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  1. Great job Zack,it's always interesting to see the way a project progresses. As far as adding things what to you have around your own guitar?
  2. I've thought of a way around the patch count problem. I'll just do one tree for every two apartments. Then I can render each pair of apartments separately. This results in animated "tiles" I can stitch together into a single very wide shot. It still would look good from a landscaping standpoint and has the benefit of fewer trees to animate! I could probably use the same tree and just rotate and tweak it a bit. I can add relatively stationary characters, change the widow dressings, and add different props to make each tile look more unique. Wow! I may actually get this project done! I could even add conventional characters if I keep them inside each tile, or composite them later, being careful to keep them outside of the tree shadows (or simulate the shadows--a good bit more work). Thanks for the conversations, folks! It really stimulates some good ideas. Bill Gaylord
  3. Bill, What fun to be a voyuer on your project! Thanks for keeping us posted all along. The SkyCast lighting to my eye is too flat. Could you add a spot light to give some better contrast, and let the SkyCast rig provide overall general lighting? The way the leaves scale up is too obvious to those of us following along... I'd ask my wife to look at it and see if it bothers her the way it bothers me (she not having read the whole thread), but she's out right now. To be sure, actually controlling angle and size would be much more challenging than scaling a bone, but that's still what's bugging me about the animation. Oh, a lighting question, too: Is the time-lapse meant to be real? In other words, if time is passing while those leaves and branches grow, I'd expect to see lighting changes (sun movement across the sky, cloud shadows zipping by, etc.) to enhance the realism and the sense of time passing. Jim
  4. Each leaf has 4 patches. That's just enough to give it a simple, but natural shape, including a slight cupping. The stems are now just splines rendered as lines. This project definitely involves a large amount of overkill, but it has a lot of potential for spin-offs. By the time I finish this, character animation will seem like a breeze! A movie of the branch growing in the SkyCast light is only about an hour away. Stay tuned! Bill Gaylord
  5. here's the project file... good night dome.zip
  6. sorry but its late see next panel fir project 10.5 dome.mov
  7. Try a graidient change of a darktree texture from one to another using the Gradient combiner.. Not too exciting The Frog was done from Primitives on the CD .. the action is skating abit but this was to test the change and have a littlle fun If you would like the project posted let me know or I could even post a simple version or does anyone else care? johnl3d mattry.mov
  8. Hi Hashers, Spliners, Patchers : Little by little the project is going developing.... Until the last update, the city was just with the houses that would appear in the "still". On this weekend, I sweated hard to get built more houses, now, I can begin to think in the camera movement. You can find firts test camera here ( 5 sec SORENSON 987 kb ): http://paginas.terra.com.br/arte/xtaz/testset.mov IMPORTANT : COPY AND PASTE LINK IN YOUR BROWSE i tried attach it in the message but i received an error (??) look it and comment it .... cheers Xtaz
  9. Your work reminds me a lot of some really classic art. I've had a scene (background) from "Metropolis" as my desktop image for a few months... the longest I've ever kept the same image. I may have to update that one to include your imagery. When I was but a lad I dreamed of being able to make such cities... now that A:M has made it possible... I've lost some of that youthful energy and am not as inclined to dream in those same ways. Your world certainly satisfies that youthful need! Well done! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your project.
  10. Check out this thread. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5635 You can download the project file here to use with the treez plug-in. http://johnl.inform.net/pages/treeswithleaves.htm
  11. Hello again! I presented the project in class today on my PowerBook. We got an 80 on the whole project, mostly because my partners and I had not had time to rehearse. However, the "model" section got 100!!! Thanks once again to all who helped me. And I don't care about grades anyway. I went to a Waldorf school last year. No grades and no stress! Woohoo! -Zev
  12. Wade, According to you you got some answers via Greg's demo. If there is anything else we need to nail down... we can do it. A good place to continue the dicussion though might be in the New Users Forum. Unless, of course, you are gonna show us more of your project!
