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  1. John, you know I have great need of your render farm, et al, I will be done with all 15 of my characters around 2027 maybe in march or april of that year... will you still have the render farm then??? I did a fix on the shoulders of my rig and eliminated about 30 fan bones now the shoulders only use 12 fan bones... but I still crash because of the textures loading so, on a tip from Vern, I will reduce the textures just enough before the details "I want" dissapear or become to blurry. The meeting really did get me to understand that if I was working on a network or with other users on a project, I must consider the volume of my characters also... patchwise, texture-wise, and rig-wise. Thanks all you "incompetent super-heroes" (Verns next movie?).
  2. I would just like to clarify a small point so there is no confusion: First off I am not jealous of the "hair ball" created this weekend. I came to terms many years ago with my lack of hair and it is no longer an issue with me... at all... not a problem whatsoever... nada... no probs. The fact that my lack of hair is even mentioned, by anyone but myself, is irrelevant to any type of important discussions regarding A:M, and is only an attempt by excessivly "hairy" people to keep us hair challenged individuals "in their place". As for missing my presentation when you left early John... no worries, I didn't really have one... I just showed the animatic of my Incompetent Secret Agent project which is available online here: Incompetent Secret Agent Animatic I did show earlier, the only thing I used AM for in months... a door that opens and closes. Took 36 hours to render. I wanted to know why it took so long: Apparently having 3 or 4 raytraced lights with volumetrics will really extend the render time... good to know for future reference. Earlier in the afternoon I also discussed the fact that the theory of black holes is incorrect! Things can escape from a black hole... I did... somehow I managed to escape for a short time on saturday, although I was horribly frightened by that bright ball of light in the sky. Rich made me give a try at making the "hairy ball" work properly even after I insisted that "I don't know anything about hair!". Apparently my skills with trial and error are still very powerful. Not having a number pad slowed us down somewhat. Once again I am not sensitive about my hair and no one should mention it anymore because I am not sensitive about it so there is no need to call attention to it. That's not why I wear a hat. Vernon "baldy, clean-head, cue ball" Zehr
  3. Hi gang. I finally have a showable version of my first music video for crit. This is the project that led me to A:M 3 years ago. After 2 starts, 1: in Strata and Poser, 2: in A:M 9.5 (enough said about that), and now in A:M 10.5. Even though it is quite rough, I am quite happy how it turned out. I would love to hear what you like and don't like, and don't worry, I'm not easily offended. I made it as small as possible 5.4 megs for 1.5 minutes using the On2 codec. If you have trouble veiwing it, please let me know. I can post a Sorrenson 3 version, but for similar quality it comes in at 8.8 meg. Here it is Just My Imagination
  4. Well, here's the lowdown: -I am doing this as a solo project -I am putting together the elements I need to recreate some Clone War battles -I'm going to send my finished film into TheForce.net Fanfilms -The story is called Clone Commander and it follows a Commander through the war and you see what's going on from his point of view Please post any questions. I am still writing the script, but I am concentrating on the models right now. If any of you out there like Star Wars, I will be releasing all of my models on the internet for free after I release my film. By the way, I had ALOT of spare time and I've about finished the Dwarf Spider. Here it is:
  5. Pretty darn good! I'm glad to hear that you never gave up on your project. I tend to start projects and have tons of ideas, but some how always get side tracked. Good job! My only crits are: I would like to see your lighting changed. It makes the feel of the animation flat. I would also like to see more improvement on the textures. Get away from the computer generated stale look. The animation timing seems a bit too slow or off. Maybe rework it a bit. Just my 2 cents worth. Great effort! Have a great day
  6. Pretty darn good! I'm glad to hear that you never gave up on your project. I tend to start projects and have tons of ideas, but some how always get side tracked. Good job! My only crits are: I would like to see your lighting changed. It makes the feel of the animation flat. I would also like to see more improvement on the textures. Get away from the computer generated stale look. The animation timing seems a bit too slow or off. Maybe rework it a bit. Just my 2 cents worth. Great effort! Have a great day
  7. You may be doing it right. Sometimes AM has a problem with refreshing the changes and showing it in the view. So, when you expect a change press spacebar or else try saving the project and re-opening it. Hopefully it should be sorted soon.
  8. Thank you all for your comments. To tell you a little more about the project, this was comissioned for a book cover illustration. Because it was for a Mathematics first grade textbook, the publishers wanted something that was about making math fun for kids. The art director was crazy about, yep you guessed it, "Finding Nemo", and so he along with the editor, decided they wanted an underwater scene with playful characters. After a few character sketches and a couple of Adobe Illustrator color layouts, this little character came about. Gotta tell ya the truth though, one thing is to do a character in 2D and another is to bring to life in 3D. So really, I should be thanking you guys for the help, because in all honesty, I've learned almost everything about AM here in the forums studying and learning from all of you. For all interested in how I got the job, it was really a matter of being in the right place at the right time combined with a little persistance. I say this, because a few years ago, I decided to pursue a little more aggresively my illustration career. Being a full time graphic designer, I thought something was missing, after all illustrating was, and still is, my first love. So I put a mini HTML slide show together showing off some of the work I had done previously using "Ray Dream Studio". Among the piesces was an underwater scene I had done. I sent it to every email I could find, targeting specially book publishers (since this is where I had the most experience with). Out of dozens of emails, only one called me up, but it was the right one, and I've been busy ever since. I hope this answers your questions. By the way, thank you William for the compliment. Cute is good (I think).
