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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Streets of Vaage...


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Another project that got out of hand. Taking a break from animating a talking fish, I built this character. I've always itched to make this style of cartoon head/mouth. Then I decorated him. ['should have seen the early signs of "project inflation" right there] Then dug out some old buildings and made a street...and then...




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That's an insane character model! His (or her) stance shouts personality. Do you have the varmint rigged yet? Nice sets! Love the lighting. This guy will have to have a unique way of moving. I can foresee actions with names like ThrowRightBootKnif,ThrowLeftBookKnif, DeflectKnifWithShield, etc. Is this the 'good' guy or 'bad' guy?



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Rusty: He's [and it is 'he'] definitely the bad guy. I think of him as an assassin. I'm in the process of rigging at the moment. 'Love the possible action moves. 'Will have to think seriously about some of those moves.


Eric: Thanks for the kind words. I'd love to be able to say when some viewable movie will see light of day. As I've mentioned before, I'm a modeler, not an animator. With the urgings of Martin, I'm tackling more animating. And I'm doing better. But once the character is built and rigged [with my own somewhat primitive boning system] and the sets are made, each additional task is a leap into the unknown. While I struggle with those tasks, I get either bored, or frustrated, and want to take a break. I get a new idea. It seems simple...and I'm off and running in another direction. I have a heap of half-finished movie projects. What I'd really like is to partner-up with somebody for one or two short [like six minute] animations.

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This is great character. And the city street is soo full of atmosphere! Great work, keep us posted!



Thanks. I'm working on a subterranean room now as I try to work out a smooth convincing run for Azzaz. Which is defionitely not easy.

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This keeps getting better and better! Nothing else to say, keep up the good work!


Thanks, Riste. It keep getting more and more fun to work on. I started it only as a background for the character [Azzaz] to walk around in. There is no story, no goal. We'll see where it leads us.


Today's work: Officer of the Guard.


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I want to make a small group of guardsmen [six or eight] walkj down this section of street. [The right-hand pic in the first posting.] As you can see from the attached .jpeg, the street is far from flat. [my bad...had I but thought ahead]. But somewhere, in one of the manuals, I recall seeing a reference to attaching an object [A] to a spline that's part of another object , so A travels across the surface of B. Can anyone advise me on this?


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there are a couple different things you could do here...

but I would just lay down a spline that conformed to the surface of the

street and then just use constraint to path in the cho.

Then use the translate only(I think is the option) so that

only the position of the model moves along the spline, and

not the orientation.


the other thing you could do is use the surface constraint.

But I think it would be easier to just make the path conform to the

street shape.


Mike Fitz


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In Chor view, the usual "add CPs" button will add a path to the chor. Add the path from top view and then lower (or raise) the CPs so they conform to the surface (I usually find it is easier and faster to do that selecting each CP and then opening the properties pannel, using the mouse to increase or decrease the Y value).


Then, for each of the character, add a "Constraint to path". Your character will translate to the path. To change the place on the path where you want your character to be positioned, you must modify the character's constraint to path "Ease" property. You can do that at any frame in the chor. This way, you can place several character on the same path, one behind anothers. If your character does not have a walk cycle with a stride length, you, actually, will have to translate the character on the path with the Ease property. If your character does have a walk action with a stride length, then you can still control where the character is positioned on the path with the "Ease" property, But the actual chor stride length (and step speed) is dependent on both the path length and the choreography length. You will have to adjust the path length and the "Ease" property to fit the walk cycle.

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I believe that you can select a spline in model mode, give it a group name and then use it as a path in a choreography.

Failing that you can select the spline that you want to use as a path, hide everything else, go to your choreography and trace the spline with a new path. Then you can constrain your object to that path.


Your work is very inspiring, Kelley. Keep it up. :)

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Failing that you can select the spline that you want to use as a path, hide everything else, go to your choreography and trace the spline with a new path. Then you can constrain your object to that path.


Paul: Last night, that's what I did. I have two Guardsmen on two parallel paths and they seem to be working fine. Tonight I'll get a few more on, and maybe we'll see a test sequence by Friday.


Ken: Your solution seems to conflict with Will's. If I Shift>Select a spline [in the modeling window I presume] how to I get it into the Chor. as a path?


Thank you all for the assists.

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Here is a little tutorial for anyone following the discussion :)




Here is a little mountain terrain that we want Thom to walk over.




We select Thom. Right-click>New Constraint > Path. The eyedropper will have a circle with a slash through it, indicating that the mountain is not an option...




Hold down SHIFT, and the indicator changes, allowing us to click on a spline that is part of the terrain.




Notice that Thom has jumped to the end-point of the spline. I could use the EASE property of the constraint to set his starting and ending points for this animation, but I will just go with this for now.




Drag-and-drop your walking action on Thom.




Thom will now walk over the mountain over the LENGTH of the choreography. Set the length long enough for the time it should take him, or Use Ease to set his starting and stopping point (recommended).


Here is a quicktime file showing the animation. Notice that there needs some secondary animation when the path is steep! The walk action will always be perpendicular to the path, so if the path is steep your character will look like he's walking up a wall...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the Guardsmen walking down the street, Azzaz crosses behind them in a quick dash. [thanks again for the help.]


Now, backing up 10 nseconds, or so, I bring Azzaz into the story [not that there really is one. I'm just winging it here with bits and pieces.] He moves from the far right darkness to far left foreground leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Next scene: [shot from street level] he appears at the edge of the roof, looks down, then jumps from ledge to ledge to street. Then the guard detail passes.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Kelley: I can't wait to see what all this is going to turn out to be...looks promising!


Will: I just laughed my butt off at Thom walking up that hill...funniest 'toon I've seen in a while! Thanks for all that info. I couldn't help but to think when HA:MR comes out how that little movie could be part of a game...with the user controlling Thom along various paths thru a scenic terrain...(and for all the 'true' gamers) carrying a HUGE gun...

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