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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • *A:M User*

Tried eliminating items, AO seems to be the issue. I will keep trying but for now it renders without AO, but will not go past 7% on a frame with AO turned on

  • *A:M User*

I reset AM and seems to help on regular rendering. But one of our set items will any of the set items will not render no matter the settings. Very strange. Just last week I rendered without an issue. Not sure what has happened since then.






I can render now one objects or a group of characters with AO but if I try to render in AO with a set piece AM freezes or takes a huge amount of time to get to 15% and will not go past this. If I render with the regular renderer, AM is very slow but will finish. Something that used to take minutes will now take hours. Nothing has changed on the set that I know of.

  • *A:M User*



Not sure as i have not rendered anything of the set since i built the last building with 18 a or so. But reloaded with m and it did the same thing

  • *A:M User*

After many hours wasted on the rendering issues of the set, I finally got a rendering completed, and with AO.


What ever happened I do not know, but happy I can get somethings done again after being down for several days.


here is a rigged Kate. Alot of cleanup is required but I am very happy of how quick this model came together.

Katelooking at watch0.jpg

  • *A:M User*

Kate was loosely modeled after a real model I found on the internet. Here is the last one of Kate and the reference



  • ____ 1
  • Hash Fellow

That photo is a good example of classic contrapposto, posing the character with the mass mostly over one foot and letting the body parts fall into alternating inclines, to give the figure looseness and visible weight.





Discovered in ancient Greece, rediscovered in the Renaissance and the first gambit for a standing character in animation today. You want to make sure your rigged characters can do contrapposto.







  • *A:M User*

Awesome Robert. When i was posing the model, I found the first two renderings did not look like the reference. Only until I shifted the body bone over the top of the right leg.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • *A:M User*

Finished with Kate rig in the dress and work outfits and completed the change for Laurie as well.




  • *A:M User*

I am trying to get a pose slider to work and having issues


I have grouped a set of models and named it one

I then created a percentage pose of the one model

I edited the settings and made the poser slider 0-9 as there are nine models

I then edited the pose

at 0 on the pose slider, one of the models is visible the rest are to be hidden

at 1 on the slider the, the first model is now hidden with the rest of the models and the second model is visible

and so on and so on through level nine of the pose.


I can get the first model to show but that is it. when I hide the rest of the models they remain hidden throughout the pose. Not sure what I am doing wrong




I am trying to get a pose slider to work and having issues


I have grouped a set of models and named it one

I then created a percentage pose of the one model

I edited the settings and made the poser slider 0-9 as there are nine models

I then edited the pose

at 0 on the pose slider, one of the models is visible the rest are to be hidden

at 1 on the slider the, the first model is now hidden with the rest of the models and the second model is visible

and so on and so on through level nine of the pose.


I can get the first model to show but that is it. when I hide the rest of the models they remain hidden throughout the pose. Not sure what I am doing wrong




I would check the keys for each model in the Pose, Steve.


I have grouped a set of models and named it one

I then created a percentage pose of the one model

I edited the settings and made the poser slider 0-9 as there are nine models

I then edited the pose

at 0 on the pose slider, one of the models is visible the rest are to be hidden

at 1 on the slider the, the first model is now hidden with the rest of the models and the second model is visible

and so on and so on through level nine of the pose.


I can get the first model to show but that is it. when I hide the rest of the models they remain hidden throughout the pose. Not sure what I am doing wrong


Huh? I am not aware of how to create a pose (relationship slider?) that controls visibility of multiple models (in chor I presume? in an action?) but is contained only in one model


Where/how are you creating this pose? Enlighten me please!


However, If your intention is to easily turn on/off different models in the chor:


1) In the chor I would make a folder (rename to ONE) that contained all the models (1-9).

2) right click on the ONE folder, choose "select children"

3) While all are selected, turn active property of one of the models to OFF. All will be set to OFF

4) deselect all the children in folder, select just the model that you want to be active, turn it's active property to ON


can do above with any of the properties for the models contained in the folder/group.





Maybe I misunderstood the question. Here is a possible solution to what I think the question is now. If you translate the Null in the Choreography to anything other than "0" it will hide a model...each non-"0" on either the 'X', 'Y' or 'Z' axis will hide one of the three spheres.


