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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Hash Fellow

we were talking elsewhere about improving basic skills.


Can you spot the fundamental error in this image? It's not that Barney's arms are clipped off or that he doesn't have whites to his eyes or anything to do with how these characters are designed, it's a basic posing mistake, one to avoid when posing your characters.



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  • Hash Fellow
Betty's right arm is in front of her body, so it doesn't form a good silhouette?
You're on the right trail, although for this "cha-cha" pose one arm will just about have to cross in front of her body. But silhouette...




Betty's right hand is tangenting her left arm


Ding, ding, ding!


Yup. A "tangent" occurs when two edges that aren't really in the same space appear to adjoin each other.


Betty's right hand is really much closer to us than her left arm but the way the two have that alignment creates a false visual connection and a less clear silhouette than could have been had.


To fix it her hand should either cross over enough to overlap the edge of her arm (making the spatial placement obvious) or, better in this case, be a bit lower so there's no contact at all.


Other examples of tangents are when the top of an object such as a person's head or the roof of a house touch a horizon line.





It's surprisingly easy to get these by accident when posing 3D models, but I'm also surprised one got through on a piece of hand drawn production art like on that DVD. Someone and their Art Director forgot their Posing 101.


Avoid tangents in your own work!

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  • Hash Fellow

I do think it's odd the way Barney's mouth is all the way on one side of his nose. They're kind of Cubist that way, but it probably works better when they don't try to 3D shade the characters.

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My 1st glance saw Barney's arm extending thru the circle and coming out the other side as Betties... I am not bothered by the 'tangency'. Any flaw that you need to look 2-3-4 times to see is not a flaw in my books.


I agree. There are more distracting elements of that image, especially given how it's placed on the dvd.

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  • Hash Fellow

Fitting artwork that has lived its life in rectangular format onto a circle with a hole in the middle is a tough assignment to do well. Something is going to get clipped off.


But the tangent is hard to explain because that's not an accident of placement, someone drew that that way, and it would have cost nothing extra to not have the tangent.


It may not be a grievous error, but it's an elementary one on the same level as not spell-checking the text.

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