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  1. Did you know... There are more than 12 different ways to add a spherical shape or model into a project in A:M? (and there are a few more when we consider the variations on those). Here are some basic approaches: - Double Click on a Sphere in the Library - Drag and Drop a Sphere from the Library to the Choreography window - Drag and Drop from anywhere in your computers file system or desktop into A:M - Use the Primitive Wizard - Import a Sphere Model (via one of the many different ways possible) - Import a Sphere Prop (STL, 3DS, OBJ, etc.) - Borrow the Sphere from another project (copy/paste from Model to Model) - Use the Duplicator Wizard (also very useful for creating partial sphere meshes) - Create the sphere out of Light - Fake the sphere via a 5 point circular patch - Fake the sphere via standard patches - Composite the sphere into your scene via image/bitmap - Fake or create the sphere via Font or Adobe Illustrator wizard (bezier curves/vector graphics) - Ask someone in the A;M forum if you can borrow their sphere for your project And last but not least is number er...15... Model the sphere via the classic lathe technique. I'm sure I've forgotten a couple and I haven't included any method I haven't used yet (such as creating the sphere via data in Excel). Where/if there is interest we can explore each one of these methods in detail. This isn't just about adding spheres into a project. Knowing more about these basic processes can open new avenues of approach to solving problems and improve workflow over all.
  2. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate 0007210: [Net Render] NetRender Crashes during startup (sgross) 0007216: [Interface] Clicking outside of Chor locks out Manipulators (sgross) 0007222: [Bones/Rigging] Deleting bone causes crash (sgross) 0007225: [_Other] Crash on v19 model load (sgross) 0007217: [_Other] Crash on load of old model (sgross) 0007214: [Interface] Accent color of Windows does not change window color of tiled windows in A:M (sgross) 0007213: [Particle Systems] Hair width over length is somehow repeated several times (sgross) 0007208: [Hair] Crash on reset of Hair Parameter (sgross) 0007137: [Dynamics] Dynamic Constraints broken (sgross) 0007203: [Net Render] NetRender nodes close with format error (sgross) 0007200: [Interface] NetRender interface spelling correction (sgross) 0007194: [Net Render] Actions render incorrectly in NetRender (sgross) 0007196: [Modeling] Crash on Copy of Groups (sgross) 0007195: [_Other] Crash after edit of Expression (sgross) 0007189: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on delete of multiple bones (sgross) 0007186: [Bones/Rigging] Path Constraint target list crash (sgross) 0007185: [Bones/Rigging] Bone name trouble (sgross) 0007184: [Bones/Rigging] Crash on Bone Drag (sgross) 0007162: [Rendering] Surface transparency causing Hair transparency (sgross) 0007188: [Sounds] Playing any audio in A:M sets system volume to zero (sgross) 0007175: [Plugins] Mirror Constraints not working? (sgross) 0007180: [_Other] Crash during Backup? (sgross) 0007181: [_Other] Crash on Revert (sgross) 0007179: [_Other] Crash while renaming Pose (sgross) 0007177: [Decaling] Crash while examining decals (sgross) 0007178: [_Other] Crash on PRJ close (sgross) 0007176: [Modeling] CopyFlipAttach adds unnecessary dot suffix to new names (sgross) 0007174: [_Other] Crash loading PRJ (sgross) 0007173: [Realtime] OpenGL3 Hair with textures drawn not correct (sgross) 0007172: [General] False rounding for float/double values (sgross) 0007171: [Realtime] OpenGL crash, if a scaled copy for the realtime texture needed (MipMap) (sgross) 0007166: [Sounds] Sound stops before end of play (sgross) 0007157: [Rendering] SSAO not working (sgross) 0007165: [Composite/Post Effects] Feature: allow Blur greater than 15 (sgross) 0007160: [Realtime] Fluid particle false shaded render after load (sgross) 0007159: [Rendering] Crash on render (sgross) 0007129: [_Other] v18 D Box PRJ no longer works (sgross) 0007155: [Rendering] Fluid Particles render as Camera Background color only (sgross) 0007154: [Particle Systems] Blobbies don't die, don't resize (sgross) 0007152: [Particle Systems] Can't Bake Blobbies? (sgross) 0007153: [_Other] Default Resolution in Camera settings: Change from VGA to HDTV - 720p... (sgross) 0007146: [Lighting] Use Front Realtime Light reverts to OFF after onscreen render (sgross) 0007142: [_Other] Reverting property in Chor doesn't * project (sgross) 0007147: [Materials] PRJ saves forces unwanted keys in Material instances (sgross) 0007148: [Rendering] Custom