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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Hi

    Nancy Gormezano files are available at


    ...data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Miscellaneous\Nancy_models



    moved from :...\data\Act1\Shared Data\Models





  2. Hi


    From the final set modeling point of view,

    We work only on model in the root shared data...it's already complex enough that way.


    We assume that animators will pick up their need from there

    and update their project as we update set and related files there.


    After that, if they want to copy their set files to a specific animation directory,

    it's free to them...I don't see the purpose but we'll not update those directory...

    the animator should be the one responsible for updating the files they use.



    I'll try to move those Nancy files into shared data /prop/nancy stuff.


    Do I have to ok to do this ?







    Ok Nancy's files are now moved to :


    ...data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Miscellaneous\Nancy_models





    "Nancy_stuff" is too specific, and they're only used in Act I, but in Sequences 3 & 5, so they go in "Act I/shared data".


    ...Well it's cause , I use to update my local SVN from the root shared data dir only and keep the Act area for later... it look faster...


    If all Nancy's files are use in different set like in the throne room or in the garden ...those set are not located in the Act1/shared data ? so... I was under impression that we should keep model into modeling area ?

    But I think modeler can just pick up what they need from there and include it to their different castle set...

    So seen that way, Nancy models location is not very important after all ...but huh hep ho..

    ..anyway hehehe !



    BTW I'm asking, is the final-set will be relocated into their respective "Act" directory once finished ? or?

    this idea seem a bit odd to me at first tought but...I'll appreciate some light about this ?


    ....eh! oh! eeh! he he hee shoooot ...HE SCOOOOOOOOORE!!!!

    ...sorry ...watching TV...NHL




  4. alweb upload Steve plants:now V13 data
















    texture maps:

    Props/Trees/Steve_plants/texture maps

    Props/Trees/Steve_plants/texture maps/bigleaf.tga

    Props/Trees/Steve_plants/texture maps/leaf.tga

    Props/Trees/Steve_plants/texture maps/pumpkinleaf.tga

    Props/Trees/Steve_plants/texture maps/tomatoleaf.tga




  5. Hi Marcos,


    For the wiki website, where you'll find information about hoew to setup the SVN etc.

    try this link :






    About SVN, you'll need to download a freeware named; turtoise and have AM v13.

    the full project download is quite big but you can choose which part you want in the AM option panel.












  6. Hi,

    So to help Kevin with this set Marcos(nickname xtaz) generously offer his help.

    So welcome to Marcos !



    Marcos see with Kevin the details of his schedule and procedure.

    You can ask any additional question you might have here...


    thanks and welcome again


  7. Hi


    I start this topic, to diffuse latest information about the upload on SVN.

    you can use it to put your upload infos and question about that


    I've just upload Stian's latest props.

    here the list and where to find them on SVN.

    I've try to put them at their right place, hope it'll be ok


    new directory:

    data/Shared Data/Models/Actors/Tinwoodsman/tinwoodsman_prop

    data/Shared Data/Models/Props/Ku-Klip_Workshop

    data/Shared Data/Models/Props/Yoops_castle

    data/Shared Data/Models/Props/Yoops_castle/Textures

    data/Shared Data/Models/Set_chors/Tinmans Castle/final castle/Sacrecrow_bedroom/bedroom_prop


    new materials:

    Materials/Miscellaneous/box material.mat


    Materials/Miscellaneous/Gray Metal.mat


    texture map:



    new stian props:


    Props/Ku-Klip_Workshop/High Wheeler.mdl

    Props/Water Bucket.mdl


    Props/Yoops_castle/Box Prison.mdl







  8. All these suggestions are good...

    I like the idea of some rock / island as Rodney suggest.

    The landscape look fine to me.


    Nice work to date ! I'm confident that Jody will do for the best.

    So I said go ahead with what you got in mind .

    ... Everybody of course are encouraged to give their idea and suggest at any time.

    Jody , you can choose which are good and needed , take the best of it , not necessarily all of them...;)


    I think we should begin to look for some nice final render from it soon .

