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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I downloaded Krita a while back, haven't had a chance to play around with it. Looked cool in the demo videos I watched though.


Also love the chimp model.


I downloaded Krita a while back, haven't had a chance to play around with it. Looked cool in the demo videos I watched though.


One reason I'm using Krita is that I can paint and save EXR images to use as the color decals...which means they are a 1.0 gamma.

  • 3 weeks later...

Once again, I am forced to use a "stay alive" post. I'm still working on texturing and learning Krita. I've made some progress, but it will take more time to get something I can show.


Are .exr files better for colour maps? I use .png's for just about everything, but I know .Tga is popular too.


Currently, you can work with 16bit float OpenEXR images in A:M. TGA and PNG images are 8bit, so using OpenEXR images for color or bump/displacement gives you more precision (which I've really noticed in displacement maps), but, depending on the size of image you are rendering, you may not notice that difference. However, using OpenEXR images for maps makes them 1.0 gamma automatically, so there isn't a need to color correct the maps when working in a linear workflow. I also render to OpenEXR so that the linear workflow is maintained. It makes post-processing essentially lossless when you have a final image that is 8bit.


Hope that helps, Dan.

  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately, I'll have to use another "stay alive" post for this thread...it's been extremely busy for me this month. I'm hoping to start getting something done this weekend.

  • 1 month later...

Once again, I have to use a "stay alive" post...I thought I might have something to show, but I've been taking way too long once again. I'll see if I can iron out my issues.

  • 1 month later...

Unfortunately, I have to use the dreaded "stay alive" post...it's been extremely busy on my end this month. I'm hoping to have some time next week.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've been doing a bunch of hair experiments over the past couple of weeks...I think I might be able to get what I'm after.


In the course of my experiments, I was happy to discover that Colin Freeman's "Hairbrush" (http://www.colins-loft.net/hairbrush.html) works in the latest Paint Shop Pro (https://www.paintshoppro.com/en/products/paintshop-pro/). After messing with the trial version, I'm pretty happy with some of the tools in Paint Shop Pro...I used to use it a lot years ago and it's gotten quite a bit better (it can handle 16bit images for one thing). I may have to get a license for Paint Shop Pro now and add it to GIMP and Krita in my list of tools.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I'll have to resort to another "stay alive" post...it's been extremely busy for me the past couple of months. I'm still working on the Neighbor when I can find time. Hopefully, I'll be able to show something soon.

  • 1 month later...

I'm still running experiments that haven't yielded anything that I can show...so, I'll have to use another "stay alive" post here. I have a lot going on that limits my time to experiment, but I may be able to do more in the coming weeks.


I just gotta say how impressed I am that youve stuck with this, David! I think most people wouldnt have the patience to keep chipping away at the mountain like you have. Kudos to you!

  • Hash Fellow

David, if you have unanswered questions or unsolved problems... we are eager to hear of them and brainstorm solutions.


I just gotta say how impressed I am that youve stuck with this, David! I think most people wouldnt have the patience to keep chipping away at the mountain like you have. Kudos to you!

I'm just too stupid to quit.


David, if you have unanswered questions or unsolved problems... we are eager to hear of them and brainstorm solutions.

I think I have a solution, but I have to do some trial and error to get it completely worked out, I'm thinking. I generally learn things by pulling every lever to see what they do.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Once again, I need to use a "stay alive" post...I'm in the process of moving again (same city, just a couple of blocks away). In a couple of weeks, I should get some free time again.

  • 3 months later...

I'm currently working on an update for the Squetch Rig, but I don't have anything I can post yet. So, I'll just use another "Stay Alive" post. I've got some free time currently and more free time in a couple of weeks, so I should make a lot of progress.

  • 1 month later...

It's been a while since I had something I could show.  I just posted an updated image for Donna (the Neighbor) here.


I'm still working on a Squetch Rig update that will be done when I finish rigging her...she's the test model.  I went down a path with the rig that I eventually decided against, so it has made the process longer than it should have been, but I think it gave me something I can still use...we'll see how that eventually turns out.


Hmmm....it took me a while to find these threads.  They are now in the archive, I guess?  Serves me right...I'm as slow as a glacier, unfortunately.

  • Admin

No David... that's just the forum being overly sensitive to drag/dropping.

None of your topics should be archived... and the entire category of Special Topics definitely shouldn't be either. ;)


Sorry for the inconvenience.

Give me a little while to get things sorted.

Edit:  Things should be (hopefully) back to normal.


Added:  I do think there is opportunity for moving forward in the new forum in ways that we couldn't before and the topics getting moved into archives was a result of me experimenting a little to see what was possible.


  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

It has been a crazy few months...again.  So, I am forced to use another "stay alive" post.  I think I might have an image to show in a few weeks though.  I got stuck on something, so I decided to pivot to some texturing.

  • 1 month later...

Still working on things...I know, I take forever.  I've been working on some materials and texturing the smoking area set.  I've had some minor victories, but I haven't finished yet.


Back to my experiments.

  • 1 month later...

I did some test renders for daylight...so, I can show those here.  I'm still texturing the Smoking Area and I'm hoping to have something to show this week...we'll see.







There is some global ambiance in there, but the occlusion is set pretty low.  I'll knock it around some more.




D'oh!  I had the occlusion turned of in the render panel...I thought is was just set low.  I'll re-check things with that in mind.  Thanks, Robert!


Okay, an updated image of a daylight test render...this time with occlusion turned on (and turned up quite a bit more than I expected after checking some reference images).



1 hour ago, robcat2075 said:

Is this "linear" ?

And can you show a comparison with "non linear"?

Yessir, this was done using a linear workflow (working in 1.0 gamma until the final image...which is 2.2 gamma).  I'll make a quick video tomorrow and post it along with the Project.

  • Hash Fellow
21 hours ago, itsjustme said:

Yessir, this was done using a linear workflow (working in 1.0 gamma until the final image...which is 2.2 gamma).  I'll make a quick video tomorrow and post it along with the Project.

I shall be eager to see that!

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