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  1. Hi guys, Been on a hiatus because I was very busy with art school. I got a 1 week break so I might as well continue the work that I had previously put on hold... I had a nagging problem with some cho files having these nameless 'phantom' models in the Project Workspace three under the Choreographies 'branch'. They're not inside the choreographies, but they have the same hierarchy level with the chor files but they just came out of nowhere and seem to procreate themselves each time I save the chor. This is what I'm talking about. And this is the .cho file in question 004.cho The linked model files of the .cho were intentionally left out and the result would be the same either way, just to show that the problem didn't origonate from any of the linked files. I've tried opening the .cho file in a script editor and managed to track down and delete some of the duplicate "Cache=..|..|..|Objects|" lines but some of them still managed to pop themselves up when I open the cho. I would appreciate if anyone in here can help me with this. Thanks.
  2. Almost Christmas and already Christmas cards are landing on my doormat and I expect I’ll find some digital Christmas e-card in my email box any time soon. So instead of building my own e-card online with often pairs with unwanted e-mails I thought why note create my own digital Christmas card created with AM. Quick easy and simple... or at least I initially thought it would be easy... I’m expecting it’s not a whole lot of work, but for someone who is still learning never done any kind of animating before it’s really time consuming and a challenge. The idea is, White background/ground, Render 1 or 2 Christmas balls, hanging from a branch, shadow cast on the ground Text added (what should be seen in the reflection of the balls) Pretty much the following image I’ve created a branch with thick green hair that would qualify as Christmas tree branch, best I could come up with in the least amount of time Not really that good looking, but quick and easy and will pass for a branch. (So if any one has any points on modeling a more realistic looking branch in a short amount of time I'm all ears) Created spheres to pass for Christmas balls, but I’ve not much experience setting up a reflective surface and the color don’t feel right, but I guess that’s due to the reflection, shiny, bling bling look that is missing and very likely the light sources around it. Added a Ribbon tying the ball with the branch, but the ribbon looks... leather/plastic like. If anyone could assist me in setting up the proper color/reflection settings that will make a ball look like an actual Christmas ball as well as getting the ribbon to look like actual piece of cloth that isn’t reflective, shiny like plastic/leather. Any help/points more then welcome ***Edit*** My current trial 'n error project file xmas.prj Quick render of what I got so far Made few changes based on the advice been given, but didn't quite understood everything The sphere is low patch count, but thinking about redoing it to get a slightly better rounder looking ball. The Ribbon looks much better, but hoping to improve it a bit more. It still has a real thin look when twisting and turning. Anyway to make it more fluffy cloth looking? Though about adding hair to it as well but, very dense but extremely short, just to buff up the thickness a bit, but I expect that there is an other way. What bothers me the most is still the look 'n feel of the ball it self. Might be because I've little to no object to show up in the reflection of the ball, but i expect there a more settings I'v not played with yet that can improve the look.
  3. Hello! Seniors at my high school are required to complete a project for a final grade. It is supposed to occupy over 15 hours of time to create and blah blah blah... I am choosing analogue photography. I plan on doing a video and I need some titles for each section. Here is the first one, it is for small tank developing: FilmDev_720_A_0.mov I made an 8 light skydome for the cheap AO effect. I used the AA render for the DOF too. I know the 35mm is totally lame looking but it is meant for illustrative purposes only. Photoman
  4. hairtree.mov changed gravity over time to get leaves to move 16hairtree.zip
  5. Working on a freelance job, which means I get to work on something other than Wannabe Pirates. :-) Storyboards and character design have been approved by the client, so I'm working on the modeling. Close to finishing his head:
  6. Here's something I 'm doing for my day job, a machine that creates rubber injection-molded components for high voltage uses. I'm going to need to do versions where some components are hidden or turned off. Is it better to do that with an action or an on/off pose? 103203_Ric008IV_Step1Rotate_v2h264.mov
  7. Last year we got together and did as an everyone-can-join-in A:M forum project and much fun was had. Is there interest in doing another one this year? JohnL3D came up with a great linking premise which I'll call "Next Room": A character enters from door on the left of the screen, does something, then exits thru a door on the right. No other specifics yet, feedback and input below. Interest? EDIT: Proposed plan: 1) Premise: "Next Room" 2) Any character you want. Your own or any stock A:M character 3) I will provide a base CHOR that incorporates the doors and the intro and outro camera motion, between which you can put anything you want. 4) Length: Any length you want as long as it includes the minimal time of the base CHOR. 20 seconds would probably be very, very long! 6) Audio optional 5) you submit your rendered 16:9 footage. Res to be decided. 6) Deadline: end of September 2010 If there aren't immediate objections to this plan I will move forward with it. Proposed plan:[/b] 1) Premise: "Bus Stop" 2) Any character you want. Your own or any stock A:M character 3) Each segment begins with a bus pulling away to reveal a bus stop. Your character does something and the segment ends with another bus pulling up in fron of the bus stop hiding the character. 4) Length: Any length you want. 20 seconds would probably be very, very long! 6) Audio optional 5) you submit your rendered 16:9 footage. Res to be decided. 6) Deadline: end of September 2010 See official project roll out in new thread.