  9. Count me as a fan too! I like the look. Sure wish they had fun 3D characters like that to guide me through math when I was kneehigh to a grasshopper. Like others, I'd like to hear more about your project! Best, Rodney
  10. Nicely done. I'm curious, what sort of project is this for?
  11. Keep it up Doug. Looking very nice thus far! Glad to see you've picked your project back up too.
  12. The black areas with porcelain are most probably flipped patches. Sometimes it's hard to see. I like to set the option to render only one side of patches. Also there is a way to unify the direction of patches in the "right click" menu. Finally, sometimes you have to save the project and re-open to see the black patches are gone. To your questions: 1. Not sure. Maybe the render to file option would fix this. 2. Are you sure you're rendering the right frame range? And there is a light right? 3. Could be Opengl/Directx related. Update any drivers and/or switch between the two. 4. Can't find the thread, but basically you turn on the "floating menu" then select a piece of the spline and press /(or is it ,) then in the floating menu you input 0 to the x fields. This is from memory, so it's probably flawed...
  13. LOL! You do anything special to get that? Cuz I'm needing exactly that same effect for a project I'm doing.
  14. During the last couple of weeks I have done some experiments with realistic Ocean Waves in Animation Master. For now there is only one image to watch, but I'm working on a short animation that I hope to be able to show in a day or two. (The image is rendered with the simplest possible environment. No sky sphere, one single sun light and a simple reflecting gradient material.) Click here, for more information on this (The page will be updateted as the "project" evolves.)
  15. don't have any time to play right now so here is the project. just remember with gradients you have to adjust them for the model and in this case scale the turbulence too as well as "animating" then in the chor or by an action or even a pose would work if anyone gets a better effect with this please share johnl3d...the tinkering gnome newcloud.zip
  16. Nice effect, Jim. I just might use your technique in my current project. Whare do I send the royalty checks? Brian
  17. It's hot out here at LegoDude's college summer camp, so I made this little fan to keep him cool. Set the movie to loop and you too can stay cool! (Unfortunately for LegoDude, when the conference ends, and he goes on stage to close things down, he's going to be melting in the heat, lose his footing, and get sucked into the fan... sort of a LegoDude meets Mr. Bill ending to a fun debut of LegoDude! ) If anyone wants the project, I'd be happy to share. Need to zip together a package so you'd get the decals (cookie cutter and transparency map). This represents about two hours of work, so things like on/off knob and (d'oh!) electrical cord are left to you to do! For my needs this fan is 'good enough' for the size and focus of the closing piece. CoolMeOff.mov
  18. whoa... thanks Yves... Yeah, car tutorials are pretty scarce, guess i have to do a car tut now Well, it's between a 1979 VW Rabbit or a Ford Focus... I'm thinking of doing the Ford because those cars are pretty simple in design and a lot newer. Besides, I can't find those rabbit blueprints anywhere on my hard drive... it would have been nice to give it a few dings and then add rust decals to the rear quarter panel to give it a bit of authenticity but we'll make do with the ford I guess. We'll begin as soon as I finish this project I'm working on.
  19. The ocean generator would be a great addition to A:M. I've downloaded your project file (thanks) and have a few questions. How did you create the movement of the waves? Is it part of the ocean generator? Different perimeter setting? If not..... Did you use a distortion box, magnet mode or change the displacement and bump percentage of the decals? Or none of the above. Thanks again. P.S. I'm sure there is alot more people interested in your efforts to produce such a tool than there seems to be. And I hope you decide to continue your efforts. Looking forward to your finished product.
  20. Looking really good from that first view! I'd like to see and know more about your project. There are a lot of comic fans in the A:M Community I'm sure they'll pop in to comment as well. While waiting if you can post from a few angles and maybe add a spline shot that will help them give you better feedback. I sure am interested in seeing what you have planned for him! Rodney
  21. Man that's good! I hope you didn't shave your head for this project! If that's the inner mouth, it looks a little patch heavy to me. Especially as it's rarely seen in detail. Keep it up!
  22. Here's a side render. Steve, as for a tut, it's been just playing with the settings of the emitter to get what you are looking for. The modeling is pretty basic. I'll post the project file for anyone who is interested in it.
  23. Hey SpaceToast, I just took a look at the images for this project. They are really amazing! I was just wondering how you have gone about getting this look? You said you were using glows, are you using them on everything? Is it coming out of A:M's renderer this way or are you running it through something else after? Can't wait to see the finished short! -Alonso
  24. Update: Project finished and available for playing with... This is just an FX shot that im playing with. The main model still needs to be textured and finished, but the FX are pretty close to being done.. just need to fade the particles out before they die.. 600kb quicktime can be found here. Feedback welcome -Drakkheim
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