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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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  • Interests
    cosmology, eschatology, and everything in-between.
  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    Intel Mac 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) Dual Core... 4 Gigs of Ram, blah, blah...
  • Short Term Goals
    Learn Animation Master and make it my main app.
  • Mid Term Goals
    Use AM to build models; technological and organic, to populate my graphic novel and comic book worlds.
  • Long Term Goals
    Use AM on a consistent basis, become super efficient at splines, and be able to perform what I wrote for Mid Term Goals in my sleep.
  • Self Assessment: Animation Skill
  • Self Assessment: Modeling Skill
  • Self Assessment: Rigging Skill

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Apprentice (3/10)



  1. Easily one of the coolest 3D rides ever!
  2. Check out Xtaz's tutorials. The guy is a beast.

  3. Haha! Thanks, Rodney
  4. ... why didn't my gif appear like serg2's?
  5. ... render update. Okay, so a couple of months ago, I started this thread in hopes of duplicating the style as brought forth by the creator of the awesome images found on the link in the first post. As usual, the AM family stepped in, and put me on the right track. I feel I'm pretty close ... which is going to be perfect for my comic. I have one final issue that have yet to figure out. It's a question of shadows. Light shadow. At least I think it's an issue of shadows. The turning gif (click on the second pic); is of a bug monster that was modeled in Animation: Master, then imported into Lightwave. I then rendered the bug using super cel shader with edges turned on to 1.5 percent. If you notice, there is a slight shadow on the bottom of the face; where the red meets the green, and on the edge of where the red and green meets on the abdomen (butt looking part). The still image is pure Animation: Master (first pic - side shot). The toon shader is on, and the toon lines are set to .75 ... I think, I'm on my lap top - no AM on my lap top. Here's the deal, I had to manually add the "light" shadow in the same areas on the still image in pixelmator (bootleg photoshop). I added a layer, and just drew the shadow of the areas in question ... plus on top of the legs. In order to get the near vector toon-look used by the artist from the original link, I had to use flat shading. Question, how do I get the light shadow on an image where I use the flat shade option? Is that possible? I mean for now, I can go with what I have because comic images don't move. But as I get deeper into AM, and want to do animations, I'll need the shadow effect ... plus it was pure hell flipping normals in LW after I imported the AM model into LW. AND, I'd rather do everything in AM.
  6. ... yup, that fixed it for me. Thanks, people.
  7. I've often wondered if AM could handle this type of project. Nice!
  8. Hauntingly cool.
  9. Hi,

    Thanks for the kind words. I just picked up Barry Zundels vids last week myself. Check out will suttons videos on youtube. (screename zandoria here) With all that u cant go wrong. If u see a character I made and want to tinker let me know. U can ak me anything anytime

  10. Awesome!
  11. Just wanted to drop byand say you have a great style. Looking to learn AM and build my characters for my comic from the ground up; using AM. Looking forward to viewing more of your work. And ... if you can point me to some tuts that will help me along the way, please feel free to do so.

    I currently own Barry Zundel's tutorials and I plan to start them tonight.

    Take care.

  12. This is so cool. I grew up in Richmond California ... way way back in the dream time. This guy looks like the old men who sat on the porch and in front of the corner-stores in North Richmond and on the south side. Very cool.
  13. You still working in AM or Blender?

    I'm still plugging away, using AM to rebuild my characters from my comic NETERS.


  14. Yup ... very late to the party but these tuts are absolutely fantastic!!!
  15. ... downloading now. Thanks!
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