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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I have also been in the process of modeling a Pirate Ship .........Still a long way to go ......I want to make this as detail as possible and will probably have several different ship models , stripped down for animating the exterior and others for any interior shot I may want......


Once I'm close to finishing up the modeling I'll post it here for download......but for now here is where I am at with the modeling....




Very cool.


I've been working on a similar model myself. Looks like a great start.

Maybe we've all got the "swashbuckling" bug :)


It's funny how the "Hollywood" version of pirate style ships and Galleons

tend to be fashioned more around the "Dutch" designs which were very

ornate in their build. Therefore the romantic version plays more to the





The past few days I've been working on the Mast Rope Ladder, after several modeling ideas turns out the simplest worked the best, so far, I guess it could be simpler but here is what I have , I need to find a way to make the rope of the ladder thicker without making the entire ladder bigger.......


the ladder with a cloth material, not sure what settings will work best when I and if I get to the animating ....... I thought I'd share the ladder model and the cloth material as I have it now in case someone would like to examine or experiment...........time for me to move on to other modeling of the ships exterior....


In the video clip is a test of the ladder rope simcloth sim .







Updated look at my Pirate Ship 3D model.....still a ways to go !


Cannon Doors added with their hardware ...nothing is really textured at this point.......

Added captain quarters door

moved the aft? sail pole back so it was not in front of the captains door.

moved all the sail poles even if slightly





For a change of pace I've started working on one of the characters ..... it's an old render as lines skeleton I may use as the captain....I'm just testing out a way to use simcloth as hair/beard, in this test I see I need to stiffen the cloth a bit, moves too much...........

I have also tested out the regular hair but not liking render times compared to cloth as simple hair.

I also may test strands of cloth as hair.....as done in Rodneys posts.




Beard cloth test


Here is another test with strips of simcloth as the beard...I have a deflector caging the strips then after simming I hide the defl. cage ..still need to work on settings and look of the strips


I'm thinking I may want the style of simcloth as hair for this video .... I may even do a test just to see the render diff. in speed ....there is a way to sim out hair before actual render, if I recall correctly..baking....but I've had no luck in figuring how it works.....


Uploaded another attempt ........

Went to hair sys, and I'll be sticking with it..... lot of kink....now work on those settings and I'll go on to my next task...




  • Hash Fellow

to bake hair right click in the chor window and choose "bake particles". the baking files will be written where ever the PRJ was saved.


However your cloth hair looks promising too.


Went ahead and did some more experimenting with the Beard.....I'll work on a few patches and see about adding an image to the hair, and go from there ..it renders pretty darn fast .......





Worked a little more on the sails, putting up 4 and seeing how they sim together ..... I like the way they react to the force but they seem to similar in their action even tho I move the force around and vary it's magnitude, I'm only using one force here w fan, tried vortex but sails get all mangled up, tried adding turbulence but see no change...may have to have a fan on each sail........


Clip here of 4 sails simed and a pic of a redone skeleton model....no render as lines now patches ...what I've done here is try to be sparse with the patches for animating purposes , the skull is a reworked skull for the Eugene skel. model and the ribcage from the same model the rest is quick modeling of the other bones etc. I did not like the look of my render as lines skeleton when rendered .......




  • Hash Fellow

I guess forces are not quite like wind. they are just "there" and not really moving from point a to point b.


But on a real ship except for the brief period of unfurling the sail they are blown so tight that they don't move a lot, do they?


Did some more work on the sails ...had them at the wrong scale so scaled them down and reshaped them a little along with their height ... added a canvas material to them .....but did not change the force and then re simmed. using an down look camera angle ... bout time to move onto the other two sails.....

then back to the ships other exterior props and rigging......



OK finally got all 6 Sails flappin in the winds ..... it's treacherously high seas there matey !




  • 3 weeks later...

Postn' a pic of the full ship w/ sails ...... wanted to see how it is going to look on an ocean .......still a ways to go with the ship......




I'm not in a position to offer constructive criticism as I don't know anything about sailing or boats. I do like the pirate galleon on the ocean, especially the glitter of the water and reflections.

Might I ask about the clouds in this render and in an earlier test you did. Are they a photo plate in the background or did you use another method ?




The clouds are a cloud dome/ sphere, a , what looks like a panorama cloud picture decaled on a half sphere... and all the models sit inside the dome....


I don't know much about tall ships either, I do like how they look in movies........

The clouds are a cloud dome/ sphere, a , what looks like a panorama cloud picture decaled on a half sphere... and all the models sit inside the dome....


I don't know much about tall ships either, I do like how they look in movies........




Have you seen the one in the Aardman film "Pirates". The physical model was nearly 5metres long and almost as high. An astonishing set.


I don't know anything about using domes. Is there a reference to it somewhere I could try ?




Hi Simon,

As always my "go to" box of A:M resources the Extras DVD has what you are looking for!

ExtrasDVD > ExtrasData > Unsorted > Sets > Skies, where you will find three Skydomes to use and/or experiment with.


Here is a zip of what I use at times .....


What you can do is have two domes one for the blue sky on the outer dome and an inner dome with a cloud image with alpha and slowly animate the cloud dome.

I think this zip should have all thats needed.




