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  1. Is there a way to keep Snap to Surface from jumping point to the opposite side of a model?
  2. After you import the Prop, you can put it in a Chor and model new splines there, I recall. Drag the Prop into a Chor. Create a new empty Model and drag that into the Chor. Select the Shortcut to Model, then choose Modeling Model to begin editing the Model with new splines. Snap to Surface (Shift + 9), which attempts to place new CPs on the surface of a Prop or other object already in the Chor was made for endeavors such as yours.
  3. I've left a large poly model running for days and could never get beyond 30%. I've had success with installing Blender and reading just enough of the on-line manuals to reduce poly count and in some cases convert triangle polygons to rectangles (or quads in their jargon). The foot on the left is the imported prop and one the right is the .mdl converted from a reduced poly version. I find there's an advantage to having your template model in .mdl format in that I can easily isolate an area and eliminate the "snap to surface" choosing the wrong side.
  4. I have heard alot about it,but never really knew what it was for ,surfing on youtube ive seen alot of programs exporting from one program to another and back,and I saw John Bigboote had just posted something about it for v17 ,and is it new in v17? ( Most videos were just timelapsed and did'nt explain anything)
  5. Right now I am working quite a lot with snap to surface, because i am recreating one of my bigger polygon modells. I found some minor problems : Snap also reacts to hidden geometry. That should not happen. Snap has a tendency to snap to geometry on the other side of the model. The bluprint modell as well as to the spline geometry. In case of the blueprint it should be not so hard to fix that by checking the orientation of the surrounding normals. In case of the spline geometry i dont know ... Maybe it is posssible to look in these issues (at least its issues to me). Regards Heiner
  6. I can't get Snap to Surface to work in a Pose window? Does it? The cursor occasionally displays the Snap to Surface icon but I'm not getting any snap.
  7. In this PRJ, Model 1 has two groups, "target" and "original" SimpleSnapTest02.prj I want to Snap the CPs in "original" so they are on the surface of "target" and I want to do it in a Pose. They don't have to be in some exact spot but i do want to get them on the surface of "target" What is the proper way to use Snap TO Surface for that? I haven't had much success with it.
  8. Hey - I took a chance to do a job today with the new 'Snap To Surface' tool, and it saved the day! Don't know how I woulda done this without it. Shawn Rogers asked if I could model this 'NEWFANGLED' soccer ball(ref photo) for him... at first I though- NO WAY, but then figured the S2S tool may help in the process and it could be a good test for it. Plus I love the challenge, the ball looks SO simple, yet it is really QUITE a modeling dilemma. 1st- I lathed a really dense sphere and exported it as an OBJ. Then imported it into the chor as a prop... this was to be the surface for me to draw on, activating the S2S function. A couple false starts, a couple rounds of 'make it bigger-make it smaller' and I had a good workable base. The tool and the 'snap group to surface' option worked really well, a couple of times it would snap to the backside surface- but the undo got me back. Whats REALLY nice is when you have the tool ON, you can slide CPs around and they adhere perfectly to the surface. I will post a 360o render when it finishes. The Snap To Surface tool will be available in Version 17.
  9. Reference: [bug]6102[/bug] I'm wanting to explore a few of the reports filed away in A:M Reports in order to better understand what the user was/is looking for and so that in v18 they will be more likely to see what they are looking for. Obviously my exploration will stop short of any coding or programming... but in the exploration who knows what might be found! Report 6102 looks like one worth exploring because it is likely the reporter hasn't yet fully explored the Snap to Feature tools in light of other tools currently available in A:M. General Data: 6102 DJBREIT moderate beta0 Modeling 3/26/2012 Windows 7 64-bit Sevice Pack 1 i7 960 3.20GHz Description: Some extra tool to round out the Snap to Surface This is a new and unassigned report. In the exploration I hope to learn more about what the current implementation of Snap to Surface can do. My focus has been within the Modeling window and with use of models/structures created in A:M but I am not averse to using imported Props. I am just more personally interested in a purely A:M-centric workflow.
