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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Your new one is great! I would build and inside to his mouth though.
  2. Holy Crap! You were right. I can't believe I didn't notice the patches that were backwards. Ugh!. Thanks for the help with that.
  3. Ok, I now have artifacts problems with my 5-point patches. I have tried everything I could think of. 1: redid the patches 2: Made sure Normals were correct. 3: Copy + Paste into another model. 4: Closed program, and restarted. I still get these problems. If anyone has any ideas...? Thanks for the help.
  4. Rendered this with v11 beta, because I can't seem to render wires in 10.5. I must give credit where it is do however. Although I did all the splinage myself, it's based on other's work. The upper torso splinage is based on Jeff Lew's work (Green Dude). And the hands are based on the design of Jim Talbot's (Shlitzy). I hope they don't mind me using their techniques . So here's a front and 3-4th view in wireframe.
  5. Thanks everyone for the comments. I should have part of the face posted sometime over the weekend. Thanks again.
  6. 4 hours! Does that include render time?
  7. I love that door bounce. I am really going to have to start looking into animation. I mean, I do use Animation: Master . Nice work.
  8. Nice. I want to make a character where displacement would be a large factor, but am afraid to invest the time.
  9. I agree with Roger. I would flatten and turn down the nose. It's looking great. Especially for just using the program for three weeks.
  10. I am surprised you even noticed that! Is this a pose or a running animation when you notice this. Mabe try running through frame by frame to see if a cp is pooping somewhere?... (just watched the animation and saw that it's in there). The adjustments to the head look great.
  11. For some reason it reminds me of the Sixtys. I really like it.
  12. Hey that's a nice skull. Congrats on the win. The only thing negative I could say is it seem a little flat and wide, but that could just be me .
  13. I like them both actually, but they need a slight bump and maybe some diffusion.
  14. I think that the lightning, towards it end, should be slimmer. Other than that, it's looking good to me.
  15. I was thinking about it, but as you see that's pretty predictable. I'll have to think if I am going to continue with that idea. Thanks.
  16. Here's my new WIP. I got a basic body done right now. I drew a simple sketch to get the proportions the way I wanted. He's going to be a cartoony Zorro-esque type character. I will probably be making a few more characters as well. Now, onto the head.
  17. If the alpha was made in Photoshop. Go to the Channels area by the Layers. Click on the Alpha1 and make sure that everything that you want to show up as white in the decal is black in that channel.
  18. You got a nice character going there. Can't wait to see him done.
  19. THat fish really turned out well. I can't wait to see the finished pic as well.
  20. Awesome nerrazi. No way my pc could handle that much detail. How are you going to move that guys when your done though?
  21. I think the only thing you will be able to do is to tweak nearly the entire body when doing poses for the mouth to get it looking well. I'm sorry I can't be any more help. Maybe you post a sample of a pose you tried...
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