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  1. Ooops I think my image was too big. Here is a substitute image. I hope this one works. Sorry Hello All, Here are a couple of water craft that I will be using for my film school portfolio project that I will begin here in a couple of months. The project will be an adventure movie trailer. The first two models of the film look simple but have had their problems. One problem is straight panel lines on curved surfaces. I have used the texture "EDIT" and that works great but there are still some problem areas. I think it is is my approach that I need to rethink. Any way, I would appreciate your input. Thanks AD
  2. Hello All, Here are a couple of water craft that I will be using for my film school portfolio project that I will begin here in a couple of months. The project will be an adventure movie trailer. The first two models of the film look simple but have had their problems. One problem is straight panel lines on curved surfaces. I have used the texture "EDIT" and that works great but there are still some problem areas. I think it is is my approach that I need to rethink. Any way, I would appreciate your input. Thanks AD
  3. Hi All, I'm currently caught up with another project that I'm dead-lined for. However, I was able to squeeze some time to work on the texture map. Here's what I've come up with so far. This is just the color map with no bump or spec map. I will add those over the weekend. Aside from a few minor tweeks on the map itself, I think I'll stick with this one. I still appreciate any suggestion on how I can improve upon it ******************************************************************** A special note to Jim Talbot - I have not yet gotton around to fixing the eye lids but I'll do so soon. Thank you very much for the suggestion ******************************************************************** Luv Patos
  4. Here is one of my characters for an upcoming project. His name is Pana-boon and he is a very hungry, childish bear. Besides only modelling half, and I know he needs paws, feet, eyes, not being done, etc. I'm looking for input about proportions, splinage for animation, rigging, etc. I will be covering him with the new version 11+ hair and rigging him for animation using the standard Hash 2001 rig. Any thoughts or do you see any problem points that may cause headache later in production? What about the overall character design? He will be a mixture of a children's bear / realistic hair with a styalized look. IF that makes sense? Some where between cartoonish and realistic. I have a plot line and story. He will not talk, but I want to get emotion out of him, so I will need to rig the face, mouth, teeth and tongue. He will be very energetic, running, jumping, moving, etc. I am dedicating all of my free time to this personal project, so I am not concerned about schedules, etc. I want to have fun with it and want to learn as much as possible out of the process. I will be posting more information within the next few weeks about this project on my web site, (if you are interested in following my project along) Shameless plug. Any input is greatly appreciated! I know that HASH forum includes some very talented people, and I would like to tap into their knowledge and experience. Thanks in advance for your crits.
  5. Yes! - I is now . I immediately got on to Steve after seeing this phenomenon and he made me a fellow, not quite sure what to do with this title or if I am exactly worthy but it does have a certain feel good factor LOL ... I have been working on this project on and off the since summer 2001, intially creating the characters and then working on the sets and stories. I feel bad since I should have much more to show for it, but I have been side-tracked with other software, computer games, SCUBA, learning 3D, LIFE and stuff. I didn't really get into creating the first story until the end of 2002. I am hoping to get the next stroyboard out before the end of March. After that I will either work on the next story or set about improving the texturing/lighting of the existing ones or animating parts of the existing stories or all of em if I win the lottery and can give the day job up Either way I intend on being more disciplined
  6. And JohnL who taught me that ANYTHING can make a great demo/project! Sorry. Done now. Rodney
  7. I started to post a reply but looks like I got distracted in the middle of it and it never got sent. Love Firefly. I can appreciate the work that went into it. Not an easy thing to do in any 3D package much less POVRAY/MORAY. The best I could do back in the command line days was make an army of manequins march across a checkered field. (Ahem. I was rather proud of that at the time as I recall. Even though everyone I showed it to looked at me like I was from another planet) Good luck on completing your current project. Rodney
  8. Sean, There is something wrong with your project file that I cannot fix without going into the code of the .mdl file and trying to sniff out the problem. Not porceline. Not splines (that I can tell) I did successfully copy/flip/attach the right side of your head in both v10.5 and v11. The problem I'm still having is pasting back into your project file. Drops to the desktop each time. If you want me to upload the complete head model/mesh (minus eyes) I'll be glad to do it. Unless I figure out how to clean out your project file the only other thing I can think to do is go into your project file, copy the eyes out into the new model and work from there. (Edited to say... Ooops, I see you found the answer) Best, Rodney
  9. That did it, I got that solution from several people on IRC, I wonder why that does it... No, I wish.. Thanks all, I'm now taking down the project file.