Frame list renders only first frame multiple times (sgross) 0007143: [Plugins] Simcloth doesn't simulate (sgross) 0007145: [Net Render] NetRender Memory Allocation Error (sgross) 0007144: [Images/Animations/Rotoscopes] EXR missing from allowed image import types (sgross) 0007139: [Rendering] Shaded/Wire Renders don't show "Show Grid" or Rotoscopes (sgross) 0007138: [Rendering] renders use CPU SSAO instead of GPU SSAO (sgross) 0007140: [Animation] Euler/Vector/Quat default selection not retained (sgross) 0007134: [Net Render] NetRender nodes get stuck on "Loading Frame" (sgross) 0007121: [Materials] Increase the viewport size of a material? (sgross) 0007151: [Particle Systems] Crash on change of Attribute to Combiner (sgross)
  3. We're rolling! Assignment for Week 2: Everything in Week 1 if you haven't done it already. Watch Lesson 1 in the Udemy course. No assignment. Skip Lessons 2 and 3. They are mostly about John Purcell's particular Mac environment. Watch Lesson 4. Assignment: Your own "Hello world" program, typed from scratch. Watch Lesson 5. Assignment: Make a program that will print a picture made with several lines of "cout" text. Tips: Watch John Purcell type in his programs and type in the same into your Visual Studio. Do all the little tests and experiments that he does along the way. Use the skills you learned to make your own version of the lesson for the assignment. But as a minimum... get a working version of John Purcell's project going. Get started early! Don't wait until the day of class to try coding the lesson! We're meeting at 7:30PM CDT next Sunday. Bring your projects to show and tell. If they don't work... we'll debug them!
  4. Thank you! That’s where I expected to find the avi option. The v19.0 trial version I am working with has Targa sequence as the only choice. I did discover a way to import the project, then save as an avi file. I guess I’ll have to get up to date! I plan to use my animations as inserts to my youtube videos produced with Pinnacle software.
  5. I would like to use the Vector Interpolation driver on bones in an action file. I used to be able to select it in the option menu and set it for the project be default, but now everything is defaulting to quaternion. Even an older project is defaulting to quat. I change it in the options to vector and it just keeps reverting to quaternion. I don't want the rotate.w channel for this project, just xyz absolute values. How do I fix this? Thanks all, Charles
  6. Hello, Will helped/pointed me in the right direction to get shadows on a rotoscope image. Grabbed an image from the net, slapped my giraffe on it ... I did a search on the forum, and found a great pic of the settings that robcat2075 added to the forum.... How do I get strong shadows in my images. I played with various settings, and the shadows actually got worse. Is it a ground thing, or is a light thing? confused.
  7. @Roger @Shelton One more thing... when you have more than one program in your "Solution", on one program and choose "Set as Startup Project" to make it the one that runs when you press the green triangle. I got my assignment done. Looking forward to seeing all of yours next Sunday!
  8. http://premiereclip.adobe.com/videos/GwoAtou7EY5 I have no other information on this but realtime facial motion capture is always going to be a useful thing. I suppose the real trick would be to export the captured data for usage elsewhere (such as in A:M). For those of you that use Adobe CC, they are accepting signup for beta testing. DIsclaimer: The video was taken by an audience member so the audio is pretty rough. Here's a bit more from their site: This relates to something I was trying to set up in A:M a few years ago. Not facial capture from a webcam... that is way beyond me... but driving bones/motion via Group Names, which is something A:M almost does already as Named Groups can correspond to CP assignment with bones. As I'm no programmer I left off when I ran up against the need to automate the process of programatically assigning those Grouped Names to Bones. In short, I wasn't up to doing the actual work.
  9. Hi Roger, I don't recall a switch but I think the key is to have the action "Length" equal to the time of the end-of-cycle keyframe that is a copy of the start-of-cycle keyframe. That seems to work in this sample PRJ. Robot05k2 egg .prj If you are watching your cycle in in real time you will want your Play Range set to be no longer than your last frame. When I had a slower computer I think I had to set the Play Range one frame short but when I look at this project today it doesn't seem to need that.