  10. I am not understanding how to use the snap to surface feature? This is my first time trying it. Can someone walk me thru the steps to get started, please. I have made a SIMPLE obj in A:M (model exported as obj) I imported that obj 1) as a prop, and 2) imported that obj into a blank model. I have tried to use the snap to surface feature both in model window, as well as in chor (with prop) If I try to do it in the chor, and use the Add cp's - I get a path object If I try to create CP's in model that has prop imported in it (used plugin - import, obj) - I can't seem to control how the cps snap to surface. No comprendo. Que pasa?
  11. Hey everyone. I'm considering trying to transfer a very dense figure model into A:M. I was hoping that the re-topo tool would help out, but I was not able to find much on what others had been able to get out of it. Has anyone been successful in "retopo'ing" a high dense mesh, human figure in A:M?? William
  12. I have heard alot about it,but never really knew what it was for ,surfing on youtube ive seen alot of programs exporting from one program to another and back,and I saw John Bigboote had just posted something about it for v17 ,and is it new in v17? ( Most videos were just timelapsed and did'nt explain anything)
  13. that is Snap-to-surface Mode. Button looks like this ---> https://forums.hash.com/search/?q="snap to surface"&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy
  14. Hi Kim. Snap to Surface was indeed introduced in v17. Our forum Search is inoperative at the moment but there are discussions of Snap to Surface somewhere here. I would be curious to know where you heard "a lot" about Snap to Surface. I can't imagine it.
  15. Several areas I haven't yet fully explored: Templates to aid in modeling with Snap to Surface (Some will be more optimal than others) Mixing Props and A:M Models to further enhance workflow (What isn't caught by the Prop might be caught by the Model) -- The example of this would be a flat plane that is placed at a point of intersection with the Prop. Should a CP be placed off the Prop then it would be caught by the Model. Animated Snap to Surface (I need to learn to screen capture my tests because I've forgotten my earlier exploration into this area. The idea is to model on top of (or to track) a moving Snap to Surface object.) Further investigation into what Snap to Surface sees and what it allows through/ignores. (This relates to Templates in that a mesh could be built that would allow something akin to Snap to Intersection. Further exploration of the use of Snap to Surface in conjunction with other tools such as Snap to Grid, Magnet Mode etc. Theoretically, Snap to Surface in conjunction with Snap to Grid should result in a semblance of Snap to Intersection.
  16. Using A:M's 'Snap to Grid' in conjunction with "Snap to Surface" will get this done and with a high degree of precision. Grids used with 'Snap to Grid' can be anywhere between .001cm and 10000cm if I am remembering correctly. Changing grid sizes on the fly while modeling is a great way to control precision placement of CPs. In this way, we can get two surfaces really close together without touching one another. Using A:M's 'Snap to Grid' in conjunction with "Snap to Surface" or any of a host of other modeling features will get this done and with a high degree of precision. Grids used with 'Snap to Grid' can be anywhere between .001cm and 10000cm if I am remembering correctly. Changing grid sizes on the fly while modeling is a great way to control precision placement of CPs. In this way, we can get two surfaces really close together without touching one another. Added: Grabbing a group of CPs and moving them doesn't conform to snap-to-grid and I'm not sure if this is by design or error. It seems to me that when 'Snap to Grid' is enabled everything should snap to the grid. There appears to be some tolerance issues in snapping to grid but I need to investigate. Moving with arrow keys always seems to snap the groups CPs to grid while moving with the mouse does not. Edit: It's primary scaling that breaks free of snap to grid. Perhaps the reason is that scaling and snapping to a grid would work against each other?
