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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

alright.... dood


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ok soooo



yesterday our sound file and our dope sheet was working...





today the sound file wouldnt play

the dope sheet was working and the lip sync also

but there was no sound comming from the character



we have uploaded the file numerous times

re added it to the character many times as well


the sound file will work in the library

but as soon as we put it on our character it will not work...





im begining to dislike this greatly....

please help!!!!!!!

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SAVE. Close A:M. REopen A:M. Open project. This routine sometimes helps to 'jog' things...


Yes, that may work... it is always a bit embarrising to ask, but I learned from different situations with clients. Don't take it personal please:

- You got your soundcard installed / onboard sound installed

- Your speakers / headphones are on.

- in the windows-sound-settings your windows-sound-sum & stereo-sum are up too 100%? Wave should be on to (just put all the sliders up there...)



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i know that it only takes WAV files

and it is a WAV


my headphones are not on

it is not muted

my sound card is in....






sooooo basicly this program sucks

i have came to this conclusion

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  • Hash Fellow

One thing that worries me is you say you've "uploaded" the sound again. There is no "upload" in A:M.


You can "import" a sound but since you're not describing that right, I wonder if there's some other detail you're not describing right that's stopping us from seeing what's wrong.




yesterday our sound file and our dope sheet was working...





today the sound file wouldnt play

the dope sheet was working and the lip sync also

but there was no sound comming from the character


Logic would tell us that since the program is the same one you installed and it worked before... it's not the program that stopped working. You've changed something.



-Do a Help>reset all settings. restart A:M and reload your PRJ.



-Here's another test... can you start a brand new fresh project, import a sound file, put it in a blank chor and hear it play there?



-last resort... Do Project>Embed all, save it, and post it AND the sound file here and someone might be nice enough to look at it.

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i know that it only takes WAV files

and it is a WAV


my headphones are not on

it is not muted

my sound card is in....






sooooo basicly this program sucks

i have came to this conclusion


If your "headphones are not on"...wouldn't that be a problem? Or are you using speakers?


I know what you mean though, if I can't figure it out it must be that someone else made a piece of crap...because, I don't see how I could possibly do anything wrong. ;)

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I've seen posts/users deleted and banned for less than this.


I haven't seen anyone banned for such a post so I think you may be exaggerating just a little? (very few people have ever been banned from the forum)


The title of the topic 'alright.... dood' should clue everyone in that they aren't dealing with someone very mature. So... note to self, titles are a clue.


Looking beyond all of this there is an opportunity here for everyone to learn.

Lesson 1: Don't blame the program for user error


As this is the Newbies forum its okay to cut the kids a little slack. This may be the only way they can get past themselves and learn. If someone comes off as overbearing and pretensious or down right rude... they won't get much help anywhere until they learn to be a little more mature.


There is a very good chance a short leash will be taken advantage of but then... the delete key is always handy too. ;)



Edit: Forum members added some useful information for those who want to use Wav files in A:M so thats a good reason to keep the topic too.

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