    We should keep the focus on finalizing that set so we can pass to the texture and light step ...

    It still time to add more refinement and details later on.




    Jody , have you think about the SVN outside castle folder I've suggested upper ?







  9. All this look fine Jody!


    When you copy/ paste lot of time , you copy color group and other stuff ,

    this would increase files weight and complexity...

    Also I've often notice that , on complex model , putting bone give a boost to computer response.

    it does a kind of split in patches complexity, re-order thing .. I don't know ?


    A good attitude from you to keep this aspect in mind in your work, it prove that you're a pro ! ;)


    BTW, I've answer to your post about the castle garden...


    keep me posted on this topic

    And thanks for the latest infos




  10. Nice stuff Steve!


    If you can upload your files to SVN, put them in that dir.


    data\Shared Data\Models\Props\Trees\Steve_plants


    if not , you can zip and post them here... I'll upload them for you



    BTW, you had a good idea to add a basic bone setup to your props so we can pose them easily





  11. You're right Paul !

    We should get a cloth simulation on the blanket...


    but until that , just to pose the thing , maybe a couple of bone won't hurt ?

    nothing final or complex , just to help posing ...


    I'll let Stian do as he wish about that



  12. Well, Kevin


    Look at the block animation done or to the animatics to get an idea of how it should copy the proxie.


    I would say copy the proxie in size and proportion...

    use castle element developed for the throne room, scale,colomn,arch etc.

    and use sketches to add props , details etc.


    Build the setup in an action if you can , using action object .

    so we should be able to update element quickly later...

    *** no link to throne room part, or work on the original throne room parts , use copy in your own SVN dir.




  13. Next up is scarecrows bed:


    Nice model Stian !


    Here some suggest.

    Can you make it look more "used" ?


    - all the plank older, not so tight... a bit curved

    ( to help figure it out, keep in mind that scarecrow would had made it himself )

    -the mastress more bulge ? bombed ?

    -add a tick blanket or a second mastress so he can sleep in between

    -make the pillow splat like somebody have sleep on it

    -add some straw blade coming out from inside


    -If you can ,add bones to control some part like:

    the blanket crease and fold

    the mastress to fake weight in the middle ??

    some squash pose slider for pillow ?


    Great work again !




  14. Unless something changed in the last 24 hours, the garden is between the front gate and the central tower of the Tin Woodsman's Castle.


    I will be uploading the latest final set later this week as I still have some tower refinements to complete.


    I would love to work will William Sutton on the garden part since it is in the same set. (Exterior Castle)


    Hi Jody,

    I've just get this mail , so the garden is your if you wish.

    If William is willing to help you , it's just great !



    Here some help and ressources:


    We got Steve (smwolke) ,who work on plants for the garden





    here a sketche of the garden door , from the castle:






    We should include some Nancy's style element in the garden

    Once her ressources files will be uploaded to SVN , you should look at it and adapt

    the models ,texture and style to the garden...




    IMO , The overall castle setup ,(outside castle) should not include the garden

    if you can extract the garden from the castle outside setup,

    It should be nice to get the real proportion...


    I would like to get the garden in its own directory:


    data\Shared Data\Models\Set_chors\Tinmans Castle\final castle\Garden



    Start a new thread in the set forum : castle garden...


    see you there later



    Thanks and keep us posted!


  15. Superb Rodger !


    About the carpet... I don't know but IMO it would not change anything

    if the feet of character are a bit lower than the carpet , it would

    just look natural cause of the weight.


    But Ed would answer that better.


    About tin wall, it's a good idea...



  16. Hi Ed,

    Yes , I've see the sequence...

    quite some good shot there ! :)


    As we have discussed (upper this thread)there is no more Scarecrow throne, he will use the stool with the table...this should not change much stuff...just replace the throne for the chair/stool.

    let me know if there is a problem with that...


    For the chess pieces...like I've said , it need serious revision...


    Glad to see that you're dealing with this issue on a specific thread...

    see you there about that topic




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