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By applying to the skin group, you mean that you have a group for the skin that excludes the eyes and that you set the diffuse shader for that group to Skin Shader?


What would help would be you post a screen capture of the PWS tree of the model and the groups with that group properties expanded.

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Yes I have set up a group which excludes everything except the skin, so click a point on the body press / and It would be similar to that,


heres a full screen gif:



TSM rigged Goblin, Used weightmover but haent got it quite right yet, control points are assigned to wrong bones, but I'm slowly learning.


I borrowed a cornell box and radiosity setup from Fabrice's keychain project: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16539


...and rendered The gobelah in it! I love AM! took 9 hrs to render though, Il try cheating a similar look next using skycast ora skylight rig.


Thanks for viewing- Nixie



Nice, that seems a pretty popular thing to do now . . . take fabs prj and render stuff with it :P



For some reason though, his face looks like a painted bitmap . . .






Very cool. His left thigh is showing abit of creasing I notice. Nine hours!?! Lucky it's not an animation.


Edit: Wow. Take a look how many times Fab's project has been downloaded!


Ben - Im guessing its due to the lighting but please describe in more detail so i can fix if neccesary.


Ken - Thanks man, Yeah the creasing is due to me being not quite so hot on rigging as of yet, Il get there though in the next few days i expect. And wow, yes well over one and a half thousand downloads!


Regards - Nixie




That a nice peice of work there m8. Ken said about the crease in the leg there is also a bit os smartskining that needs doing on the left hand wrist it looks a bit puffed up.


I think you made the right decision about putting a loin cloth on him he looks much better in it.


The only thing that bothers me is his skin colour... he looks too Human for a goblin creature - but that's only my opinion. I would have made him a slighly darker shade or hue perhaps.


I must have a look into this radiosity thingy myself and try rendering some of my own stuff in it.


Looking forward to seein this chap animated ;)


Cheers M8! Abut the skin colour Iknow what you mean, Im still not happy with it 100% Just to describe how I want him to be percieved by those who see the finished short: On one side I want people to think he's ugly, sinster, thieving But Then see that he is actually misunderstood (in a way!) So I was kind of going the route of a deformed human, an outcast that lives in the woods. But I will darken bits on the maps eventually.


Here he is looking more sinister, And yeah Iv got smartskinning to learn!


Thanks Gaz





It is radiosity, that is quite not realisitc .. . or maybe its to realistic. I'm not sure, but i think it is because there is an equal amount of light coming from all directions, those were the kind of bitmaps painted in Zelda and other Nintendo 64 and playstation games.



New render looks sweet!


Cant wait for animation!




Zelda ~ Awesome game! I think I see what you mean, I plan on adding more wrinkles and il add more to his colourmap and try using diffuse and specular maps too. I was trying to use a transparency map for the tips of his digits and his ears, I want light to show through them. I tried but it doesnt look right, I want translucency not transparency but I made his ear groups translucent but no light shon through...


Any suggestions?






And yeah Iv got smartskinning to learn!

You might want to learn those neat multi-fan bone techniques that Shaun Freeman wrote about in 3D World Magazine or his video on the Hash DVD. Well worth learning!


Right! im off down 'smiths in the hope they still have a copy! (need to pay off my credit card anyway!)


Thanks for the reminder Gaz




p.s. (noticed what your teacher said, souded all to familiar)




Wow, great progress.

A beautiful little guy.


I'm coming into this a bit late but since this is a WIP,

I'll add a couple suggestions for tweaks.


Thicker eyelids.

Less childlike hands. Perhaps larger knuckles and finger pads.

Make the two middle toes less alike. The one next to the big toe bigger.

Yeh, a pot belly would be nice.

More variation on widths on body parts.


I can't help but think how nuts my dog would go, if he saw this guy in our house.


lol, cheers, how many fantasy creatures has your dog run into in the past then?!


Your suggestions were duly noted and most applied, the toes I forgot about so thanks for reminding me, the hands are now alightly larger and tweaked, the belly is a little bigger but not alot, I need him to be quite athletic in my Short Anim - he lives in the woods after all.


Eyelids and body parts? i'm not quite sure what you mean here but feel free to explain, I want to finish off all modeling tweaks before i go into final rigging.


Oh, Gaz - I was too late for that copy of 3D world :(


Regards - Nixie

Oh, Gaz - I was too late for that copy of 3D world 

Aggh yes, it was the July Issue... We are on September Issue now! You could ask the nice me Shaun Freeman for help, if not I suppose I could do something naughty which I am not going to metion here in case I get into trouble... :ph34r:


I had a BIG accident with the pc today (I hate them) It's not starting up anymore and the windows cd keeps hanging the system now too, So I cant get into my hard drives! hoping that my data isn't damaged. (touch wood!) but I had a play with mocap just before and got a video across to my mac (yes, my faithful mac) I think Il do a Blit Wizbok style 'think different' parody if i can get access to my harddrives!


here is all I knowingly have left of my Gobelah'


Regards guys - Nixie



That's why one should aaaaaalways keep important data on a portable HDD... Had to learn that the tough way meself.


Very nice dance, love his feetwork!


Tell me about it! Well I'll get hold of an external case for my hard drive and use that as a backup for my mac, il have to save the pennies and get an athlon 64 and new mobo, it's time for a fresh start! - Mr jaqe - you know your stuff, can you reccommend me a budget Mobo to fit an athlon 64 ? and could you tell me why there seems to be different types of 64?


Hope you get this


Cheers - Nixie


I like! (the dance)



I just got an ipod for my bday, and since i only have about 2 gigs of AM stuff, i put it all on there. There is no way im gonnna have 20 gigs of music and or pics, so i just put it all on there incase my hd ever crashes!



Nice job





Thanks guys - I just plugged my harddrive into my mac and its all there so Il backup onto here and get the pc fixed - when I do Il Make a 'how to use motion capture' wink tutorial!


if you wan't?


Thanks again - Mr jaqe especially!




Really like your little guy, Chris. I know nothing about rigging, did you do his bones from scratch or did you import a rig? You mentioned something about TSM? Sorry to be such a noob, but I'm eager to learn.


Eric, I use the setup machine from Anzovin, it's a plug-in that basicly creates a skeleton (you choose what kind of joints how many limbs, fingers etc) Its a great rig and it makes the riging process simpler/quicker. At the bottom of the forum index youl find the anzovin forum, go see!




Ok! well I can try a Wink on it. Il do it when I have some more freetime!


Thanks for the interest Jamagica




I'm a bit ashamed of myself not having given you any comments on your little fellow. Have no crit, just want to let you know that I like him a lot! He is well made! Cool dance btw




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