  17. Hi there, the new Retopo is very cool, and it really bridges the gap to the polygon world! What i miss is a "snap to vertex" enhancement for the retopo. Most polygon models have already a topological structure, which is by itself already a good guide for a retopo in A:M. Having a "snap to vertex" would help very much with models which are not ultra polygon heavy. For example, the head John Bigboote is using in his tutorial here http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=40992 would be remodeled in no time with a "snap to Vertex". I am no programmer, but i guess the "snap to surface" was much more complicated to make than a "snap to Vertex". Most likeley most of the logic and math needed is already in the "snap to surface". It would serve well in models with a average poly count, and the realy polycount heavy models like they come from ZB or 3D Coat can be treated best with with the "Snap to surface". Just for explanation why i got that "Snap to Vertex" into my mind: I just had to turn a polygon model in a NURBS model using Rhino. Snap to vertex was the most important fuction. And boy, while working on that, how often did i whish to use A:Ms Splines modelling with a StV function! Best regards Heiner
  18. What you did wrong was this: In the chor, go to your PWS and click on your empty patch-model. Then click on the "Modeling-Mode" (F5). If you now click on the Add-button, you will create new CPs in the empty patch-model while being in the chor. That is the way that should be used for polygon-models as references. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Snap-To-Surface is also very helpful for creating for example cloth for characters, etc. For that you can use Snap-To-Surface in the modelling-window. First model you character, then use Snap-To-Surfac ein the modelling-window too model cloth fitting the body. Info: Note that you can set a distance-value for the snap-to-surface-tool now (I think from beta 4 or 5 on). The Option for that can be found at "Tools > Options > Modelling > Snap to Surface Offset". Hope that helps a little. See you *Fuchur*
  19. Yes, there has to be a surface to snap to or A:M moves the CP to where it defaults to in 3D space. There are also issues with several surfaces on top of each other (I believe A:M will tend to S2S the CP to the back surface... but this may be related to what you are talking about with regard to the CP being in front of the surface) It doesn't take much for the tool to infer that you want some other surface. For this reason I've taken to hiding parts of a model that aren't needed prior to using Snap to Surface. I then lock down the part of the mesh that the CPs will snap to so the only thing 'active' is the working mesh.
  20. I think I found it. Snap to Surface was toggled and forcing CPs to snap to another surface when moving them.
  21. As a for instance... one thing I've noted is that we can model with changing surfaces over time. Are you saying we can load morph targets too? Just simply swap out the target mesh with another and move the time slider over, re-snap the cp's to the new surface? Something like that? That would be pretty cool. A:M can not import Morph targets as far as I know. But yes it really doesnt matter what you want to retopologize. It even does not have to be one object. You can draw over several objects at once if you wish too, or you can change the template-object in the process to another one or you can move / rotate / scale the template-object while doing your snap to surface work, etc. You can although use Snapt to surface-option for animation... so for example if you created a model and want to animate the CPs you can use Snap To Surface in the Muscle-Mode in the Chor too to change its shape... So you could recreated the morph-targets from other programs easily by recreating the model in A:M with resurface, export another prop from the other software which has the shape of another morph-target and use it to create another keyframe in A:M's chor which will have the same shape as the morph-target in the other program. That will enable you to copy the CP-movement to a pose and like that you have a translation of a morph-target to A:Ms poses... The real feature is: Snap a point to an underlying surface, no matter if it is a prop, another patch-model, a combination of both or several of them... See you *Fuchur*
  22. Hooo hooo! You guessed that right. I have figured out what I was doing wrong. Yay! It seems I did not have the little new "snap to surface" icon depressed BEFORE I started splining the new model (somehow I missed that crucial step in your video). When I did that - all became wonderful! The clouds parted and the birds began to sing. The problem I had been running into (and still) is that I would create some new patches close to the obj template model, then select those patches, right click (while patches were selected) and select "snap group to surface" option. Not a good idea. That is when things get weird. Some of the cps snap to a far surface, and some don't. It's not clear how to control that. But at least the original laying down of splines on top of a 3D obj template/prop seems to work better. It's the post-"snap group to surface" that works wonkily.
