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  1. By golly I think you did! And I'm STILL working on the same short film we talked about back then. Zpider that's just freakin' brilliant! I downloaded your project file and I think this may be exactly what I'm looking for! You Da Man! I'm toying with a couple of different ideas for the eyes and now you've gone and added a third option - Looks like I've got some serious work to do tonight. Thanks!
  2. hmm .. how about going back "halfway" meaning not a flat pane, but only a part of a sphere some observations about this approach: - the real center of the spere would be farther back in his head - the eyes would better convey his original character - the conceived center would remain the same fot this kind of setup you could create a simple rig that works without surface constraints: - have a bone in the conceived center that aims at (constraint) the target null - this bone has a child called "tip" - have a bone in the real center this bone has the pupil cps assigned to it and aims at (constraint) "tip" (see attached project) eye_try.prj
  3. Hi pdaley, That was quick !! Thanks for the reply. Well you are right. He is a very unhappy character. In fact I did some remodeling on his mouth yesterday to put him in more of a frown position from the start. He is a somber, constant frown type. Yeah it does. It was not intentional but I really like the look. I sort of just plopped him into a chor and started playing around. I was just trying to get ideas for the look of the render quality. Not to give too much away here ... but the main character is mentally handicapped and disturbed. The short will be based on my actual experience of working with this fellow Donny (name changed) in a group home setting. Though the material will be funny, he certainly was a humorless fellow. And no, the worm is a seperate project. That one is almost done. Thanks again. Doug
  4. Cool! Nice work for a first project. Glad to see you're enjoying A:M. Keep working, and keep learning!
  5. and here is the new test project. TreeZ_02_test.prj
  6. Wow Marcel, just in time. I'm working on a project that has a large call for trees and was having a heck of a time making one. This is just perfect! Oh hey, the scene has a car crashing into a tree so it will have to move. The Treez do move like normal mesh right? I know it's a studip question but I'm generally a paranoid person by nature.
  7. Seriously, thanks for the comments. High praise from the two of you is worth the effort alone! When I get something going I'll post info and a project file, honest. I'm trying to learn not to post things too early as it kills the self motivation and I get distracted into something else... TIP: I did say I was faking this variable line stuff via line rendering and toon rendering so it really is nothing special. Note to self: Particles might work well too. Find out who did those cool writing animations with particles.
  8. I believe that the test went off without a hitch!!!!!! I am really looking forward to seeing this project unfold. Please keep us posted!!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  9. I got leaves. Slooowed my system abit though. This is rendered out in Beta 3. If anyone wants me to test their project on my system, send away.
  10. Here's a little project I thought would be fun to knock out but which soon turn into a lesson on the proper use of the Bias controls for the logo's flames. I definately feel like I learned how to control/unerstand them a little better because of this.
  11. Holy cow! This is a great plugin! I downloaded the project file and the plugin to test try out. I didn't think it'd work, because I have an older version of A:M, but I thought I'd try it anyway. Well, it worked. It worked like a charm! I was surprised how good my first attempt turned out! I added some basic materials for flavour, and presto! Also, good news, the plugin seems to work fine in A:M v9.0q (I'm not sure if it has been already established that it works on older versions, so, if it has, sorry ) Anyway, here's my first attempt... Cheers!
  12. Steve(392-type), Care to share how you got the painted look for your leaves. Your answer might help with another project I'm working on. Back a bit On Topic: I answered my own question concerning the base group. Yep, just be careful. but... Now I've lost my bark textures dingdratit! I'm making this a LOT harder than it is.
  13. 1 and 3: not necessarily. you dont need to use the hair material. after all you've already drawn the target-surface which, whith a nice texture will serve well as leaves. 2: re-read the above posts! this group is already there and its called "level0" - the group needs to exist already BEFORE invoking TreeeZ [WHY: because its currently not possible with the a:m sdk to create a new group] - the group must also contain at least one cp (in the sample project file it is one of the base-groups cps - doesnt matter really which one) [WHY: because its currently not possible with the a:m sdk to create the first cp in a group]
  14. 1. open the Model1 in the project 2. draw your target surfaces (you can delete the ones that are already in there) 4. edit the "base" group (be careful that all of your base cps are in the group!) 5. go back to the action window, rightclick>plugins>wizards>TreeeZ
  15. Great stuff! Thanks Marcel! I got the tree generated from the project. But it's green and I can't see where it's getting that colour from. I'm not that familiar with hair either so I've no clue where to put the hair material or what to do with it to get a leaf lol I think I'm banjaxed!
