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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Hi Will


    Marlin studio material doesn't work with me...

    I've loaded the image like you've mentioned upper...still not work


    What is this .atx file ? , where can I get it ? and what I should do with it ?




  2. Jody,

    I've just look at the latest cho.


    just a comment:

    Maybe you can regroup model into "castle" and "nature" object folder ?


    I mean into AM not SVN of course !

    Same thing into the choreo ?


    So when animators will load a final cho all objects will be in order, in the object module and in the choreography.


    do you copy ?




  3. Chandeliers! Is there someone working on them?


    I don't think so , and there is still the corridor and the garden where you can use your talent.

    Jody have you any plan of doing corridor and garden yet ?



  4. Do as you wish Rodger, I prefer an unified style than a puzzle of everybody idea.


    If you need help

    Full of Neuschwanstein castle references and inspiration here


    general Neuschwanstein Castle: oustside view





    stairway reverse view:








    Castle door




    outside nature view




    a funny paper-toy project ?





  5. Just a uick look at a fence Im working on, if its not the look wanted just let me know, I can start on something different........

    Im no judge, I dont fully like anything I model....LOL





    Good work Micheal

    I like the style you choose...

    This fence would be nice for a distant use...


    I would call it "low rez"

    We should need a "medium rez" and a "high rez"


    You can work on one section only if you wish (for the medium and high version).

    So guys will be able to duplicate as they need ....around a house, nearby the road, or in front of a camera view.


    The high rez... would need nice textured details like wood bark, green froth(? foam?) lichen on top etc.

    BTW Will's suggest are pertinent , keep it in mind

    if you can cut repetitive pattern for the low rez , it would be better.





    If some modelers wants made props, I need a puit, a lantern to hang it on a house, and some tools for farmer (fork, rate, etc...)




    I remember someone has work on a well ? who is he ?

    Stian got props on the SVN /props ...a bucket, you propably looks there already


    ...So modelers you got some props to do ! :)



    For uploading files with SVN

    For me I order thing into my local SVN directory, create folder and put model where I want to, delete useless etc.

    After I open V13 and in the community, TWo tab, I push the send button.

    a window prompt with login and password

    after another window come with all the modified files and directory on my local SVN, with check box to choose which files to upload

    ...I made my choices and click send or ok???... that's it.


    hope it's as easy for you




  7. But those panes of glass would still be enormous. I like Rodger's idea of breaking it into smaller panes.


    Well , It's a point of view Will , but I don't agree with the larger glasses impossibility argument .

    it's based on the reality and we are in a magical world so large glass can exist, not a problem for me.


    I like a large open view to the outside , but this is my upinion...I'll let Rodger and Jody decide together on this secondary aspect of their work...


    If they choose to go on with the small panes design , I would see something else than square panes, maybe some Japanese design or Irish interlaced ?





    The problem with putting any 'Tin' on the outside of the castle would be the same problem with the Tin Woodsman himself... RUST. So I think, at least for the outside, it should be other metals. Otherwise, there would be TONS of maintenance to keep all that metal clean and oiled.



    This is not a problem Jody... they use some magical tin...remember that tin woodman is made of tin so

    if it's not magical tin ?

    ...maybe they use nanobot ?

    (Like those used in "the bunker" fortress in the Jodorowsky's : Caste of Meta-Baron comic book ) ;)


    We would start a search for the outside castle main texture...people are welcome to submit sample here.

    make a simple panel with the suggested texture... So we can test them on a castle render.


    What do you think o f this idea ?



  9. the window treatment shown is close to what I was going to do in the throne room with flat planes of clear glass in the lower sections and stained glass in the upper section.



    I would suggest to keep the bottom window clean...

    It open large to the exterior... giving a majestic view


    see the picture


    Al B)


  10. Fab,

    You'll have nice props available soon.

    A wagon wheele and a wood barrel.


    As soon as Eric 2575 will be able to upload it to SVN ;)


    People who have some props for the Winkee-village , please update the SVN

    Shared Data\Models\Props\Winkiville

    You can put your stuff on a folder with your name if you wish so we can trace you back easily

    Or you can post a link here and we'll take care of it


    Fab you can make a call here for any props you wish to include.





  11. I think those two.... harshly--I think it looks great!]


    -Your comments and suggest are always welcome William !

    I think you got some good point on your last message.


    -I agree about the pillar on the main building


    -The drawbridge tower size look fine to me, but it can be smaller

    -can we see it without the arch in between ? just to have and idea...


    -I agree with the doorway on those towers... but with some guardmens statue

    ...bigger than character size ? or something else but we should not add new characters.

    a statue seem a good idea ? maybe some Oz legendary character ?


    -About the big window, it should be split as the one Rodger did at the back of the throne room

    Adding inside arch to split it in smaller part...but not with a decal ,in mesh it will look better

    I would see some stained glass design in the top parts, those would be decal


    -Paul got a good point too when he said "tin and wood"


    -I'm also for the tin flamingo...hehehe ! funny stuff,

    we can add some tin flamingo statue on some corner ?

    maybe on the main door ...kind of armourie crest?(not sure of the term ?) with flamigo,axe,flag etc.

    What do you thing? if someone want to work on armouries ... let us know here

    we would find some place to put it.

    Other ornament are welcome...in the throne room , there will be big tapestry and painting on the side wall displaying tinwoodman story.


    Jody you can put some tin texture, with reflection as you wish ...

    Thanks for the SVN update and clean up

    Have you think of something for the main material ? what about a stone block texture ?

    and about nature:

    I like the rock you put , it should have more.

    Maybe some tree or plant well placed on the castle will look great too !


    I my mind SVN was working only with V13 ?