  23. Very well done Bust just to mention it: "Ist es nicht wahr..." should be "Sollte es nicht so sein, dass..." One of the things that are a little harder to get because the term "Isn't it true..." is not used in that kind of fashion in German . Anyway, to answer it a little bit: As far as I understand it, "Snap Group to Surface" is based on the normal-direction (or the negative normal direction, depending what settings you set in the "CTRL + Snap-Group-To-Surface"-Dialog) of the patches in the group you want to snap to surface. See you *Fuchur*
  24. What I already asked for as a feature-request is the Retopology-Tool for A:M. I think this is the easiest way to get this pipeline working... If you have a model done outside of A:M, bring it as 3d-Rotoscope (more or less a prop-object) to A:M, use something like "Snap to 3d Rotoscope" / "Snap to Polygon-Surface" in A:M (done already by for example 3d Painter) and model your new geometry around it with splines. The next thing would be to transfer the UV-cordinates to the newly created patch-model (a bit like TransferAW does it with Weights only the other way round) and we would have a very fast and workable pipeline from the polyworld to A:M and of course out again. Any automatic importer has problems with the continuity of splines, but this would be a great way to get around that problem by letting these issues be solved by the user, who is the best guy for the job anyway. The cool thing about it: Most stuff of it is already to some extend available. There are algorithms to track a surface (>Surface-Constraint) there is the possibility to import Polygon-Object (> Props). The UV-part may be a little bit more difficult, but should be techniqually doable too. What needs to be implemented for that would be the possibility to import a prop (uneditable) to a modelling-window or if that is too much trouble: We can although model in the Chor using the prop... so the first thing would to do would be "Snap to Surface" for the mouse. Steffen is working on OpenCL-implemetation these days and very ocuppied with that, but he did assign the featurerequest already... and maybe we would need that to slide over the surface with the mouse... This would be a way to open the two worlds to eachother and I am very sure that this would be a great way to attract more people to A:M and giving us many opportunities to work on projects with other guys, create amazing stuff and be a source of great inspiration... I'd love to see that! But it will certainly still take some time before this can be done. Keep in mind: Steffen is already working very hard on A:M and he does it as a hobby... anway, it may be possible and is the only way I see to connect both worlds (Patches and Polygones) in a useable way. See you *Fuchur* PS: I tested 3d Coat a little and I find it to be a very nice addition to A:M with the lowest price-tag out there for such features especially Voxel-modelling, etc. seems to be cool... So I cant test it, because this is still a little to pricey to just buy it and see how it works with A:M's importer... there were others here who did it... as soon as A:M has the retopolgy-tools I will however very certainly buy it to cooperate with A:M!
  25. Hey Al! Many of your questions can be answered with a 'Yes, but...' which relates to the many differences between polygon approaches and spline patch modeling and animation. As you've grasped there are a lot of things you can do via import of OBJ (and as Nemyax adds... converting from other models) but there's not much of a better way to resolve those than to dive in and see what works best. Much will depend on what you plan to place in your scenes (as static objects) and what you expect to animate (or articulate). Here's a rough attempt to answer your queries: 1) A:M has several tools that allow movement of Control Points on a surface. If the surface is in a cardinal direction this will be considerably more straightforward as keys can be held down in order to move any CP, shape or object in a given direction along a spline. Sliding CPs along a spline in any arbitrary direction... hmmmm... I think we can do that but I haven't used it in my workflow. In the past few years there have been several tools added that allow projection of CPs onto surfaces (or send them to specific locations) that may also fit the bill. As far as my workflow I'd say use of the 4 key to move a CP along a spline is likely the most common. 2) A:M has some very basic tools for this (such as the Cut Plane plugin) but the lack of density in most spline models which is usually of benefit can work against us in that regard. As such it can be hard to maintain curvature of a given spline. One approach to cutting models would be to use another program to do the cutting and then import that into A:M for placement or further refinement. 3) The Dopesheet still works for lipsync (and as has always been the case) can drive any poses. The dictionary can be amended/edited as desired. 4) I tend to work in low rez so I'm not the best to answer this one but in general you can render to as high a rez as your system/RAM will allow. I will add that Netrender... which was separate software in the $500 range when you were using A:M... is now packaged with A:M so you can launch a variety of renders in various formats and have them all render simultaneously. 5) This 'retopology' tool is know as 'Snap to Surface' and can be used to place CPs/splines onto the surface of any prop or patch model. A Prop being in this case being any imported OBJ, STL, 3DS... and a few others). 6) I don't see any issues there but will defer to others with NVidia cards. 7) Yes, I'm sure there will be but the good news is that we'll work through them together one gotcha at a time. You've been missed. It'll be great to have you back!
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