Hope that helps.


  • *A:M User*

Something I have been struggling with the last couple of evenings is relationships. I have struggled on my cash register and finally got it working again, but the next item I would like to complete is something I think should be simple.


Several of the characters are modeled with mesh under the clothing. I have done a pretty good job of the skin not poking through the clothing with weighting and rigging but there are a few areas that still peek through. So I want to have the skin under clothes hidden and so I created a pose to hide those portions of the skin mesh. Doesn't work. Nothing I try will hide the skin. Any help is appreciated.



  • Admin
Several of the characters are modeled with mesh under the clothing. I have done a pretty good job of the skin not poking through the clothing with weighting and rigging but there are a few areas that still peek through. So I want to have the skin under clothes hidden and so I created a pose to hide those portions of the skin mesh. Doesn't work. Nothing I try will hide the skin. Any help is appreciated.


We'd have to test to see if there is any render hit but... creating a group of the area beneath the cloth and setting it's transparency to 99.9% will make sure nothing pokes through.

I say 99.9% for two reasons; one 99.9% is easier to search for than 100% (so it'll stand out if looking for it) and I have a vague memory of someone telling me 99.9% transparency was better than 100% in some rendering situations (yet another thing we'd have to test).


Hiding should work though... but keep in mind that if the mesh isn't there then simulations may create cloth that passes through where the body should be. By having it transparent it is still present and will effect the simulation.


Leaving some dangling splines to manipulate the simulation is another approach to taming cloth but I don't recall all the specifics of that method.


Is your clothing physics based? Like an actual cloth simulation? Coz otherwise you could just remove the patches that poke through. No one is going to see them anyway. Unless you're gonna do a super awesome taking off the clothes shot.

  • *A:M User*

No physics clothing. Just wanted to keep the models in tact.


I will keep playing with the relationships


Here is Angie as I begin to weight her cps and Kate with her dress and work clothes and just about finished the weighting of the shoulder and legs and moving to the torso area.


Also I work with the lighting of scene a little based on something Gerald put out.



  • 7 months later...
  • *A:M User*

Wanted to let you know, Chris and I have taken a small detour to right some wrongs and delve deeper into dynamics with the help of one of the local gurus. More to come.

  • 8 years later...
  • *A:M User*

I realized that this month is the 26th year of owning and using AM.  I bought my first copy in 1999 from CompUSA.  From the 6th grade I have always wanted to do animations. I have been around computers since 1977 in High School, and once I got to college I saw that a computer could help me create an animation.  I have had Maya, Studio 3d, Infini D, RayDream, Lexicor and one I can not remember from the Silicon Graphics days.     But I have always come back to AM.  I am hoping once we get moved in the next couple of months I will get back to that dream of creating an animation project.  

It is funny, as I have been cleaning out for the move I found a render I did of all the characters in Cupids Sick Day and the Coffee Shop.

It is crazy how many splines I had on some of the characters.  one of the female characters had over 9k patches.  Anyway, All of them are my creations except for three which I got off the extra dvd.  And I only used parts of those characters.  I still have another 20 not shown in the pic that are still being finished. 

Over the years of had created some 50 +/- characters with AM.  Many are not rigged while others are partially rigged.  I have about 15 with full rigs and weighted.  I have many rigs installed.  From Zundle Rig, Holmes Bryan Rig (LiteRig), Mark Skodacek (2008 Rig), David Simmons (squetch Rig), Mack Chappelle's Saucy Rig, my own rig, and of course TSM 2.0.  Thank you to all the people  who have commented on all the characters through the years and given me inspiration to continue by quest.  I will be uploading shortly a continuation of an animation that began many months ago. 

Thank you Robert Holmen and Chris Daily for pushing me forward and out of my comfort zone.  I have learned a great deal about AM and about myself through this process of creating.  


Happy 26th anniversary to me!!


  • love 1
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  • Hash Fellow

That's a very impressive set of characters you've created, Steve.
And it doesn't even include the cavemen and knights and goblins!

  • Like 1
  • Admin

Wow!  Outstanding. 

That's a lot of characters.


I hadn't realized just how many characters you've created.

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