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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Must there be only one?


The participation for this contest is the highest that I can recall in a very long time here.


Not only that but I think that most of the entries in this year's mascot contest are really very good. I counted ten entries that I think could easily be justified as the splash screen for A:M v18.


So why use just one this year?


Why not change it where the new A:M uses a random (or cycled) splash screen at each start-up?


I'd like to see this because I enjoyed so many of the entries. I can't say that only one should be the "winner".


I'm not suggesting handing out 1st place to everyone but if the top 5 placing entries this year could have a chance to be be rotated in as a splash screen at start up then I think that would be a good thing. Alternatively, Hash Inc. could decide which ones could be included along with the 1st place winner.


I also think that this would keep the participation for this particular contest high (and competitive).


Also moving forward (maybe from v19 on out) why not consider rotating in some of the older splash screens from the previous versions of A:M with the newer ones? I think that interchanging past and present splash screens would really be a nice touch. It would show that there is some sort of legacy to all this and not just a spot light for this year's winner.


What do you all think of this?


I'll put in a feature request for this if a lot of you feel this is a good idea. Sure I could submit it now but I'd rather know what you think about it first.



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  • Hash Fellow

Here's the opposite case as I see it... who ever wins has won against serious competition. I don't think we should dilute that achievement by changing the rules and declaring "a tie". And how far down the line do you go on something like that?


Also, it is just a splash screen after all. It's an honor but it's a brief honor that just flashes on the screen for a few seconds.


The other entries, I believe, will still be available in a gallery of all the entries. If there isn't a prominently promoted gallery, there ought to be. It's not like they have to fade away to oblivion, their creators can still make projects with them and let them loose upon the world.


If I was Jason I would upload them all to a gallery on the Hash Facebook page, and promote them.


It would be cool to do some new 'rendering' loop-animations for V18 as well...

  • Admin

There are at least two different ideas being discussed here.

At a glance one has to do with the contest.


Before moving forward, let's first jettison the idea that there is only one contest winner.

There are actually three winners chosen (1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners).

They all even get cool prizes.


I'll read a little further into Mack's request and suggest that underlying it is a common desire for a customizable splash screen when launching A:M.

That would seems to be the feature request that actually needs to be submitted.


A little background

Unless something has changed recently, A:M uses two images already to splash the image up onto the screen when A:M launches (one full color image and a separate but similar black and white mask to determine areas of the color image that will be seen through via transparency). Note: I don't know at this time if this second image can be grayscale or is required to be black and white. It's easy enough to test this. Importantly however, in order for Mack's desire for alternative/multiple splash screen image to appear this code would have to be modified. While it sounds simple enough understand that because of the method currently used swapping out images as desired in the current context would be a little more complicated.


From a programmatic viewpoint a changeable splash screen is certainly doable.

I'll forego discussion on whether or not it should be a programming priority.


A few challenges/considerations:

- The splash screen is hard coded into the program. It has to be changed by whomever compiles the installer.

- A second screen (for video tutorials) currently pops up after the initial splash screen (this can be turned on/off)

- Some folks may not want rotating splash screen (or any splash screen for that matter)


One possible solution would be to have an option where A:M could be launched in quiet mode with the primary splash screen turned off. The second screen could then be customized or extended as desired. This seoondary customization would likely be done by Fuchur or whomever maintains the primary website) To invoke quite mode the shortcut to launching "master.exe" would simply be extended to "master.exe /q"

A:M may already have this capability but if it does it's not well known or documented.


Why even bother adding a mode for launching A:M quietly and what does this have to do with multiple mascot splash screens?

At it's most basic level, quiet mode would allow customization of any visible pop up splash screens without the need for recompiling.

One additional benefit would be to quickly launch multiple versions of A:M sans their splashscreens.

This would save folks a lot of screen time.


All this to say, there are separate needs under consideration here and not all apply to splash screen as equally as they do to the contest.

  • Admin

Of course, there are some other alternatives to consider here as well.


One would be to incorporate more than one mascot into the splash screen image.

An example of this would be a character jam where all the characters submitted are displayed on screen (as in those corporate photos where everyone in the building gets to be in the picture).


There is another option I dare not delve into for fear that it would appear self-serving.

Better to wait until this contest has ended to elaborate on that.


Personally I think we should have a character jam every year independent of the mascot contest.

That'd give everyone more opportunity to showcase their characters (and the versatility of A:M) and might even inspire some shared adventures and collaborations. It'd also draw out of few people who might say, "This is what I would have entered into the contest if I could have submitted."


I'd just add that this mascot contest was incredibly popular, under the current parameters. It couldn't have had a better number of quality submissions, so why dink with what works. As was mentioned, there are three winners. I consider myself a winner just for getting a submission in!


Just looking at the contest entries has inspired me to start making something again. I say leave it the way it is -- if my vote can be taken seriously :).


I think its good the way it is and I think this version entries were outstanding indeed. Congrats again to all of you folks!!


And sure down the road they can have a character contest for the Hash Inc Tee-shirts or hoodies I always hope to see some day in the hash inc store . Smiles.

  • Hash Fellow

If I were going to suggest a contest change, I'd say limit the voting to forum members. We're the ones who have to live with the results!

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