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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Can we get Nancy plant and other model available on SVN ?





    Nancy are you able to upload to SVN ?

    if not ,you can sen it to me, I'll take care of it

    so every body will be able to get it.



  2. Hey Ed,


    I've updated the size of the props...puzzle chair , puzzle table and chessboard.


    data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Tin Castle\Throneroom Chess



    *The chessboard need serious revision...the mesh seem heavy...

    Are we sure about the chess pieces ? they should be small TWO character ?


    I would like to be breif about that.




    I think now you can start using the set for you animation work .

    The props would be improve but their shape and size should remain.


    ...exept for the chessboard, until we got more info on it


    keep me posted if you need something else





  3. Well

    forget what I've said in my previous post about using an empty .mdl as base for assembly action.


    This have no sense since when you start by importing an action , it doesn't import the model that action is apply to ! ?

    but it import every .mdl used as action object .


    So I've kept the bedroom proxie(Scarecrow Bedroom-Proxy.mdl)

    as the model base to receive the action (Scarecrow Bedroom Set Dressing).


    I've updated the scarecrow proxie set,

    Scale/proportion are now ok, new door , window , arche setup etc.


    I've move every model used into the proxie folder...since those are proxie,

    For final set modeling use the bedroom final dir...

    *Work on copy if you have to use proxie .mdl , don't make link from final to proxie...


    Paul , I don't know why but the (column .mdl ) used in the bedroom was located into the throne room directory ? ....please avoid that , I've relocated it ...and change its files names...


    Put every files in their respective folder, we drive this work set by set

    So even if you use a column of the throne room , use a copy and move this copy into your own directory.




    *NB: keep the files name short , "bedroom-column.mdl" is precise enough ;)







  4. I am NOT sure about scale at all. Literally just whipped this thing up. I'd be more comfortable if a modeler took a look at it.


    Al: I think I successfully deleted that folder.


    Ok thanks Paul


    Wait until I've checked the bedroom size and proportion...

    it look like it's too small...I'll make an update on this soon.


    Also we should use an empty .mdl with the "assembly" action.

    cause we don't know which .mdl is used

    ...like for your bedroom, the pillar and arch are placed in action but this action is use with which model ?? the proxie one ?, that's what I've understand after a couple of hesitation. ;)

    So to avoid further confusion, I'll create a "bedroom.mdl" model ( empty ) to use with the action now.


    *It should go the same for the other set but some are already done since a while so we 'll keep them as they are...no problemo




  5. Still no luck, I've tried at work and at home, IE and Firefox. Under IE I get a bunch of X's. Any chance you could just post the pictures here? Thanks.




    Hi Kevin


    Those sketches are just inspiration...base your work on the animatics.

    and use Rodger's pillar and other castle element in your contruction(**work from copy )

    so we keep the general design and style overall the castle.






  6. Hi


    Nice poster Will !




    About the SVN castle files.

    I've put a picture to show you what I mean about regrouping all outside castle files.





    About the rock cliff etc.


    I think Ken show some good point...

    Plus It should evoke him his old country ! Irland ?

    So we can count on his direct experiences of the land ! ;)


    I agree with Ken , the nature in front of the castle is a bit busy ...


    But with the scale/dimension of the castle...the composition of the nature around

    must be very large...

    I mean a tree alone would be pratically invisible as you got a full view of the castle...


    So I understand that you'll need large element to cover up that piece of land.

    and rock cliff are good for that...


    You know better what you want to do there...maybe you have in mind some trees setup

    or other element to go with that so...

    Nevertheless my opinion on this picture go on Ken's side.




    ***To keep in mind... in your composition:


    -The camera point of view

    -The scale of the scene (how much detailed we need things to be)

    -The general texture and color blend

    (the rock cliff will be less or more visible based on their color relatively to their environment)

    -The complexity and intricacy of the nature setup.

    (to be sure it won't become a nightmare to handle and render )




    We should get a couple of rockcliff /tree setup to be used in layers animation in this scene.

    first and secondary plan as the camera move in to the castle....