    Nice work Rodger ! Have you think about a design incrustrated on the floor?, as the sun in my sketches ?


    it was my comments ;)


  12. Al,


    10-4 good buddy... (I used to be on the CB regularly years ago :D )


    hehehe I was sure , cause of the alpha,bravo,charlie name you use...or maybe you was a pilot, was my second guess .


    I will organize the folders as you request on my way to work and commit my SVN from there. I can also move the proxies to a proxie folder. The only thing that will happen there is when a project is opened and it can't find the file, it will prompt you for the location.


    Unfortunately, I think most of the shot choreographies have the models embedded. :blink::huh:



    I could go through and break out the models from the blocked shot choreographies, but I'd have to coordinate with animators to not work on them for a day so I could get it done and update the SVN.


    well , if they really embed proxie into their blocking cho , we can re-order the proxie models in SVN without problem !

    If not , I would be better to wait for now, keeping proxie that way and ask them to make the clean ?




    That should read....as is the arm position. So the arm and materials can easily be altered.


    I've no problem with anyone developing the chair further. It's on the SVN. I'm just sick of the sight of it. ;)




    Ok Ken , we'll see this details later anyway...



  13. Alain: It's bump mapped. It looks OK close up and I don't think I could model such intricity. The materials are slapped in there so easily changed. As is the are positiion.



    Thanks Ken,

    What about the arm and color ?


    The throne chair will be seen from near and for some time...so I would

    like it to be kind of "high rez" !

    ... I'm not asking about small engraving but only the main sculpted form.

    those ornements are symetrical so


    Map would be great for secondary chair, seen from some distance


    Ken it's no offence if you consider it done.;)

    Do you mind if someone else give a try ?


    Nice work anyway



  14. Hey Jody ! cool stuff


    it was my suggest !

    ... be sure the drawbridge can get up...the towers seem to near ...and a bit big too.


    About the SVN If you don't mind :


    Put everything into the final castle folder, model , cho etc.

    trash useless model files that are outside the final castle folder...

    create other folder for throne_room , garden etc . if you wish

    create a tin image folder as necessary

    but all inside final castle folder

    it's quite a mess there ! ;)



    Also about proxies

    Can we put all castle proxie into a proxie folder ?

    Is this would messup with animator project files ?

    Have they embeded the proxie into their blocking project ?or just linked them?

    ( I'm asking that one to anim-director , if there's any listening ? ;)


    Anyway, for our part, we'll try to keep thing in order into final folder...


    Jody do you copy ? (CB term ! )






    PS: Jody, I've see 4 shingles model, have you plan to use just one (shortcut) on the final cho ?

    Have you do the split models step ? and rebuilt as shortcut on the final cho ?

    or everything is still in one model at this time ?



    I think the forward drawbridge towers .... and push it to an even higher level.


    I agree with Will



    PS2: enough yellow little guys ?

  15. Nice Work Ken


    Couple suggest here


    1-Can you made it of tin ? not gold /Copper more silver/ tin

    2-About the ornements, have you done it in mesh or displacement /bump maps?

    It would be better for the throne to get it done all in mesh...for closer view

    3-the arm of the chair should be place more outward...look at the attachment





  16. David said

    Many of you will start getting allocated random Props to texture. Rather than asking for volunteers, martin has suggested making Random Allocations - so I have done so.


    Ken said

      I just got allocated the Drawbridge. No problem. But there are 3 of them on the svn. One is the whole door scene, another is just the bridge with chains and the third is the bridge with chains again....but it looks different.

    Are any of these final? If so, which ones?



    Well, if you talk about the drawbridge of the tin castle

    maybe you should wait for some kind of "go" from art direction first ?;)

    In my concern there is no "go " to start texturing on final stuff coming from the castle or from the winkee-village right now ? it's still in progress , models can change...

    So be carefull with what you'll find on the SVN...it's not mean finish cause it's on SVN.


    Be careful too with the respect due to modeler's work here !

    Cause I've asked final set modeler to put some texturing on their work as they wish .

    I think some modeler are very skilled on texture too, and perhaps they have some idea and view about texture on their work.


    ...IMHO , We should ask them first , or let them the opportunity to start...


    In my mind, texture specialist would come after to tweak, refine, unify, solve problem in a secon step.


    Is there a run for darktree texturing or what ? ;) hehehe!

    Serioulsly, I'm not following all thread religiously so I'm a bit surprise of that one...;)


    Just a reminder...do as you wish of course


    PS:I won't answer question about castle/W-Village files on this thread



  17. Opinions needed


    Should the lean-to wall be solind, as above, or see through as here?


    I can't tell from the sketch




    Nice work Chris !


    Personnaly , I prefere it open...it show more of the house window.


    that way, you may put some cutted wood on it ...and a block with an axe in the front.

    ...or something else


    I like the way you use Bob's sketches for proxie tree...good idea




  18. yes you can use hair or other effect.


    We will do some render test...

    ...to see how it look with light and shadow...

    Also to be sure about bad "twinkling " effect when rendering from a distant point of view.


    Maybe you should keep a replacement solution when you use hair ... just in case


    we'll probably use hair in the trees so , it should be ok anyway.


    keep up with the good work



  19. I'm going to try incorporating the shape of a classic oil can. I think that would be a fairly iconic shape to people made of tin. :)


    good idea ! and nice work


    a note about it...

    In my sketches and it's not evident , there's a corridor at the back of the room

    at least for the first level ...see the arrows on the attached picture.

    It's not a closed room ... you see what I mean ?







  20. Forgot to mention there are fences that also use stacked field stone as the posts and split cedar (usually) for the rails, looks really nice and rustic too.




    Yeah, this would be nice !


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