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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I'm just tappin a keybored with six notes... don't let it know it has 10 semitones and SIX NOTES!!! No, it actually has seven notes in one octav...


It's tha 6 and 8 and 9 not a tella tha eleven yo on the keyboard... which should be so god damn easy to figure out....


cdefg is introductory music (do ra me fa so)


But a keyboard is a keyboard. Don't underestimate yourself... and keep it to yourself mm'kay?!Q?


Kind of cryptic.

As a foreigner it´s kind of hard for me to follow you?

What do you try to tell:

Show us something, make fun of us, give us some riddles?


Maybe you are capable of making your intentions clearer?

These pictures are`nt done with AM, are they?


Is it Troll alert?

  • Admin
What has this to do with AM?



Darrin (RU2D4) was with us a month or so ago but his artistic nature got the best of him and he ran afowl of common sense and the forum rules. He recently asked (politely) if he could post again to the forum and that is the reason he's here with us now.


He's an artist and that is worth something.


We've had a few artists here in the forum before that had some issues with expressing themselves.

Hopefully Darrin can control his artistic urges enough to stay with us so he can share his important contributions with us here in the forum.


Apparently Darrin doesn't just create computer art but is also a musician and a programmer. (Darrin, did I get that even close?) He's even got this monoboom thing that he was posting to the forum before. Unfortunately with the nature of viruses and all that delivery method wasn't going to work so Darrin opted to build himself a webpage and he set up an FTP site in consideration of how to better distribute his work. I'm not sure who will be willing to download and run the program though without knowing more about it first.



That's some very impressive music and the art is off the charts.

I hope you'll consider teaming up with some of the talented folks here in the community.

As an Animation:Master user you are an important part of this community... posting here is a privilege... please don't abuse that.

I look forward to hearing more about your work.


If you are wondering why the number of posts are reading incorrectly... it's an artistic decision of my own until I see how serious you are about hangin' with us here in the forum.





i like the stuff. very interesting. little lost but that just means i don't understand the premise of the post.

I'm an artist as well and a musician so i understand where hes coming from. but i think he needs more comprehensive of his message


Hi Rodney,


Still doen`t grab, what this is all about.


music o.k. , but wont that be off topic? programming: expressions for generating music, models , scenes?


where?s wireframes, explanations?


Is Darrin just talking to himself or does he try to get some understanding?


Maybe a brief, "What this is all about" would help to attract some attention.


That`s hard enough to get from folks anyhow!

Hi Rodney,


Still doen`t grab, what this is all about.


music o.k. , but wont that be off topic? programming: expressions for generating music, models , scenes?


where?s wireframes, explanations?


Is Darrin just talking to himself or does he try to get some understanding?


Maybe a brief, "What this is all about" would help to attract some attention.


That`s hard enough to get from folks anyhow!


I'm with Jake. I think Darrin needs to focus a little and clarify what we're looking at.

  • Admin
music o.k. , but wont that be off topic?


Music is off topic in an animation forum?

That'd be a new one for me.

It's the rare animation indeed that doesn't benefit from, or require music.


(Jake, I was relooking through your PDF comic/animatic the other day and I'm sure I imagined music. I've been looking for a way to tell you I think your artwork/storytelling is great so I'm sneaking this line in here.)


Darrin needs to focus a little and clarify what we're looking at.


That's rather the point here.

Darrin doesn't exactly have a good track record of that thus far. He wasn't banned from posting in the forum before... he was prevented. I believe only three people in the history of the forum have been as similarly distinguished. So, "Caveat Visitore"; let the causual reader cautiously proceed. Darrin is off the short leash.



I'm just tappin a keybored with six notes...


Music-wise, that's the part that has me intrigued.



(Jake, I was relooking through your PDF comic/animatic the other day and I'm sure I imagined music. I've been looking for a way to tell you I think your artwork/storytelling is great so I'm sneaking this line in here.)


And sure you are right, that the music in connection with animation makes sense. It`s just quite rare, that we get music only presented in the wip section.