I don't think Ive seen that pirate film..I will now !



After loading this skydome model into AM 17e 64 bit and clicking on shaded mode button AM crashes when loading/rendering textures ....it works rendered fine in 17a


Mark and Mike

Thank you for your help. I shall look for it on the extras DVD.


I think the Aardman film has been nominated for this years animated feature at the Oscars but not sure about that. Have you seen "Master and Commander" ( I think that was the title ) with Russell Crowe in the lead role? that was pretty good for the detail of the ships being sailed. A few years ago Gt Yarmouth, a port near where I live , had a full size replica of the Golden Hind,,which was the ship Sir Francis Drake sailed back in Elizabethan times. I was astonished by how small it was. Front to back it would be less than than the average school bus. Though my memory might be faulty there !


I used to go to college in Portsmouth UK, this might be of interest for reference ?

HMS Victory ( Admiral Nelson's flagship ) is sited there.







Simon ....yes I enjoy Master and Commander..I have the DVD and want it on Blu Ray ........ The ship I'm modeling is not historically accurate or functionally accurate .... I'm lucky to be able to make it look like a ship......smile..... but I can use any ref I can get a hold of..always handy....

I have a collaborative songwriting pal from North Yorkshire who I correspond with ... of course that has nothin to do with this post ...lol

Steve... I've not gotten around to texturing yet...I do hope to dirty it up a bit..with luck..... much more modeling to do.....




Experimenting with diff. looks using the Ocean Generator ...... and diff. sky images ...added 2 interior bulb lights to the ship model in Captains quarters and cannon deck, I now have the sails and rigging as action objects and I've added cannons on the render side of the ships cannon deck ,also using action objects .... I'll need to figure out how I want the ship to animate across the ocean surface....


I'm thinking "when the time comes" to render out the animation in Half Panavision 1024x435 ......not the exact aspect ratio but close ..... I've always loved the look of Panavision.




Thanks men ! ...... Robcat...do you have any suggestions on fog? I do not like the fog that's in the camera settings, not enough control .... I may try sprites ..think I've seen the tinkering John do some in the past..... you're right it needs a mist or fog.......Id like to keep it close to the surface of the water obviously denser looking the farther away it is maybe broken up a bit close .....


I should note the ocean generator prj. can be found with a search for those who do not know about it ...also note it is "not" my idea but cant remember who made it at the moment...it's an ultra cool tool !

  • Hash Fellow
Robcat...do you have any suggestions on fog? I do not like the fog that's in the camera settings, not enough control ....


What do you want to control in the camera fog that you can't?

I do not like the fog that's in the camera settings, not enough control .... you're right it needs a mist or fog.......Id like to keep it close to the surface of the water obviously denser looking the farther away it is maybe broken up a bit close .....


I should note the ocean generator prj. can be found with a search for those who do not know about it ...also note it is "not" my idea but cant remember who made it at the moment...it's an ultra cool tool !


You might like using the volumetric effect mist? Holmes gives a tut, project located here. See page 9 of the pdf


Maybe you are using mtpeaks (mark skodacek's) ocean generator? Ocean rig is located somewhere in this thread (not sure in which post is found the final rig)

Working on sprite emitter and trying fog patches, I also have a camera fog way in the distance, maybe too far........

I love the lighting in the render . It looks like a slightly darker sky in this one compared to the earlier version, although the cloud shapes are the same ?

Could you soften the horizon using depth of field or is it the mist you want ?



Thanks for the replies/help


As far as fog goes ..... isn't it in the full camera frame, no height.... I want a low fog/mist up close . I think I can get camera fog to work far in the distance , just need to get the correct distance ..... the picture has camera fog in the distance, but not enough to make out.


I tried mist last night with no luck, so this tut should help, it does have the settings I want.....


And depth of field to me seems to effect some of the clouds to much but then again , more working with it may help ......


I'll be at it again tonight......

  • Hash Fellow

There are two perspective problems.


-the sea doesn't extend to a real horizon line

-the sky clouds look tilted into the sea


Those are both hard to fix without having a very large sea plane and a very large sky disk. Absent those, regular camera fog could help obscure the detail that is making those problems too visible.


Something like this:






Good eye .... I know I'm not much for picking out details ..... that's why feedback like yours is so welcomed ....

The clouds..is that because it's a sky dome (curved) and maybe the cause of the horizon line?

I won't lie to you .... I know what you see is there, I'm not sure I have the eye for it .....but would sure like to fix it.

I played with fog last night and could not get it to work without an image as fog ..... it was a night scene....


Anyway enjoy experimenting and correcting...

  • 4 weeks later...

Just testing how the ship will look animated on the ocean ....... need to make it to where it looks like a real ship not a toy ship as it seems in this vid test....all hand keyframed here...


  • Hash Fellow
Just testing how the ship will look animated on the ocean ....... need to make it to where it looks like a real ship not a toy ship as it seems in this vid test....all hand keyframed here...


I don't see anything?

  • Hash Fellow

I think the waves need to be smaller in relation to the size of the ship. That comparison is making the ship look small.


And I think it would need to rock slower.

  • Admin

That's looking really nice.


I agree that the size of the waves make the ship look like a toy/model.

Adjusting that will get it right.


Looking good! :)

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