  8. I know you can IMPORT into your current choreography, another choreography from the Project Workspace I know that a choreography can be exported as an .mdl file. I know that I should be able to import a .cho file into my project. I just don't know how to EXPORT a .cho file out of a choreography in a project so I can get it into a different project. Please help! Mahalo!
  9. Hello! Yet another project. My friend has asked me to do some graphic art and character animation for a game he is creator. Here is a character I have finished modeling: (Just needs a rig and textures) Cheers Photoman
  10. Hi, I've been planning to complete several projects in AM but I can't seem to get things rolling at a good pace. So I figured that if I post some WIPs I might be spurred along by the forum and eventually complete something. I usually have a few things going on at once so its a little difficult to concentrate on one project through to completion. I will try to change that for the new year. Hopefully I can find some success by doing this. The project I'm currently working on is fairly complex with numerous characters and a very detailed background with lots of action. It will be a still. I am doing this only for my own amusement, especially since it would probably be easier for me to just paint the image. The first model is of an orc chieftain or shaman. I still have to add accessories. and a closeup of the face, Hopefully I can keep this going till its done.
  11. well... I hope to be finished within the next 2 or 3 days... with Xmas just around the corner I'm not sure how much time i can spend on post and rendering... Speaking of rendering, does anyone have any suggestions? While doing a test render, i noticed some plack artifacts around the particle systems, but I kind of want to keep it well lit and cheery... is there even a way to keep it close to the workspace render... given time constraints I may only have one shot at it. I'm posting some screen shots without facial expressions or secondary movements (also without hair or particle systems). (See images below)
  12. Well, it's probably way overdue that I post a WIP thread on this project, so here's what I've got so far: This is the body for one of the two characters. Today I'll be working on modeling the head, texturing and rigging him. The other character is going to be cloned from this completed model. I'll need to make some minor changes to differentiate the two, like the other character will have longer sleeves, a thinner build, some minor tweaks to the face, and different hair/facial hair. But for all intents and purposes, the brunt of the work is going to be done on this character (Rigging, facial setup, etc) and the other character will just be a duplicate. Set1Test_1.mov This is a test render of the first set model. All the other sets except for one, will just be rearrangements of this set, with some props thrown in for variety. scroll_2.mov And these are my credits. They were all done in After Effects, except the scroll, which was animated in AM. Because the credits are animated, they count toward the final total, so I've got one minute completed out of 3-5 minutes required. So, by this Friday, I have to have the two characters ready to animate, as well as a scratch dialogue track to animate to. I've only got about 3 weeks left to the semester to finish this up.
  13. So, I'm jumping in and starting modeling on a short for submission in a film festival Film Festival Topic Discussion. The movie will be a Christmas Story of sorts. The main character is Old Man Willies. I started on his head..made one goof after another, then decided to use Sire Nigel as a starting point. After beheading Nigel, I then started to push and pull control points to get the look I was looking for. Here he is: crits please.
  14. I've been inspired by Christmas Tauntauns on You Tube, so I thought my first toon should be a Christmas one too. I wanted to share some of the models I've been working on to get some feed back. The first is going to be the Captain of the Toy Soldiers Uniform, the next is the Gingerbread house and then finally the Christmas tree (which kind of bothers me) I'm thinking of redoing the tree, using the hair system to make the needles and get a more realistic look, but the lights... any pointers? Right now, glow is just turned on, is there a way to make the bulbs brighter and flash sequentially? Anyway, thanks for taking a peek.
  15. I have a simple design project that I would like to design it to scale. I would also like to output it to a file format that Autocad can read aswell so other people can see it in Autocad. Can this be done?
  16. You can see it here: http://www.dawghousestudio.info/DID.html http://www.vimeo.com/5330628
  17. A few years ago I setup a car suspension rig using surface constraints. The tires were driven by expressions with a use of a bones translation (had some issues, but fixed now). As the model moves along a path, the tires will rotate according to speed and direction. The setup consists of a blank driver pose. The bone that spins the tires and the path ease are driven by the driver pose, with expressions in the chor. The steering of the tires are also driven by a second path consraint of a target bone. truck3.mov
  18. coca cola - full Project Donation Coca_Cola___AM_V15.0E.zip
  19. Exactly, can it be fixed? Or is it one of those things that you can't and just have to fuss over?
  20. JOOOOOOOEEEEE!! this project blows

  21. From Devil In The Drain my thesis project that goes on and on..... Sc8.mov Sc25a.mov
  22. OK on the side of my main projects i have a project designated for stuff i just come up with bout 12 models in various stages of compilation. when i was trying to come up with a set of materials that would look like a cool shield when AM crashed , now ever time i try and load said project AM auto-crashes , i know theres not much of a chance getting it back but i hope theres a shot.
  23. I was bored and threw this together. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDVcovGPb4g
  24. My third video complete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlVbKv27w_4
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