  16. Ah man!... I don't get it, I was able to open the project just fine, however, how do I create a new tree???
  17. on my machine the unzipped file goes to C:\Programme\Hash Inc\V10.5\hxt. likely on your computer the folders wont read german ("program files" ?). also download the project file, then just rightclick in the sction window and do as the BEFORE-image above shows.
  18. download this project file http://www.kci-group.com/z/TreeeZ-prj.zip and this plugin http://www.kci-group.com/z/TreeeZ.zip (PC only) install in HXT folder create some cool stuff post it here if 20 coool images are posted, treeez is free! this image shows how the project looks BEFORE:
  19. I have to go to work here in a few minutes but I just wanted to say thank you to robcat2075 for the heads up on the space contest! Also Thanks Rodney that is what I was hoping to do was capture the spirit of Star Wars as best I could. I wish the costumes could have been a little better for the imperial police but I worked with what I had, the film was almost entirely done with A:M using After Effects only as a compositing tool to make rendering in A:M easier on my computer. With all the stuff going on in a lot of the shots it was more then my computer could take, so I had to render pieces at a time & composite it all together A:M was the program I worked with the most though. Even the lasers were done in A:M!! as all of you know A:M is an AWESOME program that is highly under rated. As far as my next project goes, I'm thinking starting on a Batman fan film but I'm having trouble getting the cape animation (see my other topic) right for the CG double work that will be in the film... Thanks all of you guys feedback helps me grow. Keep them coming I still have much to learn.
  20. Thanks for all the cool feedback!! I've worked hard on it over the past few years & all the sleepless nights I spent working on it have finally paid off... That's were I got the idea for my sig. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, there were times I felt like it was an endless project. As far as models go, as one of you were asking, some were done from scratch by me, some were done by a friend of mine & others were modified from other models read the credits to see which were modified.. Some of you may find it interesting that the guy who physically played Boba Fett & I live about 1,000 miles apart & have never have physically met before.. It was all done using compositing tricks, making me & the other guy 1,000 miles away look like we were right there with each other filming. I directed him by filming what I needed him to do in costume with camera angles & stuff, E-mailed him the stand in footage, then he filmed it & sent me the raw Greenscreen footage for me to composite with A:M & After Effects. He has also done a few Star Wars fan films with A:M.. "What Star Wars would be like if it was directed by Paul Verhoeven " LOL Yeah, I thought about making more blood. Like a splat on the wall behind the engineer during that part, but never got around to it before I released the film. I'll post more inside info about how the film was made as more feedback comes in... Keep the feedback coming!
  21. Thanks, Because of the complexity of most of the shots, a lot of the stuff had to be rendered in multiple passes in A:M then composited in After Effects. Because of the high amount of stuff going on in each shot, if they were rendered in one pass the rendering would have caused the computer to crash so I would render different elements like the background, separate from the traffic & fore ground. The mid & fore ground elements were often rendered with the a green background in the project with all the buildings & stuff deactivated. There ware also a few modified motion capture files I used from the A:M CD used in the film. I'll elaborate more on things as more people post comments & questions...
  22. Awesome, nothing more is neccesary to say. Please post updates. I live for updayes on this project.
  23. Here's my tantalizing bit, and it's probably the last most of you will see of this until the final project. This is my WIP of an Aliens style motion tracker. I need crits and comments. Zachary T.
  24. Yeah, blue is the color of choice. I think (when I decide to go back into this) I'm gonna use some light list for fill lighting. Right now, no fill lighting exits whatsoever in the shot. At the time a did this, I didn't even know how to use light lists I can't wait to go back into this and see if I can improve upon the lighting. All of your comments have helped me focus on the priorities for this scene. MORE LIGHT As for the speed issue, you could be right Ken. I'll know more when I have it in context. The shot is designed to cut to the Gravity sled pilots face during turn, thus extending the duration of the moment, and then cut back out to the wider shot as they virtually run on top of us. We'll see if that helps once I choreograph it. Eventually I'm going to link other images from the project. I've got some images from another segment that I'm putting together for an animatic. I probably put those up pretty soon. Sterling
  25. Yeah it definitely needs more massaging from a lighting stand point. I'm trying to go for a realistic night look in a narrow ravine. You know, shadowy, not a lot of ambience, etc... One of the most frustrating things for me has been that when I started this choreography, I knew a lot less about A:M than I know now, so there is a certain level of project dis-organization and poor technique that I'm going to have to sort through when I go back into working on this shot. This is a part of a sequence of shots. I have proceeding shots set up (sans spider), but this is the only one with the spider in it. Thanks for the comments. Sterling
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