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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Camera Export Plugin (32Bit/64Bit Windows) for Animation Master.
A camera animation-data exporter (FOV, Positions, Rotations) for using in MAYA, XSI, 3DS MAX.

HairTangent Shader (32Bit/64Bit Windows) for Animation Master.
A Shader that renders the HairTangentPositions for later use in compositing for „smoothing“ out hairs.
With that you get very fluffy looking hair.

SunSky Shader (32Bit/64Bit Windows) for Animation Master.
A Sun & Sky Shader to render physical Skys.


It would be fantastic if the Camera Export could include Adobe After Effects...

I am very interested in the HairTangent Shader ... do you have any samples of work you have done with this?



In the PC2 export dialogue... what does the slider 'samplerate' do? Typically, 1 frame from A:M would give you 1 frame elsewhere(I am trying to get into C4D...) does this give you frame interpolations beyond that?



the "SampleRate" slider does nothing at the moment.

the samplerate is hardcoded to 1 wich means that the plugin records 1 sample per frame.


by increasing this value, lets say 4, then the plugin would record 4 samples per frame, which ends up in a 4 times slower motion.


i made some test with an updated plugin, where the samplerate-slider is active, but i get strange results in 3ds max...


WOW!!!!!! THose look like very awesome additions. Thank you Willi!!!

I'm interested especially in the Point Cash....Mdd plugin.

Is there any other info you can share about the use for that.


PointCache Update...

there was a little bug, that i now corrected...

just download it again...


I had success quite easily by exporting my character as an OBJ and then exporting the action as an PC2 and marrying them up in C4D. However, the first frame was a flattened mess, so I adjusted the crop range to start on frame 1 in C4D... pretty neatO! I'll grab your update!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • *A:M User*



When I downloaded the plug in for AM64 and placed them in their respective folders I get an error when I launch AM.


it states


Unable to load plug in V18_PointCache_64.hxt, the specified module could not be found


Unable to load plug in matCapTexture_64.atx, the specified module could not be found


I got them plugged into the correct folders.


Any thoughts?




  • 3 weeks later...



I am very interested in the HairTangent Shader ... do you have any samples of work you have done with this?





Hi John, hi all!


Back then when we were starting to work with Post Production Motion blur using Motion-vectors (RE: Vision ReelSmart), I wondered if it could be possible to "abuse" this technique and came up with the idea to blur out Hair along its direction to get it smoother. Genious Willi spent some time on writing a shader that does exactly this: It converts A:M hairs tangents into motion / direction data that can be interpreted by the RE:Vision After Effects Plugin. This works out perfectly - if not exaggerated too much (by cranking the Plug-In settings in AE). I attached two example images that demonstrate the effect:












Hi John!


That would make a perfect "night and day" example!

You can be sure that it will look MUCH smoother with help of that tangent shader blur method.


One thing I'd like to know looking at that example: Are you using the muh hair shader in that rendering?






One thing I'd like to know looking at that example: Are you using the muh hair shader in that rendering?

Hi Elm--- I had stopped using the MuHair shader... altho it gives a nice specular and 'pantene' shampoo-commercial look(and a nice rim lite.), sometimes it can be too much. Also- I found that when you activate Muhair or Kayija-Kay shaders, you lose the ability to set the 'BOW' setting in the Hair Emitter dialogue. My findings are that with a BOW of 0 (zero) I get a better collision-detection reaction. I go about getting specualrity the old fashioned way, crank it up in the Hair's surface dialogue, and it can be keyframed along the length of the hair this way... so less specular at the roots and ends... more in the body.

  • ____ 1

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