Guess I better have my focus on the other less bewildering threads.

  • Admin
It`s just quite rare, that we get music only presented in the wip section.


Darrin did post some images up there. (Most probably haven't seen the attached bitmap with the dog, car etc.)

  • 4 months later...

Sorry if I insulted anyone before. Sometimes I get excited about something and my mind goes haywire. The monoboom pilot code used A:M models converted to x-files so you could view them in a real-time rendering environment. The code is free and uses the simple Visual Basic 6. I figured someone would get it to work and make an add-on to A:M if anyone wanted to venture into that. I still don't know if anyone got the program to work! I still have the 4 characters I wanted to use to make learning the program (or just playing around with it by substituting your converted models into it) fun. Vera, Sbarky, Gina, and Big Boto are still ready to go. Obviously, I flipped out before... excited about monoboom. I'm fine now and anyone is welcome to my models & the "pilot code". I wanted to start animating something more practical that could actually be constructed in the future... like an air tube used for transportation to cut down on oil use... but Exxon might not like it. I'm a bit concerned to see my name there... I wanted to stay anonymous. Now I feel like a total goof!


I wanted to start animating something more practical that could actually be constructed in the future... like an air tube used for transportation to cut down on oil use... but Exxon might not like it.
Neat concept! A scaling up of the tubes that are in the Futurama cartoon introduction (single person). The items you put inside the tube gives a good idea of the scale. It would be neat to see the same scene with people in it.


It would be interesting to contemplate how much energy it would take to propel one of those with air, how to get around friction, and how to have reasonable acceleration/deceleration for human beings. I'm glad I'm not a physics/engineering geek, otherwise I might try to figure it out with some calculations!


This is an interesting topic in DirectX8.1. (see attached)


Page 38 of my old A:M manual stated that OpenGL & DirectX only supported polygonal models, and at the time it was true. Since DirectX 9 was introduced it is once again true.


Imagine browsing 3D environments downloaded off of the web in full spline rendered smoothness in real time! Is it possible? I don't know, and it is currently beyond me to find out. But the pilot code might help. It sounds like Higher Order Primitives uses some sort of streaming instead of x-files.



This was the picture that may have been lost before. I rendered an orthogonal view of a nude model which needed some editing along her leg, I see it up above in the original post. I also renamed Big Boto to Digga for a bit because I recolored him gold and he was shovel ready... but I decided to avoid the crap that may go with it. (I think I found the right file to upload here. As you can tell, the originals got lost in translation. I'm going to try to upload some models now... I tried to upload my 3 minute video before but it just went nonstop uploading file... it went with a song that I don't think I shared either... (the botomon.com website delirium!)





What has this to do with AM?



Darrin (RU2D4) was with us a month or so ago but his artistic nature got the best of him and he ran afowl of common sense and the forum rules. He recently asked (politely) if he could post again to the forum and that is the reason he's here with us now.


He's an artist and that is worth something.


We've had a few artists here in the forum before that had some issues with expressing themselves.

Hopefully Darrin can control his artistic urges enough to stay with us so he can share his important contributions with us here in the forum.


Apparently Darrin doesn't just create computer art but is also a musician and a programmer. (Darrin, did I get that even close?) He's even got this monoboom thing that he was posting to the forum before. Unfortunately with the nature of viruses and all that delivery method wasn't going to work so Darrin opted to build himself a webpage and he set up an FTP site in consideration of how to better distribute his work. I'm not sure who will be willing to download and run the program though without knowing more about it first.



That's some very impressive music and the art is off the charts.

I hope you'll consider teaming up with some of the talented folks here in the community.

As an Animation:Master user you are an important part of this community... posting here is a privilege... please don't abuse that.

I look forward to hearing more about your work.


If you are wondering why the number of posts are reading incorrectly... it's an artistic decision of my own until I see how serious you are about hangin' with us here in the forum.