  10. Ive had this problem myself onceor twice. I copied the whole model into another empty model window and saved it. Close and reopen the project and u should be able to just use the newly copied model for the copy/flip/attach. SeanC.
  11. still does it, the problem is the delete, not the copy flip attach. maybe there's a way to go into the project file itself and just delete the cps. I'm confused.
  12. Zack, When I opened the project it wanted the porcelain material. I have found that you can't paste into a model with porcelain applied. Delete the shortcut to porcelain from the model and then try to copy-flip-attach. If A:M quits when you try to delete the shortcut, drag the shortcut up to the materials folder instead, and then do the copy-flip-attach. Jim
  13. I need a bit of help: I'm working on a head and I need to delete half to do a copy flip attach but each time I try the app drops to desktop. this happens in both the latest alpha and in v10.5. I need to delete these points to do a copy/flip/attach. Any ideas? I've been trying for 2 days. I've attached the .prj file. the points labeled "delete" are the ones I don't want. -Project file removed- (Will post pictures later)
  14. That's a fairly lean model. Are you referring to bogging down in A:M or the game environment? Water - water everywhere and it takes forever to render. Will Sutton offered a very nice ocean combiner material he made for one of his projects. I think a general search for ocean might produce the original message. Bobbing and rolling on the ship could be done using a variety of methods. Probably the best would be straight animation - which offers maximum control. If the motion is cyclic then an action with stride length would work. Place it on a path and it would be like a skiing rocking horse. A path system using a stern and aft bone could be setup to follow paths. With 3 paths and a few bones. A ship rig could be made to do anything the path dictated. Project file: http://home.comcast.net/~frank_h/sea-rig.zip ============================================== Umm.. There are more complex dynamic rigging solutions that utillize the surface features of the mesh. This would be very restrictive, but could use a water surface made of a cloth spring system. The path could also be cloth and drapped over invisble controlling geometries such as crest, wakes and breakers. I suppose forces could be added to add extra turbulence to the surface as well. A:M has all of these features and with lots of patients, many hours of experimentation and a bit of imagination they might be able to do such a simulation. There is also the expression system to explorer as well. Unfortunatly, this potentially powerful feature is not comprehended by left brain challeged people like me. If memory serves me right, Marcel Brinkman is working on a reactive water plugin that reacts to external objects.
  15. Well, decals are actually faster to render than fancy procedural ones, so don't worry about that too much. I don't know what speed your computer's at, but when I have a project or a model that's loading slowly or the tool that lets you rotate around your object to work on it, I generally switch to wireframe, or lower the resolution (on Windows computers it's page up=higher res., page down=lower res.) Hope that helps -Andrew
  16. http://www.artboxanimation.com/AmStuff/Demo3d.html Intro for the flash animation project I've been working on for the last week. I used kci's am2swf plugin and it worked pretty much flawlessly. AM's animation tools made it a snap to animate quickly, and the rest of the presentation is looking(bad pun)pretty flash Just thought I'd share.
  17. Hey Pengy, I think you can fix the bare patch by selecting the group that it used to belong to, then hold the shift key down and select each CP in the affected area and along the edge. This will add them back into the group. You may have to save, close the project and re-open for it to appear correct. Keep splining Glenn
  18. Hey everyone, Here is a quick render with a decal (my first! Thanks Jim T. for the excellent tute) on the Attacker model. I have actually built a few other models but I haven't posted them yet. Maybe later this week. I haven't added any bump maps and other goodies - I want the brighter red to be glossy but haven't worked that out yet. As always, C&C welcome Paul WIP site for my minor project: http://www.omoanime.com/wip/attacker.html PS Is this the best way to add updates? Or should I start a new topic?
