great to have it on the 18th but if you're running behind and just need to get over a few humps we can still sneak you in by the 22nd.


I've seen some cool entries already and am looking forward to seeing more!

  • Admin

It occurs to me that I am one of those A:M Users that wants to see more contests and have stated exactly that over the years.

If I don't get an entry in for this contest then that isn't speaking well concerning my interest in having more contests.

So... I do plan on entering I just need to get to splinin' and refinin'. :)

  • Hash Fellow

Entries are coming in already!

Use these last few days to get your image wrapped up and in on September 22!

  • Hash Fellow

If anyone is having last minute glitches or holdups or other unexpected mysteries, contact me in a PM. We can figure out a solution or work around to get you back on track.

  • Hash Fellow

Wonderful entries have come in!

I need to hunt down a wireframe and some renders that didn't have the right settings and then I'll put up the exhibition gallery.

  • *A:M User*

Any luck finding those renders? We are officially in October now. ;)


Anyhow, looking forward to seeing everyone's stuff.

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