    So a separate piece of land can be usefull to get those render ?




    hope this help

    Good work again




  7. I see you corrected my name, I was wondering who this Steve guy was and how he stole my username... :blink:


    Anyway, looking forward to getting started this weekend. One problem though, I can't seem to find your sketches. I've looked through the twiki and can't seem to find them anywhere. I don't have the wiki login and browsing the public area comes up empty on the castle set design page. Any ideas?




    Hi Kevin, I know, there is lot of name and nick name around here ! hehehe


    Have you try this link ?

    my corridor sketches is at the bottom of that page.





  8. Hi Jody


    I've added an empty directory on SVN


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\final castle\Outside Castle


    If you regroup all your files of the outside castle into that dir ? would it be a good idea ?

    Would it look cleaner ?...cause since there is more final set dir. there, the outside castle should get his own too ?


    If you agree with that, I'll let you do the move, I don't want to mess unnecessarily with your files.




    Btw how it goes with the set ? need help?

    Franks Silas achieve some good tree w.i.p. ... you can look at it...


    What is your schedule presently ? have some news ?

    just to keep us posted






  9. Well the bed just has to be made of bails of straw with the servant fussing over the mess it makes.


    PS If you're doing Tinmans bedroom, there's a bed made for him which I have. It was made by Rick Bleile.


    Do you have more stuff to model ? If so, let me know. Now that the sketches of the bedroom have been posted, I can finish that, but it sounds like, from the thread, that there is some indecision in whether the bedroom may even be used in the movie. Let me know.......




    Hi Rick


    Stian offer to make the scarecrow bed and bedside table, with a rake ...next week.

    So those models are in good hands but if you wish, you can handle the bedroom final set

    ...I mean been in charge of it , I will help you as necessary...


    If you're willing to, here some info to start you up

    Base your work on Paul's proxie set...to fit with proportion and scale.


    Poste your work in SVN :


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\final castle\Scarecrow Bedroom


    and keep us posted on this thread




    *** Paul , I've moved your bedroom directory with the other castle final set dir ...

    I've put the proxie directory inside the bedroom final dir...hope it won't bug you too much at this time.


    (We keep the older proxie in the castle root dir cause we don't want to mess with blocking anim, but yet the new proxie are placed with their respective set dir.)




    Paul, I can't delete the old folder???

    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\Scarecrow Bedroom

    Can you give a try ? it's empty now ...if you can't delete it , change it's name to something else(unused)



    BTW Paul are you sure of the proxie scale and proportion ? So we can base final modeling on it ?



    Thanks :)


  10. Hi


    Kevin (cosmonaut) will take the corridor set in hand.

    Here is the thread for the corridor set

    Everyone who is willing to help is welcome to show up here.


    Thanks to Kevin!


    So to start you up,

    I've created some directories on SVN


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\final castle\Corridor


    Put your files there.

    I've also create two sub-directory : proxie and ressource


    proxie dir have a .mdl of the corridor proxie, I've extracted it from Bob's general castle proxie


    ressource dir have a copy of Rodger pillar and arch...

    so you can adapt it in your corridor assembly.


    BTW look how Rodger's throne room is built into an action files, using action object.

    This should be the way to go for your set too.


    Your welcome to invite any friend of your to help in modeling.

    there is some sketches available for the corridor somewhere on the wiki site???




    Thanks :)


  11. I've been purposely putting off framing and blocking any Scarecrow shots until this is resolved. I trust Alain to approve whatever works best and I'll work with that.


    *edit* I have absolutely no problem with working with proxies instead of the final models. I do have a problem with using proxies that are nothing like the final set.


    Hi Ed,

    I will do some posing with Stian's prop and Scarecrow...to fix the proportion and details.

    And I'll be back here to show the result asap.

    So you would be able to use the set in your work as we going further with modeling details.







    In between you can look at this sketche...it give an idea of the scene with the chess,table,stool prop.




  12. Who is Kevin Waldron ?

    cosmonaut (Hair specialist, programmer, modeler extradinaire. Kevin is one of the major assets of the A:M community - like you, Alain.)



    haa ! yes of course cosmonaut !...with all those nickname I was lost in space...hehe !