  19. As the last push on this project commences (5 months and counting), I've been going back and reworking some of the older elements to bring them in line with the most recent - I've been working on this on and off for 3 and a half years so there is a very large difference in quality between the older stuff and the newer stuff! Anyhow, I thought I'd bring something to show and tell this week so here's my main character re-worked and re-textured for 2004. I'm only using decals (no materials) to save on render time and the maps were created in a method almost identical to that documented so well by Jim Talbot. There's some more work to be done on the lips, eye, forehead and scars but the basics are there. The render below was done with a 2 light skycast rig, 16x multipass, on a pentium 4 1.5 in 5:36mins As always, all crits more than welcome -
  20. From: Katie Holden wtfovr52@yahoo.com Date: 2004-2-8 05:03:55 -- I really like the mother. I also keep the movie of the baby around when I need a pick me up. Katie Shaun Freeman wrote: Hi everyone, I've started working on the next character for my project/short film 'the cuckoo'. If people are interested in having a look, I've posted a 360 degree quicktime on my WIP page. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated before I really get into the texturing and rigging. (ie. If I make changes, I'd prefer to make them earlier than later) In any case, any comments would be welcome. Click on the 'mother wren' link [url="http://www.shaunfreeman.com/wip.htm"]http://www.shaunfreeman.com/wip.htm[/url] -- Shaun Freeman www.shaunfreeman.com A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. -- Matz's Maxim === Animaster Mailing list === Unsubscribe and other options @ www.hash.com/support/maillist.asp = ---------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online Html-Removed .
  21. You weren't kidding about image heavy. If the subject was broken down into parts you could categorize images across multiple pages. Perhaps using a half body image with frames as your menu system would make it easier to manage and download the content. I wish I knew more about the Flash SWF system. The Camtasia software is a bit expensive for hobby use, but it would handle this project with ease and amazing efficientcy. Feet: Hmm.. Think about this appendage and approach it as you would a hand model. After all, it's basically the same with the exception of function and scale.
  22. Hey everyone, A while ago, I mentioned that I was working on a pair of base meshes for my own projects, and that I also would be willing to share with the community at large. I have a full body finished now, but there is still a lot of tweakage to be done. I've been looking at this for a while now, so I was hoping to get some fresh perspective other than the random references I've cobbled together. Please visit the page and let me know what you think and what features you think would be useful in a basic mesh of this type (in terms of being able to stretch/shrink parts of the body, change levels of musculature, whatever). -Edit: Still graphics heavy, but the initial load has been reduced by a factor of 2 or 3. http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg724n/common.html Thanks in advance, Bjorn
  23. zacktaich - NO I model all my fishes from the ground up cuz they all move different and needs to be design differently. I have created a colour palette and I have a model sheet am working from.. So I have all the colours I will be working with, ( green, brown, orange, yellow, black ) are some of the main colours... But I will make a few ajustments.. bakerrod - WOW thanks for your feedback, This is a personal project.. it's hard to believe that my work can be inspirational but thank you.. it's hard getting ideas from your head to papper then unto the computer, but I am trying my best.... here is a small update.....
  24. Alot of nice stuff on there Rod. I dig the sketches too. Now, I'm all kinds of curious about Secret Project 1 and 2. Hmmmmm ..... Doug
  25. Thanks John, Will create a splash/front page soon, honest. Just looking for the right images and ideas (not to mention time). Comics? I've created quite a few. Published quite a *few* too. (HA!) Seems I'm a hobbyist in more than one thing. Lots more to be organized and uploaded. One thing that HASH, this forum and moving back to the states is helping me do is get serious about publishing. Comings Soon: (Things I'd like to do or have done waiting to be refined and/or placed on the net): Sketches Comics (More comics covers) Comics (Sequential Art) Tips and Techniques (CorelDraw and A:M) Fun Projects: TtM The Wizard Wizard Secret Project 1* Secret Project 2* The Want List *I let you know when I figure out what they are. Things I need to do: Sleep Learn to program Spline Sleep I dare you to dare me to do this! Thanks for the response. Rodney (Need... more... time)
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