Thanks for sticking up for me! Sorry I didn't stay with the posts because I certainly was serious about teaming up with this community. I was forced to relocate across country and I just said to heck with it for awhile. I had too many ideas running through my head when I was posting before and as usual, nothing came from them. The economy has really trashed my "real" career and I thought I was onto something with monoboom and I simply got too excited. I do tend to a devilish sense of humor when I post online (and admittedly rather drunk), waking up with regret becomes a way of life. I don't need any pity, but let's just say the bad comes with the good!


As far as work (currently unemployed :), I may be applying at Wal-Mart! As far as animating... it just occurred to me to possibly do a picture book. An animated possibility of my ideas (not to interfere with someone elses ideas) for what the world may look like 100 years from now. How do you want it to look like? I'm thinking new cities built around a more pedestrian friendly transportation system (I was almost run over in L.A. crossing the street). And demolitioning the "slums". More community centers, and a better understanding of 'when there's nothing to do, there's nothing to do', time to look forward and no need for people to starve and feel guilty for not having a job. I grew up with a 'Spaceships 2000' book and what a bummer! Along with the Jetsons and flying cars, I don't want to put something out there that isn't going to happen. That's where I would ask for help. Fantasy is fun, but I don't want to disappoint.


I see I cannot reply to you directly, so this will be my last post if I do not hear from you. I would ask that my previous posts get deleted, most of them don't even make sense to me now. Mouseman replied (thank you), and brought up a lot of ideas that ran concurrent with my pic (like is it possible, (and if not I'm done with it!)).


For now I'll keep it to myself.




Darrin (Smith, or Jones)


P.S. My head was somewhere in this pic!



I like the tube animation! The best thing about animation is that you don't have to be a slave to real physics! (If that's an idea you want to follow up on.)


The child (girl?) with the worried/surprised look on her face is stunning. Is that part of a storyline?


You have quite an ability to create phantastical worlds! Nancy has a similarly amazing ability to create things that I would never think of making, but are very clever and appealing. And there's a bit of awe there, especially because I would never think of making something like that ... make sense?


Keep making stuff! There are lots of people here with good ideas, and can point you in the right direction when you're having a problem with a feature of the software. It was originally difficult to follow what you were saying way back when, but you are a little more clear now!


Be warned: It's a hard road to get something that can actually pay money! But people are dying for things to consume, and you never know when you will hit on just the right combination of different enough from everything else that came before, but something that clicks with people's sensibilities and desires.

I like the tube animation! The best thing about animation is that you don't have to be a slave to real physics! (If that's an idea you want to follow up on.)


The child (girl?) with the worried/surprised look on her face is stunning. Is that part of a storyline?


You have quite an ability to create phantastical worlds! Nancy has a similarly amazing ability to create things that I would never think of making, but are very clever and appealing.


I will look into Nancy, thank you. The Tyger photo was not part of a storyline, but as always, maybe. Phantastical worlds... heck yea! Dreamworlds... sure! Reality... (how you say?) Let's do it!


Real physics is something I would sort of like to follow up on... maybe NASA has some rocket scientists looking for an idea or something to do now that the Space Shuttle program is done?


This was just about the most ill-advised idea I ever had, but I should share it. I had 12 (ametuer) pics of my calender girls. Then theres 12 girls in the porn industry (I know this is not A:M worthy, but it was my first intro to the crazy house). So there's a situation where some guy gets HIV positive in the porn industry and finds out after shooting several more scenes (Spring 2004). I land aidspool.com while having 12 pics of girls ready to exploit it for charity. Bad Idea Jeans when you're living in L.A., but I just had to share. Some of the girls took too long to upload so I just included a few. Fortunately, there is like 2 (two!?) people following this thread, so I'm not in too much trouble sharing. Luckily, it didn't work out, not something I would have been wanted to be known for. But it was super funny at the time.







I know it is truly in distaste, but the movie idea (comedy) of a bunch of pornstars chasing the guy down who was exploiting their HIV secret only to be met up by some hot chicks ready to get it on every time they show up with some weapons to take the guy out is pretty funny.

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