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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Kelley

  1. That's one helluva heart! I'm in love.
  2. Nice piece. Smooth movement. Maybe all it needs is a background.
  3. Just keeps getting better and better....
  4. TRN: you were right all along. It was there...a mere sliver. The sliver was just more mere than I thought possible, and thus didn't see it. My computer guy came over today and tried several approaches. At last he set the resolution of the monirtors as high as possible so the image area took up as small an area of the screen as possible. And there was the menu...in full sight. The little bitty grey line that the red arrow is pointing to was all that was showing originally.
  5. Nice grate, but Blackjack's corners are all rounded. I think that made the difference. I too, thought of making an elongated cube and replicating them. But I don't think that's what B.D. was shooting for.
  6. Were you trying to build it as one large single piece?
  7. Here's something I was playing with in these last few weeks: On a whim, I took the 'Boneless Thom' [but used the boned version that comes with A:M] and squeezed and pulled the mesh, reshaping him into a different character. This character may look taller than Thom, but he's not. When it comes to clothing, I copied the CP's from neck to waist, and from left wrist to right. Copied, then pasted back. Using the Scale Tool, I enlarged the shell so that Thom was contained within. I extruded the collar up, the arms out, then pulled the points back to make cuffs, took the waistline CP's, pulled them down shaping the bottom of the coat. Then I went into Bones Mode and assigned all the new CP's to bones. Instant clothing. Instant fit!
  8. This is great stuff! Very impressive what you've done with so few patches. I printed out six pics and tacked them to the wall in front of me as a tutorial...each being worth a thousand words...maybe more. [i've built everything except heads. Time to change that.] Keep us updated.
  9. Well guys, I can't get it back and it's not for lack of looking. Moreover; I'm convinced that it's right there staring at me in the little floating box that says "M..." If I could only get it to open. Like I said before, if I double click on it, the space where the MENU Bar should be expands and a thin-lined box [same size as "M..."] appears and "M..." disappears. If I double-click in the thin-lined box, it brings back the "M..." window box. I'm convinced it's there, but won't display.
  10. I did that. That was the 'regedit' that I was referring to, suggested by the support guys. They told me to delete: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Hash, Inc. HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software?Hash, Inc. I deleted both, then, Un-installed through the Control Panel, and Re-installed from the disc. It asked for my name and S/N again. That's about as completely new as it gets. I think. It really is a pain in the butt not having that Menu Bar. I am about to order up a house call from my computer guy on another issue. If this doesn't settle out in the next day or so, I'm going to do a System Recovery, scrub the C:/ drive and re-install my software again. I do a complete back-up to My Documents every night.
  11. Quite so. I had an unprecedented rapid-fire exchange of messages with the Support guys. They feel that the suggestion about deleting a spurious menu or key command is the best, but other than that, they say they're out of suggestions. I think I'll just up-grade and side-step the whole issue. [maybe. After all, I did do a complete fresh re-install] Thanks for all the efforts.
  12. We may be getting closer. Last night I did create a new Key command: the 'D' key, to bring up the Distort tool bar. However, I do not see any 'Delete' key/button anywhere. Right-click does not bring it up. The Hash support folks got back to me in record time. They suggested using "regedit" to delete all Hash key registries. Which I did, then Un-Installed, and Re-Installed. Same-same. Still have the floating "M..." box. Screen captures are done by pressing the "Print Screen" button and pasting into the Paint program that comes with Windows.
  13. If there is a sliver hangin' oyt, I sure couldn't find it. And it gets better. In frustration, I did the Un-Install/Re-Install [by the book, through the Control Panel] . Therefore, I should have a clean, factory-fresh copy of v.13. When I launched it, [1] it did not ask for my S/N, and [2] when the UI came up, the MENU Bar is still gone. This is definitely odd. When I double-click [as opposed to right-click] in the menu area, I can get a small window appearing with an "M.."in it. [see bottom half of attached pic. Could this stand for "MENU"?] I cannot get this window box to expand out. If I double-click in the "M...box" the iconic toolbars at the top move down and a hairlined box appears above them...where the MENU Bar should be. [see top part of attached] If I double-click anywhere in there, it bounces back to the tiny floating window. I sent a copy of this to the Support guys at Hash FOOTNOTE EDIT: When I right-click to TOOLBARS there's a MENU Bar at the top of the list, and another at the bottom. If I un-select the check box at the bottom, the MENU Bar space area [in the UI] collapses and just leaves the icon toolbars. The one at the top of the list will not let me un-select it at all.
  14. Something strange must have happened. The HELP button will not respond, nor will RESET. In addition, I cannot uncheck MENU bar in the list. I suspect [unless someone comes up with a great idea] that I'm going to have to do a fresh re-install of A:M.
  15. Almost. I checked the MENU box, and clicked OK...and it didn't come back.
  16. Last night, in the course of some quick, careless mouse-clicking, I blew off the main toolbar...the one with FILE>Open, and EDIT>Paste With Bones, VIEW, etc. I still have the iconic tools, but...can someone point the way back? Thanks.
  17. ...but what you've got is mighty fine. Keep on it.
  18. I get the flock installed, and contained within its sphere, but as soon as I advance the scrubber, even by a frame or two, the flock begins to disperse widely. How to keep them contained within the sphere. And...can the sphere be constrained to a path? Thanks...
  19. Y' got me convinced. I love it.
  20. Very nice! It's a pleasing surprise to see the country not in the standard north/south orientation. A very good graphic.
  21. Outstanding! Thanks much. I'll get started.
  22. I've been watching ZignTrack unfold. Never thought it would happen so fast. I have it downloaded...[payment to come, Luuk] But I am as clueless as they come about BVH files. Can some one point me to a tutorial on using them with A:M? Thanks.
  23. John: I thought your 'untie' was just fine. I spent years dealing with fussy twits like your Art Director. Tell him that his solution will be hellishly expensive. If that cools him out [as it so often does] well and good. If not, well, you'll just have to spend the money.
  24. In that case, you're right on the money!
  25. Really nice piece of work, but shouldn't the scuba tank disappear into the water?
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