  13. Kevin Waldron said he'd look at doing the straw chair. HOWEVER, I notice that Stian has already modeled a stool and table (with puzzle pieces). So, I'll leave it up to Alian to decide whether we want to pursue a straw chair or just go with Stian's models? Since Ed is animating this sequence, he should chime in here too.


    Hi Martin


    Stian's model is :

    a table ,a stool(similar to the table, image) and the chess board,

    we got a stool for woot, and a tin throne...


    I haven't seen anywhere a specific scarecrow chair... ?

    I was under the impression that a specific throne_chair was necessary for Scarecrow...

    ...don't know why ??


    For sure, It would be easier to use Stian's stool model since we don't have a finished straw chair.


    On Ed side , it should not be a problem , he should use proxie...

    (but he would appreciate to work with the final one;))


    So let say we go with Stian's model... we'll see how it work and update later if necessary.



    Who is Kevin Waldron ?

    ... we always looking for modeler...maybe he can handle the corridor set ?

    This set is use before the throne room ...it should be needed soon


    keep me posted on this and if there's other issue






  14. Hi

    Great trees Frank! really!


    I wondering the trees have a leafy profile/shape but got thorny leaf ?

    the trunk is straight like on thorny trees but the overall tree shape isn't the usual triangle profile.

    so I'm a bit confuse about the species of those trees.


    Note that the modeler can re-shape your models to get the species they want...


    BTW If someone would give a try in that direction...so we can pick a couple of species into SVN .

    it would be very helpfull ...

    ( distorted trunk pine tree , straight grand sequoia, spruce, straight trunk white pine etc etc)


    ok bye


  15. Hi


    Steve, please go ahead with any giant plant. :)

    ...just one thing , use the tree/nature thread so we won't search you about that.





    Rodney, haven't you seen the animatics ?

    ...Act 2 scene 1 is a wake up scene with a crazy rooster...


    For the fact that the character talk about their need to sleep

    If it's still exist, it should be replace by another dialogue...

    I refere here about the scene at the loonville cross road.

    You should clear this issue with Martin...


    For us (in modeling dept), it's not a problem and we go further with the animatics.





  16. ***

    In my bedroom sketches the roof is a bit low,

    We can easily double the height of the room...

    keep the window at the same level from the floor

    but the window and the door height can be ...doubled


    It's better suited for a castle style





  17. Hi Paul


    As promise, some sketches for the bedroom...

    I've take a rustic country style for the scarecrow but you can adapt it as you wish.

    Those are only suggestion...


    *** Note ***

    You can use the pillars of the throne room ( use a copy)

    and build the bedroom in an action (using action object)...


    Maybe, it would be better, at this time , to start with bedroom proxie ?

    I've include a plan to help




    We should use this thread to talk about the bedroom set...

    (I say that cause there is two other running on that )


    Stian you're very welcome ...just choose what you want to do.

    Some of your prop should be used in tinman bedroom...with some tin klinklin add here and there ;)


    About the tin bed...look good but maybe the feet side should be lower...to keep a direct view

    for camera shot ?.. maybe another matress on top of the other would help...make it higher ?




    PS : extra sketches of the garden door..

    if someone want to broke his theets on some giant plants, it would be cool and usefull

    (put bone on it so we can pose it.)


    Thanks ;)






  18. Hi Chris and Eric


    I've just uploaded a SVN directory for your Nimmie house :


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Nimmie_house


    Inside this dir , I've put three others where you should put your final set work.

    Also a proxie folder for any proxie set you got in hand.


    ****BTW ***

    Are you aware how the throne-room set is assembled into an action file ?

    if not look at it... every models is assembled in an action files using action object.


    You should build your final set like this ...so updating models/props will be managed securely as animator team would work with it.

    A good way to update nature/props (tree) ...and to allow more people to work on set details.


    You start with an empty model as base...set an action to it, and include all the set models/props as action object in that action...be sure all model and file are saved outside (no embed)


    ***Warning ***

    Once done and uploaded to SVN, you must no more change the base_models and the action NAME

    Since those would be used by other in their work.


    Hope this is clear enough... for SVN upload/download procedure and password , see the wiki info .





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