  10. Who is interested learning C++ and computer programming? C++ is the core language of A:M and just about everything of importance in computing. You will like programming if you like using small things to make something bigger. We've done this group twice before and at least one person made it to the end each time! We've found a free curriculum on Udemy that does a good job of introducing C++ and programming itself, so you don't need to know programming already. What you will need is some time. The early exercises are easy but later ones will need about three hours of devoted attention to get done. Rodney and I can pretty much answer any question you might have about the projects in the course or the use of MS Visual Studio. The course leads up to a particle explosion display as the final project. This is my variation of it... Midway through the course I was able to make this character graphics game... Let me know if you are interested. Start date is TBD.
  11. Was wondering how interesting would it be to see another community movie based on James and the Giant Peach? I know Burton did a version, but how cool would it to see a version done in CG. especially powered by AM.
  12. Here's a clever pricing strategy for all you free-lance types... Freelance pros take the zeros out of project bids. Here's Why.
  13. When I load a project that then looks for files, such as jpgs etc that aren't in the location the project expects, AM opens up a file window to locate it BUT the file window will not allow me to drill to a lower level - only to a higher level. AND, having navigated to a higher level will not let me navigate to the original lower level. iMac - OSX 10.9.1. Most likely a Mac issue - can someone confirm before I lodge a AM Report. Cheers
  14. Project Workspace. Can you show me some of the heirarchy where the extra left is showing up?
  15. Another Tinkering Gnome project Spongeguy.prj
  16. I recently finished work on a new character called Reiko Isn't she cute? She'll be starring in my new video game project. I haven't made any firm decisions other than it'll be a heavily story driven adventure/puzzle game with 8 directional movement. Over the last couple of days I've been working on getting some basic things organised. Such as Reiko herself being controllable and her being able to walk around objects. Below is a quick video of what I've got done so far. Sequence_01.mov
  17. something weird happened. i was working in after effects cs6 while a:m v16 ran in the background. somehow my graphics card did some weird stuff, my desktop-image was gone for a few seconds for instance, and the computer got slow... i forced quit on after effects, then regularly shut down a:m and restarted the computer. after that the project workspace in a:m was gone. and i can´t get it to show up any more. but only in v16. in v15, v17, v18, everything was still there like it should be. i deleted my v16 version and reinstalled it, but STILL no project workspace. how can that be???? i´m on a mac, OS 10.68 btw. i´d very much like to get v16 running again, it´s the most stable version ever on a mac. any ideas?
  18. Hi fellow A:M'ers I've just started up an new and ambitious project (maybe to ambitious? ). Anyway, the project is to model the beautiful WWII cruiser KM Bismarck. I hope that I manage to keep an certain amount of details, but as you probably guess, this model is going to get an huge amount of patches. as it is now I have approximately 171K of them.... I make many of the parts of the ship as individual models, and assemble it all in an actions. Let me know what you think so far Best regards Stian UPDATED 03.08.06 assembled: [attachmentid=19199] [attachmentid=19200] [attachmentid=19201] [attachmentid=19202] arado floatplane: [attachmentid=19198] cannons: [attachmentid=17714] [attachmentid=17563] [attachmentid=17564] guns: [attachmentid=17616] [attachmentid=17640]
  19. Robert and I were discussing the EXR format and I wanted to share the project file based on Jim Talbot's Leopard Queen image. The project was demo'd at SIGGRAPH 2005 by Greg Rostami. I must assume it is called Boris becuse of the artist Boris Vallejo whose style is captured in the image. Still haven't found the video of the demo yet but perhaps it isn't far away... maybe even on one of the Hash Inc SIGGRAPH cds. Update: I may have found the composite video. It is in .swf format so am attempting to convert to MP4. The CompDemoProject file attached only includes the EXR file. Will also upload the the Project file (which should also be on the A:M Extra CD and DVD. CompDemoProject.zip
  20. Hey Rob, What would AM do without you? Thanks so much for the advice and the compliment! As you can see, still not working on the guy, but rendered fine on my hairball. I'm thinking maybe there's a bug in my project file? I'm going to load the model into a new project and see how that goes. Hope it's not a bug in the model. One way or another, I'll show you how it goes. Doug
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