  13. I really love this project. Just beautiful.
  14. Hey- Meet Harriet. Good Side: V 11's hair modelling tools are quite nice, and I love the way they react to your characters motion...I'm having fun and look forward to rigging Harriet with TSM and the new CP weights... Bad Side: This model keeps crashing the renderer. On this test I was lucky to get 69 frames rendered, but it was a 150 frame chor. I set it to render overnight, usually, and come in to see A:M has crashed. Today I came in and saw it had crashed so I figured maybe I should download the latest version, 11E. So I did, and then went to open this project. Crash. So I uninstalled v11 and cleaned out the registry. Reinstalled, open proj-crash, open model-crash, import model-crash... I finally had to open the model thru v 10.5, which made me delete the hair, but I was at least able to salvage the model... so I get to start all over on styling the hair, which is OK because I need to practice, but...c'mon! Qeustion: Does anyone know if the new hair respondes to forces? I havent been able to get it to... hair_V11.mov
  15. Thank you Yves A compliment from you means a lot to me because I have immence respect your CG skills and not to mention the tremendous contribution that you have made to the AM community. The Naomi project is running behind right now because my system suffered a literal burn out - surge protector and all. This chewed up all my money for AM upgrade, and books such as Stop Steering, etc; and really sapped my ego at one point in time. Thankfully, the project was backed up, so I was able to get up and running from where I'd left off. I am still doing battle with the local shipping company to recover the cost of undelivered equipment. So a word of cheer amidst all of this, really lit me up. Over the weekend, I wil be uploading the final installation of the "joint rig" tutorial. This time on knees and elbows. The approach here is completely different to anything I've ever seen and I will love some feedback from you when it is posted. Thanks again Luv Pat
  16. OK, here goes... Life got in the way of this project for a few days, but I'm back. I modeled a basic stand-in neck and I started putting things together a few days ago and it was looking really nice, unfortunately I wasn't sequentially saving at the time and my body model got screwed up. I sent it off to hash, and they're cleaning it up right now, but until then I decided I should still model the pieces I'm missing. Pickguard: super basic stuff, used reference images to draw an outline. Extruded. Closed off. Very complicated, huh? Well here it is anyways. 56 patches. more to come soon. I hope to find a better way to model the neck than the last way I tried. I'll probably end up making it a bit simpler than it is in actuality. Zack
  17. Fixed up the original WIP and posted it with the project for download you need the free darktree simbiot plugin for the fish materials its a version 11d project johnl3d finding Nemo it isn't
  18. William, THANKS! This is great. I love the idea of all the decals on one image. That will eliminate a lot of project clutter. I have seen samples like this but didn't know how it was done. Thanks again, Jim
  19. Thanks. The problem is that I need to make the mountain part of the grid's geometry. If you have the Siggraph 2000 training tapes, look at Brian Prince's landscape tutorial. He has a grid that has been modeled into a set of cliffs. The splines are physically (?) shaped to make the cliffs. i need this because I need to model things like buildings and a tube running up the mountain. That will also allow me to do a realtime flyby for my class. Isn't there some kind of plugin for this? Here's the project. Use the above image as the displacement map. K2.prj
  20. I need to build a model of K2 for a 9th grade science project. My teacher has authorized me to build it A:M rather than papier maché. I've attached a rough image I made from a topo map. It's not the final image for the displacement map, just a stand in while I finish it. I was wondering how I can apply the displacement to the model's geometry. I need to model some stuff to top of the mountain to make it look like a national park. How can I do this? I have the latest 10.5 release under OS 9 and Beta 7 under OS X. I know I should post this in the newbies forum, but I see this as a work in progress. Thanks to anyone who can help! PS. This project is due Monday!!!
  21. I've begun building the sets for my short film project, and I thought people may be interested in having a look at how they were working out. I've posted an image to my website with an example. I'd be interested in peoples thoughts. http://www.shaunfreeman.com/cuckoo_images.htm Cheers Shaun
  22. Smudge, You've done some really great work here. Your project looks ambitious but it's obvious from your hard work so far that you can manage it. Well done. Adam
  23. Philip, Very cute! Well done. The animation is simple and direct. Two Questions: Is the character made for a professional or a personal project? Are you creating more actions/animation with him? In other words I'd like to know more about your character and what your plans for him are/were!
  24. ok, yet another portion done, I have now made 7 scenes. { PROJECT FINISHED DELET THIS THREAD } It is 22 MB and 1 minute and 27 seconds long. I wish I could make it smaller, but I just don't have the tools like divx, I am sorry. I still hope it is worth the download for everyone, 56kers I am so sorry, I will try and fix this somehow.
  25. I'm working on a QT virtual river tour that will be part of a world wide river resource website. The idea is to document your river any way you like, using QTVR. I chose the Capilano River in North Vancouver, Canada. I'm posting this here, for crits, because I have'nt yet found a good place to get crits from the VR folks. It may be inapropriate to post this here, but you people are so good about giving crits, I thought I'd give it a try. I want this to look pollished and proffesional. I would appreciate any comments you might have. Here is the link. to the tour. I did use A:M for making the map. I modelled over a DEM and added texture. If you are curious about the river project, it is here. It hasn't been publicaly launched yet, but there is a description of the project there. mouthtosource river project.
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